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Darth Vader

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Everything posted by Darth Vader

  1. Darth Vader

    Name five of the greatest TV Champions

    Regal is the greatest by far. He MADE that title. I remember being SURE Davey Boy Smith would smoke him for the title and being pissed when it alaways went to a draw. Crazy that nobody has mentioned Austin yet. Wasn't he champ for like 15 months?
  2. Darth Vader

    The Youtube Thread

    Bret Attacks Vince
  3. Darth Vader


    I heard the best way is to cut your daily cigarette intake in half, do that for about a month and then just stop. Plus I always believe that heavy uncontrolable smoking is accompanied by some sort of anxiety problem, you might want to explore the bigger issue first.
  4. Stupid question maybe, but how does the earth's population continue to increase even though people are dropping like flies due to heat-stroke, famine, water shortages ect..?
  5. Darth Vader

    The Youtube Thread

    What a weirdo. Who knew Jeff was the more normal one?
  6. Darth Vader

    The Shield

    Where can you watch the episodes online? Are they in french?
  7. Darth Vader

    The Youtube Thread

    Man I forgot how badly Bret milked his speech to make sure the SCM wasn't seen on TV.
  8. Darth Vader

    The Greatest [Fantasy] Storyline Of All Time

    However you still managed to outdo the actually show. Very Nice.
  9. Darth Vader

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    Don't tell Ron what to say. He'll eat you.
  10. Darth Vader

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Yeah, just cut out those lame ass missions where you have to fly a toy helicopter through rings and get rid of the god damn racing missions. I hate them so much.
  11. Darth Vader

    Imus Remarks

    No racism will end when interacial breeding eventually makes race unrcogizable. That may take 50,000 years though and who know what will happen before then.
  12. Darth Vader

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    Associated Press guidelines say Internet should be capitalized. Add one nerd point to Corkscrew_Senton!
  13. Darth Vader

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    Other than your Random Capitalization of the word internet, I'd agree. I'm done now.
  14. Darth Vader

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    Yeah thats what I thought. Try and get one past the goalie, bitch!
  15. Darth Vader

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    .....you didn't have to put that period there. But you did, and I accept that.
  16. Darth Vader

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    Damn, we gots to call this guy toast, cuz he just got BURNED!!!!!
  17. Darth Vader

    Imus Remarks

    Sucks Imus got canned over this. I never listened to the guy at all but I know he's a legend in radio. All over a dumb comment. And didn't he apologise profusly afterwards. That was really the only reprocussions this situation warrented.
  18. Darth Vader

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    You really didn't need the comma between balls and Scroby.
  19. Darth Vader

    Imus Remarks

    So what you're saying is that if Imus had a black chick in the backgroungd of his show yelling "Oh Imus U crazy LOL!!" then everything would be fine. It's all about context, Imus want to be a serious radio personality he can't say shit like that bottom line. It's just that this whole thing seems like something white and black people will be laughing about 5 years from now. When will people realize that there is a HUGE difference between being racist and being ethinically insensitive?
  20. Darth Vader

    Imus Remarks

    Europe is much more racist. Go to any soccer game Yeah but thats all in good fun.
  21. Darth Vader

    Imus Remarks

    All I can really say is that for it being the year 2007, this whole situation is being blown way way way outta proportion. These broads are being paraded around like some sort of atrosity has been commited on them and people are calling for Don Imus' head on 4 different channels, I mean what the fuck is this? People need to get with the motherfucking times and remove the head from the anus. We very well may have a black president next year!!! Christ keep on goin' with "THE STRUGGLE!!!". These kids need to realize that they are not their parents or grandparents that actually DID SOMETHING for the rights of blacks in this country. Just go back to B ball practice and shut the fuck up already. This is why Europe laughs at us ya' know.
  22. Darth Vader

    Imus Remarks

    Stan: Token I get it now! I don't get it! Token: And now you get it.
  23. Darth Vader

    Imus Remarks

    I call white girls hoes all the time. Am I too a .... .. .... .. ...racist??!? God understanding the world is HARD!!
  24. The criss cross run of DOOM!
  25. Darth Vader

    First Person Cameraman~

    Next thing I want is to hear wrestlers inner-monoluge out loud. Also John Cena should have the ability to stop time Zack Morris style.