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Smartly Pretty

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Everything posted by Smartly Pretty

  1. Smartly Pretty

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Hey, now. What's wrong with Greenberg and Golic?
  2. Smartly Pretty

    Bad Covers

    Every cover that wasn't institutionalized in that one tony hawk game (though even that wasn't great)
  3. Smartly Pretty

    The return of the MS paint comic!

  4. Smartly Pretty

    The return of the MS paint comic!

  5. Smartly Pretty

    Blasts from the Past

    you guys are a bit older than me, but Beetleborgs was a daily staple for me.
  6. Smartly Pretty

    McDonalds new Southwest Burger...

    Drea, I'm pretty sure Chik-Fil-A is all over the place. Zaxby's is pretty much exclusively southeastern us, but we had a chik-fil-a at the mall when I lived in new jersey.
  7. Smartly Pretty

    The eList

    I'm getting the distinct feeling that you have no friends.
  8. Smartly Pretty

    Skull Radio~!

    I think I'm going to call in to this show next whenevever you do it. what's a good time to call?
  9. Smartly Pretty

    PROMO: "Kill One to Warn A Hundred"

    the response you were planning on getting since your return.
  10. Smartly Pretty

    6/16 Storm Comments

    oh...turns out I just never added you to my new aim. ...I mean, uh, it was...broken
  11. Smartly Pretty

    The eList

    Drea is my favorite person. At least in this thread, right now.
  12. Smartly Pretty

    6/16 Storm Comments

    Speaking of Sly (we were talking about Sly right?), why the fuck aren't you on aim anymore?
  13. Smartly Pretty

    Cavemen are stupid.

    Raynor's writing matches again? Go you.
  14. Smartly Pretty

    Teachers that got fired

    Our photograqphy teacher is being fired at the end of this school year (tomorrow) for just being a general bitch to everyone. Students, other teachers, administration. She tried to stage a sit in for herself, putting up posters all over the school. four kids showed up.
  15. Smartly Pretty

    Storm Chomments

    ...it would?
  16. Smartly Pretty

    Storm Chomments

    "don't smother your kids" is from Scrubs. Yay! Go Scrubs! You know, I don't miss this as much as I'd like to tell you guys I do. Though I miss the 4 am skype conversations where raynor asks JJ to book his show. those I miss.
  17. Smartly Pretty

    SNL Review

    I'm perfectly fine with a near lethal dosage of Andy Samberg.
  18. Smartly Pretty

    Pictures I Like

  19. Smartly Pretty

    Which skipper gets the boot first? '07 Edition

    http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/6702882 it's GOTTA be Manuel now
  20. Smartly Pretty

    Albums Listened to Today

    Listened to The White Stripes "De Stijl" last night, around 3 in the morning, so I guess it counts as today. Really good opening couple songs, You're Pretty Good Looking and Hello Operator, it kind of trails off though. "I'm Bound to Pack it Up, A Boy's Best Friend" and "Sister do you know my name" aren't really good, like at all, but then it picks back up again. I liked it a lot, excluding those three tracks.
  21. Smartly Pretty

    The road to the Stanley Cup begins.

    As a former resident of New Jersey, I can tell you that what Devils fans lack in mass, they compensate with being annoying as fuck.
  22. Smartly Pretty

    Anyone in the Melbourne, FL area?

    I looked into the northern Florida area as a place to move. The economy is good, many job opportunities and living expenses are lower there than most. But, Florida weather is the fucking worst, at least to me. I'd rather live in Minnesota. You don't want to live in northern Florida. Trust me.
  23. Smartly Pretty


    AFI-Miseria Cantare
  24. Smartly Pretty

    The road to the Stanley Cup begins.

    I'd call three months with a gaa under two a pretty lengthy stretch. Lundqvist deserves to be a Vezina finalist.
  25. Smartly Pretty

    The road to the Stanley Cup begins.

    Not a chance. Lundqvist was the best goalie in the leauge in the 2nd half of the year.