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Burning Pirate Ship Sex

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Everything posted by Burning Pirate Ship Sex

  1. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    2009 TSM Poster Tournament: The Round of 16

    All, of KKC's picks, except himself. I vote for Agent.
  2. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    Who Would Win in a Fight?

    True, but have you ever seen Han without Chewy nearby? In fact, I think there is only one man who could take Chewy...
  3. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    Who Would Win in a Fight?

    Han's got Chewbaca as backup, though. Who does Indy have? Marcus Brody? The man got lost in is own museum, for God's sake!
  4. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    Marvin's been too busy with the mystery of Obama's birth certificate and other such pressing matters to bother with such trivial things.
  5. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    2009 TSM Poster Tournament: The Round of 32

    This I feel gives Kinetic the edge needed to win the whole thing. Kinetic's pursuit of perfection was pretty good too. However, Milky did post a picture of his name written on his girlfriend's ass in her own menstrual blood. We may be seeing a repeat this year.
  6. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    2009 TSM Poster Tournament: The Round of 32

    I have no idea how I made it in to this tournament. With that said, I'm somewhat honored, in an absurd way. On to the next round: Venkman Inc Byron Slayer Kinetic Matt Young Mellow Edwin KOAB Matt.com Pbone Agent Kreese Treble Nighthawk VX
  7. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    New house on the market

    Not the bedroom where he killed his seven year old son? Not Benoit's fault the kid couldn't work.
  8. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    UFC 97: Redemption

    Or, Goulet will run chin first into a punch again.
  9. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    2009 TSM Poster Tournament: The Round of 64

    Venk Dandy Inc EHME Byron Zoo Brody Ortonsault Kinetic (ps. TI, you're out of the triangle of terror) Broward Spiff Burning Piss Mellow OCK Edwin Fazzle KOAB Smartly Barron Matt.com King Kamala Classic Bone Lukeo Agent Kreese Mark Madden Treble Lushus Milky Floyd VX LOTC
  10. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    UFC 94 - Georges St. Pierre vs. BJ Penn II

    HSJ is pretty insufferable in this thread. His blind GSP hate is reaching Joe Rogan levels here.
  11. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    Pictures I Like

    Oh... the picture was a joke. I get jokes.
  12. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    Royal Rumble 2009

  13. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    And it worked wonders for her the last time it happened. To be fair, one can only wrestle Victoria, Ivory, Jazz and Jacqueline so many times before it gets old, especially considering only two of them were anything close to competent workers.
  14. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    I think Bret spent more time in that section bitching about how Flair didn't know how to work.
  15. Don't you have another inspirational figure to kill, Tbay?
  16. Fuck my town; it's 6am, and all the main roads are still covered in about 6 inches of dense snow. I nearly died about 5 times on my way to the gas station to buy smokes, and I was going 20km/h in first
  17. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    The Youtube thread

  18. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    It likely is-I used to work for CBSA (Combined Customs and Immigration); we would always get a list of the wrestlers coming in to do tours or TV. Quite a few needed a TRP (Temporary Residence Permit) to get in. I assume that, having done this before, someone forgot Killing's TRP paperwork, and the officers had to send him home. FWIW, "Detained" in this case, usually means waiting around in the office before your return flight home.
  19. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    Monday Night Wars

    Meng is the best part of this week's Nitro.
  20. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    Weekend Box Office Report

  21. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    But then the gay he would be smelling is himself!
  22. Bought 400 pounds of rock salt and 400 pounds of sand yesterday. I ain't playin' this winter.
  23. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    A thread for me - ME! - to ask Milky a bunch of questions

    A summary, in picture form Battlenuts "Why do you hate me when I show you nothing but love?!?!" Nighthawk (I'm sure Milky has at one point or another, danced with an all-black gospel choir)
  24. Burning Pirate Ship Sex

    Country Draft

    Same rules as the other drafts; post a country to be entered. Limit of 20 participants. Entry closes at 12 AM PST Friday. EDIT: To Avoid fights, we'll limit it to countries which have existed since the Industrial Revolution; This includes countries which have since become defunct or split. IE: You can draft the Soviet Union, Tsarist Russia, and the Modern Russian Federation, as despite existing on the same geographic mass, they were completely seperate states. Empires which existed before the IR, but which carried on into the industrial age are fair game; i.e. The late-period Ottoman Empire is available. United States of America Standings: 1. Myself- USA, Vietnam, Vatican City 2. Hooburito- Brazil, Aruba, Sri Lanka 3. ViciousFish- Japan, Philippines, Iraq 4. Something Great- Italy, Luxembourg, France 5.6foot9- Germany, Tonga, Samoa 7. JustJohn-UK, Switzerland, Costa Rica 8. Twisted Intestine- Canada, Jamaica, Sierra Leone 9. TOOG- USSR, Spain, Andorra 10. Zoo- Venezuela, North Korea, Austria 11. King Kamala- Iceland, New Zealand 12. Timmy-Mexico, Ecuador 13. Nighthawk- Norway, Thailand 14. Zoidberg- Republic of Ireland, Colombia 15. Rocket- China, Saudi Arabia 16. Objet petit a- Yugoslavia, United Arab Emirates 17. Richard- Republic of China (Taiwan), Iran 18. Cletus Van Damme (Seriously?)-Australia, Sweden 19. Agent of Oblivion-Mongolia, Cuba 20. Crandamaniac-Monaco, Israel