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Darth Vader

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Posts posted by Darth Vader

  1. I don't necessarily buy the HHH burying Jericho stuff in late 1999. HHH didn't really have quite the power at that point that he had even 6 months later in 2000. At that point maybe HHH was suggesting things like "Jericho sucks" but they didn't have to listen.


    I really liked the Smackdown ep where for reasons i forget DX was walking around outside and they come a cross a bum on the sidewalk.

    "Will work for food? You can't work. You're like Jericho."

  2. It not really who needs to be there but how the product is presented. WWE just needs to really start looking outside the box. Do something interesting, for the love of GOD!! History shows that they don't do that unless they have to. They run status quo unless they have a reason not to. It's been that way since WCW folded. So unless they are in danger of being booted don't expect anything more out of them than what your getting now. TNA has a golden opprotunity to gain some serious ground right now, but unfortunatly they're idiots too.

  3. So it's been well over a week sonce the incident. I can honestly say that this event has turned the entire industy upsidedown. I have been a wrestling fan since I was 9 and I really hope that this will mark the turning point the wrestling biz. In the whole debate on which wheather or not the "ROID RAGE!!!!" (which really in translation means the industry in general) is to blame for Benoit' and his family's tradgedy is very much irelevent.


    What made Chris Benoit kill his wife and young son?


    It was a combination of drugs stress and maybe biological variances in Chris Benoit. Anyone whose ever delt with depression in thier lives (and it's about 40% of you reading this) knows about the crazy thoughts that enter your head. Now combine that with years of constant drug abuse. You have a one Chris Benoit. I know a lot of fans are not wanting to defened Chris. Cuz idiots will accuse you of defending murder ,like you think murder is okay, like that's even close to being your point. Like understanding Chris's life and what probably went through his mind make YOU a bad person....it doesn't. Those people who jump to conclusion's have the problem. THEY are not fans, we are. I don't think Chris is some "COLD BLOODED MURDEREING ASSHOLE WHO SHOULD ROT IN HELL....OMG I CAN NEVER WATCH HIS MATCHES AGAIN!!!" He was a human being justb like anyone else. The human psychy is fraile and delicate, that is something I truly believe. Chris should have gotten help but was unable. All of his friends thought he was a perfectly normal guywhen really he was not.


    That is the one true lesson anyone who has been hit by this whole fucking mess can take. Don't fear confronting someone if you even have the slighest inclination that they aren't okay.
