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Everything posted by randomguy

  1. randomguy

    OAO 02/06/06 RAW thread - WM22 Tournament Begins

    That spear miss was an awful botch, it looked like Edge just ran at Lita and hit her on purpose. And the poster pages back was right: Foley is guest ref Foley counts out Edge Edge gets pissed and Foley vs. Edge is booked for WM - nobody cares. Taking the belt off of Edge was a huge mistake, Cena is incredibly dull again.
  2. randomguy

    OAO 02/06/06 RAW thread - WM22 Tournament Begins

    That was impressive byCarlito. He jumped from the turnbuckle off to the side, landed on the middle rope, then flipped off of it. Tricky footing on that one and he nailed it pretty well. Pretty good match over all.
  3. randomguy

    OAO 02/06/06 RAW thread - WM22 Tournament Begins

    Wow nice one Carlito. I guess he is better than people think.
  4. randomguy

    OAO 02/06/06 RAW thread - WM22 Tournament Begins

    Mmmm...peach cobbler with French Vanilla ice cream. Shelton has good taste.
  5. randomguy

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/30/06

    They should turn Carlito and Masters into a psuedo-comedy face duo. It could work. Carlito is like Flair - he's supposed to be a cheat but the crowd still likes him. Masters would just be his dopy sidekick/enforcer. Carlito brains, Masters brawn. Can you dig that brother? The sad thing is I think I'm actually serious. --- I predict next week Lita will say she hit Edge on purpose to get him the win, but Edge will be pissed because the title doesn't change on DQ. He will ask for another shot at Cena but Vince will say no and hence Edge will be slotted into a horrible WM match against Foley or whoever. At least Edge didn't look like a jobber here. Edit: If you TIVOd it watch the Carlito/Masters promo and maybe the match. The rest was garbage.
  6. randomguy

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/30/06

    Well at least they aren't totally burying Edge here...(in reference to him spearing while ref was down) Um what the hell? Why do they act all suprised and confused by this when HHH and Show did the same thing like TWO WEEKS AGO? Nobody was confused then, they were calling it brilliant strategy. Anyway I don't know what to make of this. Title doesn't change on DQ so what's the point? Just throwing a bone to Edge. Either that or WWE has no idea what to do so they left the door open so next week they can go in any direction.
  7. randomguy

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/30/06

    Crowd is totally dead for this.
  8. randomguy

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/30/06

    I'm still going with Snitky's goatee unless Edge can win the belt back. To be fair the tag team match wasn't awful, although the promo was better than the actual match. Praying the crowd shits all over Cena. Edit: Only women cheering. Basically no male reaction.
  9. randomguy

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/30/06

    Carlito and Masters do have some chemistry because Carlito is a good talker and Masters can play the straight man. They kind of have the scrappy underdogs thing going on too.
  10. randomguy

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/30/06

    That was the best promo Masters has ever cut.
  11. randomguy

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/30/06

    Chavo is really a boring wrestler. He was probably about to be let go before Eddie died. This RAW has been absolutely awful so far. The highlight has been Snitsky's goatee. Edit: I feel sorry for WWE. They can't just release him because then they look bad, but he's just a jobber. Ha ha, Coach is basically saying the same thing right now. And HHH is doing the fake Eddie shuck and jive.
  12. The two best written drama series on TV are The Shield and Over There. (Possibly the most under-rated show on TV - I'm excluding premium channels cause I don't get any) "Whatever it is you think you believe in, whatever you think you live for - none of that shit matters. It's killing time!" Lost? If Lost wins for best written drama that would be insane.
  13. randomguy

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/30/06

    Cena is now Matt Hardy. He has a set of fans that will always like him, and everybody else wants him to go away. And as a heel he won't get heel heat, he'll get XPac heat. A lot of people just don't like Cena. Some guys are fun to boo as heels. Angle was fun, Edge is fun. Then there are guys that get boos because people genuinely dislike them - that's where Cena is going to be. It doesn't matter if they turn him heel or not. Either way he will get boos because people just plain don't like him.
  14. randomguy

    OAO Royal Rumble Thread Jan/29th/06

    Edge has been with the company a long time. When he was the champ Cena was actually getting cheers, ratings were up, and him winning the title was the first thing worth talking about in a while. He did everything a champ is supposed to do. Sometimes it's just so simple - give the fans what they want. The fans like Rey, they don't care for Orton. The fans don't like Cena any more. Whatever happened to "the customer is always right." They had a good thing going with Edge as champ. Really the best thing here would be for Edge to be in a match at WM with Cena and win clean. Everyone would mark out all over again. I think that's a match people would actually want to see. (Especially if edge won) HHH vs Cena? NOBODY wants to see that. But Cena is the WWE's boy for some reason, even though he isn't over any more.
  15. randomguy

    OAO Royal Rumble Thread Jan/29th/06

    Damn that sucks...stupid WWE. Fans are going to be shitting all over Cena in a week again. Taking a belt off the guy can work, but taking it off of him for *2 weeks* or so isn't going to accomplish anything. People are going to be cheering HHH over Cena at WM. Seriously.
  16. randomguy

    OAO Royal Rumble Thread Jan/29th/06

    So what happened in Edge/Cena?
  17. randomguy

    OAO 1/28 Impact Thread

    I am that "new fan" that doesn't watch PPVs. Impact is pretty bad. The match between Joe and Bentley was pretty badly choreographed, some really contrived looking action. All the rest of it was just a "meh." This whole thing with Sting has just been boring so far.
  18. randomguy

    Best worst film you've ever seen

    Buckaroo Bonzai in the 8th dimension.
  19. randomguy

    WWE notes from Da Meltz on Figure Four Daily

    I don't understand what they are doing with Cena. They've tried everything to get him over - having Angle turn anti-american, Angle attacking Maria, Cena teaming with Flair...now that Cena doesn't have the belt people are cheering for him mostly because it's fun to cheer against Edge because Edge is doing a good job as a heel. But if Cena gets the belt back people will immediately turn on him again. If your main guy can only get over by stripping him of the belt and teaming him with Flair you have big big problems.
  20. randomguy

    Backstage news on CM Punk

    Maybe they just think the guy isn't so good? Does it have to be they are "scared" of him? If it's more than a theory, explain how.
  21. randomguy

    Raw rating

    Cena's entire run on Raw was booked horribly. That's not his fault. (Note: I can't stand Cena) First his fued with Jericho was silly, Jericho was never portrayed as a serious threat. Same for Angle. Now with Edge a lot of people are serious threats. Every week it's not Edge hulking up and beating two or three guys at once.
  22. randomguy

    Music Sales Resumed Decline in 2005

    Problems with the music scene today: Higher costs up front (marketing, videos, etc) deman higher initial returns. This leads to pandering, the usual suspects writing singles, etc. (Tons of hit bands/artists have their main singles written by the small same group of people) Listeners exposed to much less variety - no TV station for music, most radio stations have the same playlists or are "classics" stations. The amount of variety on mainstream sources is inredibly low, due to Clear Channel, payola, elimination of local DJs, etc. Music videos/magazine covers/etc make actual music a secondary concern. Most "artists" are performance artists who dance around, look good, and maybe sing a bit. I believe this sort of stuff has a trickle-down effect. Mainstream music is pretty horrid, which trickles down. People listen to that crap, are influenced by it. Our entire conception of modern music is changing for the worse. Bands that just make good music are passe.
  23. randomguy

    Which WWE show should you be watching?

    Smackdown is just plain better. Problem is the timeslot. Even I sometimes have things to do on a Friday night.
  24. randomguy

    UPN, WB to Shut Down; New Network Formed

    Between the two of them they should have enough content for 1/2 a network.
  25. randomguy

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    Carlito vs. Kane was better than I thought, Carlito actually got a lot of offense in. HBK vs. Shelton was good. Coach vs. Lawler was a MOTY candidate. Ok...not really. I don't know why WWE continues to push ideas that 99% of the fans clearly hate. Nobody cares about the announcers at all! It might be a good change of pace once every three years or something, that's it. It seems like every month some announcer wrestling for some reason. Can't they tell that people hate that crap? Main event was pretty bad. Flair is awful. There, I said it. All he can do is chop. How boring. And Cena is still being booked as the super-achiever overcoming all odds. If they give him back the belt everyone will immediately start hating him again. Cena single-handedly laying out Masters and Edge is just stupid. I hope to got Edge wins clean at Rumble. I know there is only about a 1% chance of that happening, but I'm praying.