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Slingshot Suplex

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Everything posted by Slingshot Suplex

  1. Slingshot Suplex

    Demolition in the future for WM 3 venue....

    If the Silverdome holds 80,000 people for a Lions game, then it's completely reasonable to think 93,173 is closer to accurate than 78,000. I was there and that place was jammed with people. Seats and stadium floor. Last I read, I think they were talking about putting an industrial park in the Dome's spot. Now all they use it for is truck pulls, concerts, and a drive in theater.
  2. Slingshot Suplex

    I'm going to buy Jasmin's 3PW promotion

    Is that priority shipping or media mail?
  3. Slingshot Suplex

    If you could have one sport thing happen this year

    Motion seconded.
  4. Slingshot Suplex

    IWA-MS 4/1 News

    Jimmy Jacobs defeated Danny Daniels for the IWA-MS title in IWA-MS's debut show in Herrin, Illinois. Jacobs hit the Contra Code and then a series of three senton splashes. He then pinned Daniels with his feet on the ropes for leverage and declined Daniels' request for a rematch. Matt Sydal and Brandon Thomaselli title for title match ended in a double pin. Daizee Haze retained the IWA-MS/NWA Midwest Women's title against Rain. Delirious retained the IWA-MS Lightheavyweight belt against Josh Abercrombie. Ian Rotten (substituting for 2 Tuff Tony) destroyed JC Bailey in a a barbed wire/ tables match. MsChif beat Mickie Knuckles in a first blood match that went all over the Civic Center. Billy Gunn beat Tracy Smothers in an entertaining match. Smothers is a fun heel. There was more but I'm going to bed.
  5. Slingshot Suplex

    Who here has gone to a Wrestlemania?

    I stopped at 45,012 because I was having a hard time keeping track of people coming and going from their seats. Couldn't tell who I had already counted and who I hadn't.
  6. Slingshot Suplex

    HOF Inductions thread

    They were huge rivals in Mid-South in the early 80s. It goes back farther than that. They were rivals in the Mid-Atlantic territory in the mid/ late 70's. And at one point, I read that Piper was best man at Flair's wedding.
  7. Slingshot Suplex

    Who here has gone to a Wrestlemania?

    I went to Wrestlemania 3
  8. Slingshot Suplex

    IWA-MS 4/1 News

    That was probably just me being me or that whole brain thing.
  9. Slingshot Suplex

    IWA-MS 4/1 News

    When did I hate Tracy Smothers? I liked him in the FBI. I think I just said that I didn't see why he was such a revered icon in IWA-MS. Last night, I kinda see why though. He was fun as hell. As for Gunn, he was really over with the Herrin crowd of ...I'd say in the range of 150-200. Ian even addressed the reaction of some of the IWC bitching about them bringing Gunn in. But the match was enjoyable. 4 star workrate. Nope. But he and Smothers and Rain (in Tracy's corner) had a fun match. Sabu couldn't be there though. Apparently, he took ill that morning and , with his recent health problems, wanted to get checked out. As for Jacobs/ Daniels.....what was funny was Jacobs was the crowd fave most of the match and then they did the mic heel switch after he won the belt.
  10. Slingshot Suplex

    Complete HOF and inductors

    Daizee's in my avatar
  11. Slingshot Suplex

    Complete HOF and inductors

    She's been gone almost exactly a year. She hurt her shoulder (I think it was the shoulder) in a 3 way match with Shawn Almighty and OuTtkast in mid March of 04. She never returned to GCW and continued working IWA-MS (she had started with them the end of January by then) and some occasional indys like NWA Missouri and MAX. They had her on the new site...I think in hopes they might be able to convince her to return now and again but I think she's been removed now.
  12. Slingshot Suplex

    Complete HOF and inductors

    I know Volkoff was tag champ with the Iron Shiek but wasn't he also one half on the Mongols managed by Lou Albano? Other than that and ,I understand, a fued with Bruno....I'm not sure what else he's done. Ideally, Freddie Blassie would have inducted him but since the Classy One has passed on...Bruno won't do it....Albano could have I suppose. For some reason, I'm thinking that Volkoff was in Mid-South in the early 80's. Maybe that's where the connection with Ross is. And Bob Orton was at the Gateway show last weekend as the Missouri Athletic Commission rep and got a nice round of applause from the crowd for his HOF induction.
  13. Slingshot Suplex


    I met Sherri a couple summers ago at a show in Lexington, Kentucky. Damn nice lady and we sat outside the building talking for a few minutes and then a bit more later after the show. Just for a minute, I thought about hitting on her but I think she may have been there with Larry Zybysko.
  14. Slingshot Suplex

    The OAO Jakks Classic Superstars Thread

    I saw the Series 5 ones in a St Louis area Toy's R Us last weekend. The Paul Orndorff and the Iron Shiek are especially awesome. Shiek has the pointed toe boots and Orndorff has his red robe. I would never normally pick up the Beefcake figure but I it looks so nice I may not be able to pass on it. Hopefully, getting a couple tomorrow.
  15. Slingshot Suplex

    The Rockers or Rock n' Roll Express?

    The Rock n Roll Express' body of work is miles above the Rockers. Granted, the RnR's did have a better level of talent to work with but I always considered the Rockers good but not great.
  16. Slingshot Suplex

    Hulk Hogan

    Then I guess we can add at least one more NWA title for Dusty Rhodes via the reversed decision at Starrcade...um.... 85 I think. AWAstars can do what they want I guess but I put it in the same vein as Dusty. A reversed decision and no official reign.
  17. Slingshot Suplex

    When did you start to hate Hogan?

    I started watching about 3 months into Hogan's first title run in the WWF. Didn't like him much then and grew to quickly hate him. Partly because of his repetitive matches...partly because of the hypocrisy surrounding him. Hogan was a rulebreaker in the guise of a fan favorite and the announcers would NEVER call him on it (save for Jesse Ventura) I began to dislike the double standard. The only time in my "fan life" I ever came close to liking Hogan was after the NWO heel turn. That became stale for me within two months due to the constant blathering interviews and the repeated match ending run-ins. And I admit, the Wrestlemania match with Rock was entertaining. I can't deny the impact he had on the business but I can't deny that as a character, I can't fucking stand Hulk Hogan.
  18. Slingshot Suplex

    Dan Maff pulled from shows....

    That's a shame. I like the team of Maff and Whitmer. He'll get work though if he wants it. It's not like ROH and JAPW are the only places to wrestle.
  19. Slingshot Suplex

    Former WWE star booked for IWA:MS

    Yeah Herrin is not very far at all from Carbondale. It's only about an hour's drive from Cape Girardeau as well and that is Delirious/ Daizee/ Sydal/ MsChif territory since GCW runs there every two months or so. Hopefully the people in Cape who haven't seen them live in about a year or so might make the drive over to Herrin.
  20. Slingshot Suplex

    Former WWE star booked for IWA:MS

    It's kinda relative really. IWA in Herrin probably isn't going to draw the crowd that ROH does so it won't be quite the same as the Jeff Hardy treatment. I'm sure there will be some people talking shit about Mr Ass and all but I don't think it'll be as bad as the east coast crowds seem to get. I don't recall them crapping on Road Dogg too bad last year anyway. It's IWA's first show in Herrin......in southern Illinois possibly..that I don't know. I'm sure Ian is hoping that Billy Gunn's name will draw some of the casual fans in and then hopefully the rest of the show will hook them into coming back.
  21. Slingshot Suplex

    Top Five...

    Have never seen any of them but I seem to remember reading about Junkyard Dog having some in Mid South. I think he had one with Michael Hayes in the Superdome that drew a big crowd there after the Freebirds blinded him.
  22. Slingshot Suplex

    Do heels necessarily have to cheat?

    Amen. Heels don't necessarily NEED to cheat ....wrestlers can be hated simply based on their character. It accentuates the point that they are the heels though. Sometime long ago I heard/ read this quote "It's not what you do, it's who you do it to that matters"
  23. Slingshot Suplex

    Mike & The 'Bots are back...

    Pretty much assured to be since those two dipshits that host Cheap Seats may be the least funniest people on tv.
  24. Slingshot Suplex

    RoH Third Anniversery Week

    My 2nd ever ROH show , WTC being my first, and it was pretty darn good. Lacey d. Daizee Haze, Allison Danger & Traci Brooks- got there probably about halfway into this. Liked what I saw. Never thought much of Alison Danger before but , IMO, she's improved quite a bit in the last 6 months or so. Daizee's ejection into the front row was cool. Dunn & Marcos d. Delirious & Golden Vampire- funny stuff. Don't really like RCE much but they're ok. Thought the same thing about them after WTC too. Alex Shelley d. Jack Evans- I kinda surprisingly liked this. What I've seen of Shelley (mostly IWA) hasn't been a big deal to me but I liked the stuff he did in this match. Evans had some of the weakest looking offense I've seen in a major promotion. The flippy stuff is nice to watch and the dude is flexible as hell but the forearms and such looked like there was no effort behind them at all. Bryan Danielson d. Homicide- couldn't see very much of once it went into the crowd so kinda hard to say anything about it. Homicide looks a lot more badass with no hair though. Nigel McGuinness/Colt Cabana d. Dan Maff/BJ Whitmer- the buildup with Heenan, Cornette and Cabana was great and I really liked the match. Spanky d. Jimmy Jacobs- I'm not sure why but I don't like Spanky much and this didn't really do anything to change my opinion. Decent match, I suppose but nothing particularly memorable. James Gibson d. Puma- liked it fine. The crowd kinda seemed to poop on it more than anything else that night. Jimmy Rave d. CM Punk- a lot of the ROH board seems to hate Rave in the X Pac kinda way. The couple times I've seen him live he had this good match and the match with Styles at TPI. I like the guy fine and he had huge heat in Chicago. Even got a "bullshit" chant after he choked out Punk for the first "win". Then the restart, everyone thought Punk would beat him and then they got swerved again. The cheating methods were like old school 80's NWA. Austin Aries d. Samoa Joe - seemed to go a little shorter than I expected but was a good match. Liked the finish a lot. I had debated on going to this show because I had taken pics at the GCW the night before in St Louis and, through circumstances, hadn't had any sleep as of 5:30 AM Saturday morning. So I sat in a Wal Mart parking lot debating if I should drive 5 or so hours to Chicago or go home and go to bed. Chicago won. Got 2 hours of sleep in a rest area, had a hell of a time finding the building, had to not pay at a toll on the 294 cause I didn't have anymore change, and it was pretty damn cold walking into the building from a 1/2 mile away...and it was well worth it.
  25. Slingshot Suplex

    Joe Dirt's indy wrestling video thread

    Why is it that Homicide had almost every part of his body covered during that match while Corino was dressed in standard wrestling gear?