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Slingshot Suplex

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Everything posted by Slingshot Suplex

  1. Slingshot Suplex

    Favorite ECW show

    6th row asile. Fun show, you can hear me marking out for Corino on the fancam. Good show but not as good as the one they did May 2000 in Toledo. The Feb 2000 show was so-so. You know,eventually I need to start getting the Michigan/Toledo fancam shows we went to from you. And some other stuff. I know you need the money,you whore... and those figures.And besides some of the ones already mentioned, I always enjoyed House Party 99.
  2. Slingshot Suplex

    Tammy Sytch, set to Retire.

    Her Smoky Mountain work was so fun to watch and she showed so much potential in her managerial role. I was actually kinda disappointed that when she and Chris hit the WWF that they didn't continue her gimmick from that. But she became famous so I guess what they did worked. She seemed to have this natural on- camera charisma and she always entertained me.
  3. Slingshot Suplex

    Batista almost ruins Benoit's career

    That's about as clean of a win as you get in 2004 Anyway, I like Frigid Soul's idea. Every big man does powerbomb variations. Give the guy the torture rack. He'd look like a monster if he could execute it right.
  4. Slingshot Suplex

    Your most hated sport or sports league.....

    At the moment, the NFL. Mostly because I keep seeing all these damn Super Bowl history programs. I could give a fuck who won Super Bowl VIX and you're not warming me up for the game tonight. So fucking stop it.
  5. Slingshot Suplex

    IWA-MS Results from Lafayette

    Yeah Matt has been a friendly guy every time I've talked to him. That finish sounds like the move he won the title with a couple weeks ago.
  6. Slingshot Suplex

    My Neighbors will pay: Reloaded

    I'm thinking about it. I perfer to use Pink. " Has anybody seen ....a dog dyed dark green? About two inches tall...with a strawberry blonde paw..." You could bring a B-52's song to life....well,it's probably not a two inch tall dog but how many of those do you ever see? 3? 4? In a lifetime?
  7. Slingshot Suplex

    Road Trip to WrestleMania

    Road trip to New York and a chance to see what could be a historic show. You've got the rest of your life to work off debt And like Rant said, pick up a little quick part time job or something. In 2 months ,you should scrape up plenty of money to cover your costs along the way and probably more.
  8. Slingshot Suplex

    IWA-MS Results from Lafayette

    Heh ,you sound like me and my inability to get to any show on time. Anyway, if I didn't have a leaking water pump on my car, I was seriously considering making the 300 and something mile road trip for this show. Good to see the Gateway regulars doing more good stuff in IWA-MS. How much time did they gave Matt and Delirious? When I saw they were booked for this show,, I thought they might get a little more time and freedom to do some stuff with IWA-MS's reputation being ....less family oriented. Same with Daizee vs MsChif. Matt vs AJ.....I'm there. Hell, I might even go to next Lafayette. Now one more person knows the greatness of MsChif.
  9. Slingshot Suplex

    are you annoying?

    33 on the first. I refuse to do the others. I wouldn't consider the questions even a basis for finding out if someone is annoying. I demand a name change.
  10. Slingshot Suplex

    Barbra Streisand...

    That would be the only reason I would consider even renting it
  11. Slingshot Suplex

    Why is Rico on every show?

    Rico is only on every week now so that his valet can drop a boob out every week. Wrestler with woman "accidently" falling out =cheap pop > wrestler with no woman
  12. Slingshot Suplex

    US Indy Dream Matches

    I think it did. I have a comp tape of Tammy Fytch's SMW stuff and she does their year in review show one year. I think I remember her introducing Cactus vs Boo Bradley.
  13. Slingshot Suplex

    Former WWF President Jack Tunney passes away

    I always liked Nick Bockwinkel in an autoritative role.
  14. Slingshot Suplex

    Former WWF President Jack Tunney passes away

    I never really thought much about Jack Tunney in my early days of watching but as the years went....and watching the overreliance on the authroity figures in wrestling.... I came to appreciate his and someone like Jim Crockett's on air role. They only usually came on for something important and made it mean more.
  15. Slingshot Suplex

    Is the WWE Rousing Itself Off The Mat?

    But they also have the guy that always wants to bring in David Flair on their message board. Not that there's anything wrong with that.......
  16. Slingshot Suplex

    Is the WWE Rousing Itself Off The Mat?

    Bagwell has made an indy career out of that match and his mom.
  17. Slingshot Suplex

    Is the WWE Rousing Itself Off The Mat?

    You have to be 1) a hoss 2) someone they think they can make money with
  18. Slingshot Suplex

    Is the WWE Rousing Itself Off The Mat?

    They did recognize them. Didn't DDP get a pretty good pop when he pulled that mask off to reveal himself as Sara's stalker? Didn't Booker debut by attacking Rock? People knew.
  19. Slingshot Suplex

    Is the WWE Rousing Itself Off The Mat?

    Um....you were a too young mark? The point about Booker and DDP being in WCW the same time as Benoit? I'm not following that.
  20. Slingshot Suplex

    Is the WWE Rousing Itself Off The Mat?

    What if Flair had come into the WWF the first time with the belt and started off in the low card? Besides, Benoit had been in WCW for a few years through their days when they were actually winning the ratings. People knew who he and the Radicals were. This isn't like the territory days anymore. No one was going to cross over from one major promotion to another without being somewhat of a known commodity. The internet and the Monday Night Wars made the wrestling world smaller. And the Invasion....I still contend the biggest thing that stalled that wasn't the lack of star power. It didn't help but the fact that they were never made to look like any kind of serious threat ruined it. Booker losing to Rock at Summerslam was the first booking mistake.
  21. Slingshot Suplex

    Is the WWE Rousing Itself Off The Mat?

    Now there's a difference between pushing an established wrestler coming in than people like Cena and Orton who haven't really been seen by anybody outside of OVW's promotional radius.
  22. Slingshot Suplex

    Official TNA Preview

    Doesn't Lance Storm talk about him being a pretty decent wrestler in his RF shoot? I think he wrestled some in Border City Wrestling in Windsor,Ontario a year or so ago.
  23. Slingshot Suplex

    How do you explain to someone

    The Jarrett quote was the first thing that came to mind . Lately, I just argue that it's all real and that kinda tends to shut them up pretty quickly....I don't know why.
  24. Slingshot Suplex

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    This is the real San Jose. Last year was the fluke year......they started off with all the contract squabbles and never really recovered. And they have Nils Ekman now.
  25. How ugly would the kid be Not as Ugly as Benoit and Nancy's Kids will be. Didn't they have a kid together a year or two ago? Anyway, this was nice news to come home from work to. I still don't think they'll actually go ahead and give Benoit one of the titles but against either HHH or Lesnar, the match should be very good. If he actually wins, it'll be a bonus surprise for me. And a deserved reward for ,as far as I'm concerned, the man who's put on the highest quality of work and consistancy in my 19 years of watching.