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Everything posted by randomguy

  1. randomguy

    Melina vs. Mickie

    Sorry, I guess only people with 4000 posts on a wrestling forum can comment on the attractiveness of women. Let me post 3189 more times, then we'll see if my taste in women is as refined as yours. In the meantime let's at least agree she can't wrestle worth a damn regardless of looks?
  2. randomguy

    Batista Interview/Chat

    I've tried watching TNA the past couple weeks to see what the fuss is about. From what I've seen it sucks.
  3. randomguy

    Melina vs. Mickie

    Melina is ugly. She has a giant forehead and her breasts are painfully fake. That said, this is probably a work. If not, Melina is monumentally supid on many levels. The worst part of this was comparing wrestling skills - Melina doesn't have the knowledge but has innate ability? I haven't seen her do ANYTHING other than hair pulls, double axe handle to the back, kicks to someone lying on the ground, etc. She has demonstrated zero actual wrestling ability. If someone like Michelle McCool said she has little practice but some ability I could believe it - Michelle is obviously athletic and her few times in the ring she actually did real moves. Melina hasn't shown us anything. Screaming and pulling hair is not talent.
  4. randomguy

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/10/05

    Wow that was an awful awful show. Where to start? How much actual wrestling was there? A match involving Doink, then a Masters squash. And the women's wrestling was terrible as always. I don't understand why some people on here like Trish, she's awful. The finish was terrible and the entire match was just random nonsensical spots. I know wrestling requires some suspension of disbelief but I prefer my matches not to yell out "THIS IS OBVIOUSLY REALLY FAKE!" every 4 seconds. They either need some women who can wrestle or they should just put on bra and panties matches, because "real" matches are awful. HHH's promo took forever, as did the firing at the end. The only good part of the show was Angle getting a clean win, instead of having Cena come back and beat 3 guys at the same time. Worst Raw in months. Even worse than the show before homecoming.
  5. randomguy

    Vince and Hogan on CNBC

    Vince, Hogan and Stone cold were on CNBC tonight on that show with the advertising guy from The Apprentice challenges. A few highlights: Vince loves Hogan. He seriously appears to idolize him. Donny (the host) asked about Hogan leaving and coming back to WWE, and Vince said they were meant to be together. Hogan is his soul mate or something. It's kind of weird but you can really see the appreciation which is nice, Vince is positively humble on the subject of Hogan and could not say enough good things about him. They briefly mentioned Hassan. Vince said it didn't work because of the guy playing Hassan. WWE and Hassan have parted ways, it appears to be somewhat mutual, as Daivari said the real-life Hassan (Mark something) wasn't into wrestling as much as some other guys. I assume that's what Vince meant, but he didn't have time to elaborate. Mrs. Vince (Linda?) was also on the show. She was very nuts and bolts and rational. You can see why she is the CEO. Donny asked her about women in the WWE and her answer was very straightforward - the women are strong, not wallflowers, but the WWE demographic is male so they cater to that. She made no apologies for it. They showed a clip of Vince getting muted when he talked on Spike about moving to USA. Made Spike look pretty bad. Of course, they didn't show the announcers later saying Raw was moving to USA 500 times in a row, which I assume was on-the-fly retaliation. That's all I can really remember. Hogan did mention that Hogan vs. Austin was a possibility. Austin was also on later. The whole show was pretty interesting, I'm not doing it justice.
  6. You mean Byte This in general, or an episode specifically? The Warrior stuff is front page at WWE.com. It helps them sell DVDs. WWE 1, Warrior 0.
  7. randomguy

    Smackdown! Spoilers

    "Out comes Orlando Jordan to say he deserves a championship match to which Christian tells him what he just said took him longer that a match with Chris Benoit. " Ha ha...comedy gold.
  8. randomguy

    Chris Masters isn't THAT bad, is he?

    About Masters vs. Carlito. In the match Masters had against Flair, Flair basically just did chops while Masters had a decent variety of offense with some actual wrestling moves. In Flair vs. Carlito last night, Flair was the one with the offense and controlled the match, Carlito didn't really do anything. It's fair to say that putting Masters with Flair and HBK makes him look better, but Flair isn't the one doing the press slam, brain buster, torture rack, etc. At this point every match Masters has some new move to pull out. Whereas Carlito is raking eyes as his offense. Masters was pushed too early, and his early fights were abysmal. But he has improved a lot, and if he continues to improve could be pretty good. He's not a main eventer but he's no Tomko or Snitsky either. He held his own in the match last night.
  9. randomguy

    Chris Masters isn't THAT bad, is he?

    Eh, at the risk of being called Coach again, Masters has visibly improved a lot from his first few matches. If you remember back to his first matches he literally did nothing at all. Absolutely nothing. Now he looks like he is actually, you know, wrestling kind of. He's already ahead of a lot of the big men - Snitsky and Heidenreich for example. His first matches were complete wastes of time, but now he's at least mildly entertaining. I kind of like his goofy attitude and the faces he makes because he reminds me of my friend. But, his promos are kind of weak in general. As far as Cena goes, I don't like his character or the way he moves in the ring with his hand motions, his chicken-leg style running, etc. He's really kind of annoying and a showoff. His homophobic comments really annoy me as well. I would like him a lot better as a heel because to me he is one. Cena (the character) is the type of person I would hate in real life. He just rubs me the wrong way. When he's in the ring it's like it's an act, just too over the top. (Yes, I know 'rasslin is fake) Also his booking has been horrible. People like to cheer for the underdog but when a guy is constantly winning handicap matches it's hard to consider him the underdog in any contest.
  10. randomguy

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    I liked Show breaking free of all 4 guys at once. Predictable but still cool, the kind of thing you see in cartoons and comic books. Pretty enjoyable match overall.
  11. randomguy

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    OK, but I don't understand why people are saying her streak is over. It was over at GAB and the next night. I guess people don't watch or count Smackdown stuff or something.
  12. randomguy

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    Couple random comments from a first-time poster. One, I also don't understand the "Torrieberg" comments, as she has done nothing but lose recently. Second, Masters actually busted out some real wrestling moves in his Raw match against Flair. Say what you will about him, but he has certainly improved. He did a brain-buster, a couple gorilla presses, etc. As opposed to say, the Big Show vs. Snitsky match from that same night, which was just boots, slaps and chops the whole time. Is it just me or did Flair just basically fall off the top rope? That was ugly.