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Everything posted by hyperchord24

  1. hyperchord24

    oAo ECW on Sci Fi Thread // October 24, 2006

    I can deal with repetitive (I agree the shows have been) as long as the matches are exciting (most in the begining were, as well as SOME recent ones).
  2. hyperchord24

    oAo ECW on Sci Fi Thread // October 24, 2006

    The responses that people here have given to Punk's matches (who've never seen him before) is why he won't get over in the WWE. What average mark knows how damaging a backfist can be? This may sound like a knock (no pun intended) to said posters, but it's more of a knock to the WWE who don't play to individual wrestlers' strengths. I've enjoyed him, however, his most recent matches have boring and repetetive.
  3. hyperchord24

    World Series: Tigers vs. Cardinals

    What do you mean by that?
  4. hyperchord24

    World Series: Tigers vs. Cardinals

    We don't know if it's b/c of the foreign substance or what. Let's face it, the guy's never been this lights out. Of course, if they do suspend him for 5 games next year, that'll maybe set an example, but if the guy's got a World Series ring, who really cares? What message does that send? Of course, this discussion spills over into the steroid debate, and there's no real clear answer.
  5. hyperchord24

    World Series: Tigers vs. Cardinals

    To, me this is concrete enough evidence. But, alas, what will happen? The cardinals win on a technicality? Assuming they investigate into this (which they won't) What punishment would be suitable?
  6. hyperchord24

    NFL Week 7

    Yup. It's back to "Vick is the most exciting athlete in sports!!!!" He had a good game. Yay. He can throw the deep ball, and he has decent WR that are underachieving. There'll be a few more games like this. (not 4-TD great)
  7. hyperchord24

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Question that doesn't warrant a thread: Would TNA get bigger ratings if they were live? And what would it take for them to go live?
  8. hyperchord24

    oAo ECW on Sci-Fi Thread // October 17, 2006

    What I don't understand is the WWE's obsession with booking wrestler X vs. the champion, wrestler Y in a non-title and and if he beats the champ, he then gets a title shot. It's rediculous and speaks volumes about (lack of) long-term booking.
  9. hyperchord24

    Raw Thread - October 16th, 2006

    The Jackasses no-selling Umaga could totally kill Umaga's heat. They should've been more informed on what to do. That being said, They should never allow celebs to take bumps b/c you never know how they'll sell it. I'm reminded of Ben Stiller showing up on Raw or SD promoting his movie "Mystery Men" and he had to take a bump before being rescued by a face (I don't remember much). So, he took the bump, sold it, then was carried by the face from the ring to the back and while he did, he looked up at the crowd, smiled and did a "thumbs up" gesture, thereby killing the segment. However, stiffing them wasn't the most professional thing to do.
  10. hyperchord24

    NFL Week 6

    I think he's been in the league long enough for defenses to figure the Falcons out. Stop him and you win the game. It's just that simple. Vick is overrated, sure he's exciting as hell, but exciting doesn't win football games. I thought it was funny that after the game, Vick called the Giant's D "vanilla." Yeah, well that vanilla D just destroyed you. The Falcons need to become more than 1-demensional. Period. Vick goes down for the season two years ago, and they suck, thus firing the head coach at the time. Of course the same thing's going to happen if Vick goes down again -- who's going to run all those designed QB running plays? Hasselbeck?
  11. Low card is easier to fix, so no one gets "naked" too soon.
  12. NOW people are unhappy with creative? Anyway, it wasn't that bad. Balls showed his mic skills, the Divas weren't any worse than any of us expected and it didn't take away one match (I mean the number of matches were pretty much the same as any other ECW show).
  13. hyperchord24

    Ultimate Fight Night VII

    I thought I heard the announcers mention that Ortiz flipped off Shamrock when he went to shake Ortiz's hand. Is that true? Did I miss it? Who knoew the guy was such a jerk in the octagon.
  14. I don't know if it was explained somewhere else, but why did the WWE feel they need to compete against UFC when they didn't go head to head tonight?
  15. hyperchord24

    "Byte This" Report

    Calling this anything more than kayfabed BS is rediculous.
  16. hyperchord24

    WWE meets TNA

    They have bashed TNA a few times though, haven't they?
  17. Have Knox vs Punk end in the beginning of November with Punk going over Knox to end the feud, which leads to Test coming after Punk because Test wants revenage and maybe have that go to the PPV? And if they even wanted to go that way, Test could be mad at Punk for not being a "man" and taking steroids, but I don't think Vince wants steroids to be a focal point of an angle.
  18. Looks like a fun show. Are any of these extreme rules?
  19. hyperchord24

    Your all-time favorite album.

    Avalanche -- Matthew Good
  20. Exactly. One of the posts above had it right. They're trying to do with the Miz what "happened" to John Cena. He's booked against faces though, and I think that is a mistake. The "annoying-face-that-gets-heel-heat" act would work better if he were booked against heels and Cole would wonder why people are booing him. If they wanted to make us care about MVP, they would say how he lit the "minor leagues" (a kayfabe-friendly term) and everyone wants to sign him. But I think they don't do that b/c MVP is creating his own hype, as a typical cocky heel would do. Yeah, that Yang comment got me thinking. Did JBL slip when he mentioned Yang wrestled all over the world? I know he gets away with saying stuff like "feud" and things of that nature, but were they not allowed to mention Yang's past? I know when Noble debuted, JBL said he wrestled all over the world and Cole didn't disagree then. I just think Cole looked really bad after that "save."
  21. hyperchord24

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    A few weeks back, one of the pitbulls did a move where he lifted his opponent into a standing vertical suplex position, but then threw him down like he were giving him a powerbomb. What's that move called and how dangerous is it? I would think that if the attacker didn't throw the opponent at just the right angle, there would be a risk of him taking the bump squarly on his head or neck.
  22. hyperchord24

    OAO "Holy shit, Kurt Angle is in TNA now" thread...

    Jim Ross shoots? and mentions TNA in a positive light? um . . . huh?? Where'd you get this?
  23. I noticed that too. I feel like it's become Pavlovian when there's an "extreme rules" match in that we've just come to expect run-ins and dusty finishes to these matches. I've said this before. All these "extreme rules" matches are is an excuse to have an overbooked finish, not put on a really cool match.
  24. hyperchord24

    OAO "Holy shit, Kurt Angle is in TNA now" thread...

    As far as Angle being booked, all they have to do is book him as the unstoppable legit badass monster. They haven't messed that up yet. He says he was held back for the last 6 years? He'd done everything there is to do by then. Maybe held back the last 2 years, mainly b/c the wwe didn't know what to do with him. Maybe held back in terms of actual wrestling? Why? Just b/c he couldn't take that spinning backflip piledriver off the top rope? A botched piledriver may just kill him.
  25. hyperchord24

    Chris Jericho might make a WWE return

    While on the subject of Jericho, why did they bury him so badly? It seems to me that HHH just absolutely hated him. What was the story? I'm asking simply b/c if he did come back, what's to stop him from being a perenial mid-carder?