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Everything posted by randomguy

  1. randomguy

    The Miz Is Coming To Smackdown

    He will bomb. Nobody in their right mind can take this guy seriously. He is a D-rate reality "star" from MTV mostly known for getting drunk and being an arrogant ass even though he isn't athletic enough to climb a rope. (Complete with giant knots tied in it) Can anyone here see the Miz beating any real wrestler? Miz over Benoit! Book it! Purely as a dopey comedy act he might be all right. Anything more than that - no way.
  2. randomguy

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Yeah the next two weeks look crazy. The Strike Team is getting so sloppy now. Vic came running to Aceveda just like Kavanaugh said he would, and the whole thing with the money has serious potential to bite them in the ass if Claudette and Dutch keep following up on dump job case. At the same time Kavanaugh has a lot of enemies who will turn on him the second they can, including Aceveda.
  3. randomguy

    Is baseball really a joke nationally?

    For all the talk of NFL competitiveness it doesn't look all that competitive to me. Any team can win? How about those Cardinals? Texans? Lions? Remember when baseball was thinking of downsizing and eliminating the Twins entirely? Then they made the playoffs a couple years in a row. The interesting story here is really basketball. Baseball is popular and football is popular, while basketball is dropping like a rock, mostly because the overall style of play is just garbage. I don't know anybody who cares about basketball at all, even a little bit. (NBA basketball that is)
  4. randomguy

    The One and Only Raw Thread for February 27th, 2006

    Nope, no Raw without Masters.
  5. randomguy

    The One and Only Raw Thread for February 27th, 2006

    Poor Cena: "There is one thing I have that you don't - this belt!" "There is one guy you haven't beaten - John Cena!" What's he going to say when he loses at WM?
  6. randomguy

    The One and Only Raw Thread for February 27th, 2006

    Did I just hear "Lets' go Murdoch!" ?
  7. randomguy

    The One and Only Raw Thread for February 27th, 2006

    I want to see Carlito lose out in his own qualifier. Comedy gold.
  8. randomguy

    The One and Only Raw Thread for February 27th, 2006

    HBK is dressed like a gay Miami Vice extra.
  9. Wow she buried WWE in that interview. I liked: "I pay for my own hotels, my own rental cars. I don't make any money. And we don't have health insurance." "You don't make any money?" "HHH makes all the money!"
  10. They are thin but where they are thin is at the top and middle, not at the bottom. Some of those people deserve to stay but if most of that list were cut it really wouldn't matter. They are thin not because of raw numbers but because of a lack of credible up-and-comers and main eventers.
  11. randomguy

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Yeah I like what they are doing with Ronnie. He reminds me a bit of me - never fully integrated. He's not untrustworthy but at the same time you can't trust him 100%. He plays his cards close to the vest and you can't be quite sure what's going on in his head. As far as Dutch and Claudette, I'm not saying what Dutch did was right, I just liked seeing him do it.
  12. randomguy

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    I loved how Dutch berated Claudette. He has always been in her shadow with her being the veteran force, but now he has finally become at least an equal partner. A lot of this season is about people maturing. Julian is now a TO instead of being a trainee, Dutch is coming into his own, Claudette is getting old, and Vic is seriously looking for a second chance.
  13. randomguy

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    Is this a no DQ match? How can you grab the leg of the ref like that? It's not like HHH was in disguise or something. Wow, that was awful.
  14. randomguy

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    That was far more entertaining than it had any right to be.
  15. randomguy

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    You should. Dancing with the Stars is really messed up, it's just a popularity contest. Stacy is the best but she has really low fan support. Meanwhile Drew Lachey is cleaning up because he's a Lachey.
  16. randomguy

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    Edge can only beat Duggan with help from Lita. "Did you see what I did to Duggan?" Yeah - got your ass kicked for 10 minutes straight. Poor Edge. I hate to see a guy who did everything right, brought some excitement, and now is getting buried.
  17. randomguy

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    This is the same argument that you can't criticize the President unless you hate America. I'm a fan of WWE. I like the WWE. That doesn't mean I have to like every wrestler and every decision. I can find fault in most things I like - that's what thinking people do. Being a fan of something or liking something doesn't mean you have to be on board 100% of the time. Not just for wrestling but for anything. I suppose if I were a "true fan" I would think that this women's battle royale was the best thing ever... It isn't.
  18. Jillian didn't look too bad in the one match she had on Velocity (?). Victoria is far and away the best wrestler. I can stand a Victoria match. She's 3 or 4 times better than the next best woman. Trish really doesn't look very good in the ring. The biggest problem they have is trying to make real matches that involve people like Ashley. If you want to throw her in some lame pillowfight or something that's ok, but she kills any supposedly real wrestling.
  19. randomguy

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Good call, I forgot about that.
  20. randomguy

    Smackdown Spoilers for the 2/17

    I liked Birchall's old gimmick as a guy who just likes to fight. His first major promo when Regal was doing commentary was gold, something like: "I've always loved beating blokes up, and now I get paid to do it!" He had the look that made you actually believe it. A rough and tumble looking guy.
  21. randomguy

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Yeah that's a good summary. Now Vic's ex-wife still has some of the original bills, which may match the numbers they have from Treasury. As far as getting what they deserve, Vic *has* changed in some ways. Partly because it's hard to do what he does without getting caught, but also because he saw the money train heist pulling apart his team which is really his family now that his real family life is in shambles. The Strike Team has done a lot more good than harm overall. It's interesting that they have been able to portray them as sympathetic, even when Vic is continually lying about what happened to Terry.
  22. randomguy

    Cowboy Bob Orton Fired From WWE

    Damn the WWE for letting old dudes hold down the new talent... In all seriousness who cares? He added nothing to anything. This is good for Orton fans in that Orton won't look like a sissy having his aging pops bail him out all the time.
  23. randomguy

    One and Only RAW Thread 2-13-06

    Someone make a joke about pedigrees. I would if I knew anything about dogs.
  24. randomguy

    House of the Dead 2

    Dude this movie owned! No, not really. Someone explain to me why the SciFi channel will take a B-movie that really only exists for the nudity and gore then show it without said nudity and gore. What's the point? Especially when they often have repeats at 1 AM. I mean, Species 3 without nudity?
  25. randomguy

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Last episode was great. The temper tantrum Forest threw at the end was awesome, but even better was how pissed he looked when his guys charged in and were made fools of. "Episode definately felt like a ton of stuff got cut out of it, most notably the lacking of a scene to establish why Kavanaugh was getting paranoid that Acaveda was manipulating Vic and IAD for his own amusement when they've gone out of their way to establish that Acaveda is totally committed (even more so than Kavanaugh) to bringing the Strike Team down." This has been explained. Vic has been making calls to Acaveda, talking to him, and making it look like they are communicating a lot. He did it once on camera when Lem was around, I assume he's done it a couple times off-camera as well. There is also the fact that Acaveda doesn't seem very impressed by Kavanaugh and that Kavanaugh is a bit on the disturbed side.