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Everything posted by randomguy

  1. randomguy

    Asheville, NC House Show

    "Brent Albright defeated Aaron Stevens (w/ Beth & Shelly) via submission with an armbar at 7:28 after avoiding a clothesline, moments after ramming Beth and Shelly’s heads together" Who? I've never heard of any of these guys. OVW people?
  2. randomguy

    American Psycho

    99/100 male directors try to make violence+sex scenes sexy, even if they are supposed to be shocking and gruesome.
  3. randomguy

    The end of WWE divas?

    I don't mind Divas except that their matches are often painfully bad. For example at NYR Trish vs Mickie, they do the spot where Mickie runs up and Trish grabs her around the waist and slams her to the ground once or twice. You can see Mickie jump very noticeably, it just looks really bad. I saw HBK do the same move to someone later and it looked much better. I don't want my wrestling to be real but I want suspension of disbelief. I don't mind people like Candice and Maria so much because she's not supposed to be good. But out the women who are supposed to be real wrestlers only Victoria is worth anything. Trish and Mickie are both pretty awful. I thought Michelle McCool had some potential, I have no idea what happened to her.
  4. randomguy

    American Psycho

    I don't see that as the crux at all in the movie. To me the crux is that these people are so caught up in their trivial existence (business card holders, soaps, etc) that seems really important and makes them "successful" but is ultimately so empty that this guy leads an imaginary double-life to deal with it. It's like the Secret Life of Walter Mitty. In real life Bale's character is basically powerless and pathetic. The movie gets more and more ludicrous as it goes on. With the chainsaw and then the shootout, it crosses out of the realm of believability. In the book the main focus (I've only read reviews FYI) is how enamored these people are with this 80s-style powerful people lifestyle. The movie takes a slightly different tack - while they are enamored some (or at least Bale) realize on some level that's it's quite pathetic and emasculating. It's an empty existence and he realizes it. Edit: One very interesting thing about the movie is how a female director really changes the tone. The movie has plenty of sex and violence but it doesn't have sexy violence. It's not trying to kill people and give you a hard-on at the same time.
  5. randomguy

    American Psycho

    I thought it was pretty clear it was all in his head. It just got so ludicrous at points I was shaking my head. (Like when he drops the chainsaw down the stairs)
  6. randomguy

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Man I literally cannot wait to see what's going to happen next! I can't remember the last time I felt this way about a TV show.
  7. randomguy

    Scoring the MLB Offseason

    How did the Yankees move up so much? I can't even remember who they've signed other than Farnsworth. Also, is it possible to have negative win shares? I mean, Embree is reponsible for losses, not wins. The Yankees are better off without him even without *any* replacement sad as that may seem. Edit: I'm an idiot, forgot about Damon. The CF position did nothing for the Yankees last year so that should be a huge upgrade.
  8. randomguy

    Heidenreich gone

    Timing is a bit odd seeing as how he was recently teaming with Animal in high-profile matches...but he wasn't very good. No big loss.
  9. randomguy

    What the fuck is up with Kurt Angle?

    Chavo is not really good at all. I almost feel bad saying it but I don't. He's strictly average at best. Doesn't look too good in the ring, not much charisma, etc.
  10. randomguy

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    Not everyone can win every match. Hardy lasted pretty damn long in the battle royal. What other mid to upper-carder do you guys think Hardy should be going over? Rey? Orton? Booker? Benoit? JBL?
  11. randomguy

    Smackdown Does Strong Rating

    They should have said that the title was being vacated for a 20 man battle and that the 20th man was Kurt Angle and left it at that. Anyway it was a good episode. If only I hadn't been eating dinner when Jillian's mole was bitten off... Edit: Ha ha ha, so here I am eating dinner, as soon as I post this I go to wwe.com to watch velocity and the first thing I see is a recap of the mole being bitten off... Edit 2: Looks like Burchill is using the C4 (?) now.
  12. randomguy

    For the legal buffs out there, a WWE Contrat from 2000

    Umm...the things you are picking out are pretty standard. You think a football team is liable when a guy is injured or dies? I didn't read the entire thing but the things you guys are picking out as "crazy" or whatever are par for the course. In football you can run a guy out there on every play for the entire game and if they drop dead at the end you are not liable at all. Of course things like criminal negligence are still possible. But again, this doesn't appear terribly non-standard to me.
  13. randomguy

    WWE Gets Good News In Armageddon Buyrate

    Undertaker does draw. Someone seriously think Orton was the draw there? I don't know why people are down on Taker. Apparently a few years ago he was pretty bad but lately when he puts on a match it's good, and he still has that je ne sais quoi quality. Nobody bounces off the ropes like Taker.
  14. randomguy

    Edge is the new WWE Champion

    I just saw the end of NYR and I marked out hard, it was very well done. And logical, which is something WWE is bad at doing. It's rare to see a storyline come to a logical conclusion.
  15. randomguy

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Dude, read over what you just wrote carefully... Anyway I liked the episode a lot. That was crazy when the kid was running through the park and just randomly shot someone.
  16. randomguy

    Velocity/Smackdown Spoilers for 01/13/2006

    I'd much rather see Angle than Orton. (Or Henry god forbid, when I glanced over this thread I thought it said Henry had won!) WM could be Batista vs. Angle if Batista can recover by then.
  17. randomguy

    Batista injured.. again

    Jeez, I thought you meant that Batista had a heart attack... Anyway what the hell is WWE doing? They put Batista in with big fat old unskilled guys and they invariably fuck up. Henry is a great example of throwing good money after bad. Either way the 10 million isn't coming back. So cut your losses and leave him on the bench forever.
  18. randomguy

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    DAMN THAT'S THE HOTTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN! Ha ha anyway...I thought Edge was going to leave Lita to her fate a week or two ago when Flair had here in the figure 4. It was just a matter of time. This Edge + Lita thing has basically run it's course anyway, I wouldn't mind seeing them split.
  19. randomguy

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    "Can I trust you?" "You see this? It's an Olympic Gold Medal!" Ha ha...I loved the way Masters shrugged before putting the Masterlock on Angle.
  20. randomguy

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    I hate to say it but Chavo looked pretty bad. That three amigos was downright awful. Something about the way he moves around in the ring is just weird too, like not using space properly or something.
  21. randomguy

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    That was the best promo Cena has cut in a while. I could almost stand him. I think WWE will probably wait and see with the RR. I'm hoping Edge wins because I'm sick of Cena. But logically Cena has been built up really strong and he only lost after being drained by the EC match, so I'm afraid he will win the title back.
  22. randomguy

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    I for one am happy. Edge is OK, sometimes his promos are gold, sometimes they are really lame. But Cena had to go. And it made sense - something WWE is very bad at. I think a lot of people here figured the MITB would just fizzle out...like he would be stripped of the title shot or get it and lose in some throw-away match. It's amazing that something logical actually happened. Edit: As far as Cena winning the title back, RR would be way too soon. Maybe Mania, if even then. The guy is not over AT ALL any more.
  23. randomguy

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    Are they sersiously booking Maria as a threat now? She went over Victoria last week on RAW no? And before that she did ok for herself in one of the battle royal type deals. Has she actually used any moves other than a stomach kick and rollup? Edit: Well she lost to Victoria so it's not that bad. Why does WWE throw oldsters in an event that's supposed to have sex appeal?
  24. randomguy

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    Ha ha that's awesome 'cause it's true. He did the Angle Slam on Maria and still got cheers later. If that couldn't do it nothing will.
  25. randomguy

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    I thought Glenn Close did a great job. She's not coming back in Season 5 though last I heard. Looking forward to Tuesday, been watching the late-night reruns on FX recently.