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Slingshot Suplex

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Everything posted by Slingshot Suplex

  1. Slingshot Suplex

    NHL 2004

    In this Dynasty mode, are you actually playing the games too or are you just G.M.?
  2. Slingshot Suplex

    ESPN's Top 10 Games

    The hockey game will involve Mario Lemieux or Mark Messier so ESPN can cater to the eastern market. Probably Messier.
  3. Slingshot Suplex

    Favorite Athlete of the Past?

    Dwight Evans of the Boston Red Sox and Kent Tekulve (it's probably spelled wrong...I haven't spelled it in 20 years) of Pittsburgh were my two favorite baseball players. Hockey......I liked Bobby Clarke,Wayne Stephenson,Mike Palmateer, Borje Salming,Dennis Polonich,Reed Larson. There's more I'm sure......but I'll stick to them for now.
  4. Slingshot Suplex

    Probable Royal Rumble winner and WM plans

    This would ,in theory, turn Orton face rather than HHH though. Not that anyone will care.
  5. Slingshot Suplex

    ROH to Debut "Pure Wrestling" Title

    So,is this implying mat based wrestling with no aerial stuff? Right now,it's really not much different than what is already supposed to be enforced now. Technically,closed fist punches have always been illegal anyway. This just means a strict crackdown on it. The 20 count will just cut down on the out of the ring brawling....it won't eliminate it. The rope break rule .......if you're gonna do what they're proposing,you might as well just eliminate rope breaks completely because now they're going to have to actually keep track of the number of times it's used. I don't see a big deal out of it unless it's going to downplay the aerial moves. The crowds will shit on mat based wrestling. They have been conditioned to spot,spot,spot for years. In general,people aren't going to be patient for 25 minute mat wrestling.
  6. Slingshot Suplex

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    If they announce at the beginning of next week that Foley is going to explain his actions of tonight,it'll keep people there to watch it. I'm giving this one the benefit of the doubt. Show some patience with this one.
  7. Slingshot Suplex

    Hockey Jersey Decision

    I vote Oilers......I don't like that Flyers jersey much
  8. Slingshot Suplex


    The first one that came to my head was Hogan vs Piper in that WCW cage match ppv.
  9. Slingshot Suplex

    Hurricane gets "Stern Talking to" Backstage

    I think the gimmick is hilarious but I understand why they don't want him using it. If little ,skinny Hurricane is putting people away with chokeslams ,it kinda takes away from the monster factor of the big guys that use it. And if they were really gonna use the "super powers" thing,then they'd have to push him to the top of the card because who's gonna beat a man with super powers? And they've shown no inclination to push him to the top of the card.
  10. Slingshot Suplex

    If any of you are near SC, then check this out...

    That is long road trip but tempting. I want to meet Ivan Koloff and Tommy Young.
  11. Slingshot Suplex

    "Dirty" Don Montoya (East Coast indy mainstay)

    I had the pleasure of seeing and meeting "Dirty" Don Montoya quite a few times in the Detroit promotions. He was an exceptionally friendly guy and a hell of an entertaining wrestler. I loved the stuff he did in the NSWA with the East Coast Invasion. The last time I actually got to see him September 2001 and he was interfering in a Kid Kash/ Simon Diamond match after wrestling Chris Daniels earlier in the show. It was supposed to set up a Diamond vs Montoya match the next show but the promotion never ran another show (that I know of.)
  12. Slingshot Suplex

    Punk'd cancelled

    Bam's show is one note. Bam does stuff to annoy his parents. While some of it is funny, it's like watching Three's Company. You know the plot.....just a slightly different situation week to week.
  13. Slingshot Suplex

    Let the debates begin!

    I would plug Greg Valentine,Tito Santana,Curt Hennig and Davey Boy Smith into the spots occupied by Bundy,Kane,Putski and Ventura. In terms of wrestling,Ventura was rarely above mid card, got the occasional title shot at Hogan or Backlund and other than a feud with Putski......I can't remember another true feud he even had as a wrestler after 1984. As an announcer,I have no problem with him being on the list but not for his wrestling work.
  14. Slingshot Suplex

    Want to own the WCW TV Title?

    Thanks for the help. So,a former NWA champion has also worn that robe. That should be a selling point for it too.
  15. Slingshot Suplex

    The Dames' Diatribe on WWE Raw: 12/8

    The Kane promo is not that hard to figure out. It's all symbolism. Kane destroyed a dog that he hated and annoyed him.In the present day,Kane is going to destroy Goldberg for the same reasons. Plus it just shows a little more of his instability. Simple and a little creepy. Dames is right about the Mark Henry booking. They're booking him to his strengths now and it is finally making Henry look like some sort of legitimate threat. I liked the 6 man tag. I have no problem with 5 minute rear chinlocks if there is a reason for it. It showed Mark Henry as a strong SOB that punishes/wears down someone.
  16. Slingshot Suplex

    Hebrew Hammer

    Andy Dick was in it which certainly didn't help lean it towards funny. What I could actually sit through of it wasn't funny at all.
  17. Slingshot Suplex

    Want to own the WCW TV Title?

    Wouldn't that be the same crown and robe that Harley Race wore? Didn't Duggan win the King title from him?
  18. Slingshot Suplex

    Shannon Ward/Daffney released

    from 1Wrestling.com WWE has released Shannon Ward from her developmental deal. Ward had been working in OVW as Lucy, managing Southern tag team champions Nova & The Idol (Aaron Stevens). She had also worked Ring of Honor. Her biggest claim to fame, though, was her run in WCW as Daffney. Ward is scheduled to appear at the final OVW TV taping of the year on 12/10, where presumably she will be written out of storylines. She may have been a bit player but I liked her in WCW and was looking to see what they did with her in WWE.
  19. Slingshot Suplex

    Want to own the WCW TV Title?

    I was expecting either a more shocked/disgusted reply or something more disturbing....
  20. Next year our goal should be to try and get them to allow us to do announcing on one of the home videos........ preferably an Adults Only so Louie can say the "F" word constantly
  21. Slingshot Suplex

    Want to own the WCW TV Title?

    Which one ? Naked under the robe or naked except for the TV title?
  22. Slingshot Suplex

    Want to own the WCW TV Title?

    Do you think Hacksaw is wearing any clothes under the cape? Shit...better retract my bid now Wouldn't it be cool to live next door to the guy?
  23. Slingshot Suplex

    Want to own the WCW TV Title?

    Hacksaw is going commando!
  24. Slingshot Suplex

    Ok...WTF is that???

    Well,the semi-obvious would be that ,judging by the expressions on Jericho's face tonight, he doesn't like the idea of this match....which would lead to a Jericho face turn saving Trish and begin a feud with Christian. But who knows what they will actually do.......
  25. Slingshot Suplex

    The OAO Raw Thread for the 8th of December 2003

    Maybe....but I'd say he recovered nicely.