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Everything posted by SavageRulz

  1. SavageRulz

    GQ shoots on.. someone

    Chris Benoit Rey Mysterio Finlay Shelton Benjamin Bryan Danielson Austin Aries Alex Shelley Christopher Daniels
  2. SavageRulz

    Things I Hate

    I'm sorry about bumping an old blog entry, but there are times in people's lives when simply clinging to one's own attributes is simply not enough. Deep despair, great loss, smothering fear, or unbearable pain are just a few of the reasons why people feel the need to put their fate in the hands of a higher being. There are lesser -- and greater -- reasons, but I would try to encourage you to not be too judgmental of those of faith.
  3. SavageRulz

    HTQ's Thoughts - 2/28/06

    Is it too soon to add Nick Dinsmore to the list of wrestlers whose gimmick has truly killed a career in the sense that there was no recovering no matter how good the person was?
  4. SavageRulz

    Universal Constants in Good Wrestling Matches

    This, right here is very intriguing to me (and could bring about something more interesting and unique) than what you discussed. I would love to read more on this.