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Failed Bridge

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Everything posted by Failed Bridge

  1. Failed Bridge

    Fucking Mexicans

    Jews can afford to buy new cars. And Fridge is bouncing at the junkyard? Is this a part-time job or has there been a huge development i've missed between Chef ->Military -> Junkyard Bouncer. I'm not a bouncer, I do all sorts of shit there.
  2. Failed Bridge

    Fucking Mexicans

    some dirty Puerto Rican took a shit in the middle of the Toyota section today. I almost stepped in it and since I knew it was him (it was real early, the pile was steaming, and he was the only one around) I proceeded to kick his cheap toolbox over into a puddle of mud saturated with radiator fluid.
  3. Failed Bridge

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    its all rainy and shitty out here today. My boss isn't gonna be at work until sometime early this afternoon so I think when I get to work I'm gonna climb the back of the shelves in the tire department and take a nap on top of them.
  4. Failed Bridge

    If you were a cop, would you be corrupt?

    Gook cops over in the gook countries take bribes all the time for the Yakuza
  5. Failed Bridge

    Fucking Mexicans

    black people make a mess of the tire department too. I wanna say niggers. Can I say niggers in here? If so then niggers keep making a mess of the tire department. They just can't seem to put shit away that they pull out. White people and asians just try to haggle the prices and I can tell them to shut the fuck up or leave. Mexicans and niggers (niggers to me refers to the lazy black people that do stupid shit. KOAB is a black person while the dude that messed up the tire department is a nigger, ya dig?) do some stupid shit where I have to actually do extra work. They're starting to piss me off.
  6. Failed Bridge

    Fucking Mexicans

    Remember when Incandenza wanted to have anal with that Mexican chick that had hair all around there?
  7. Failed Bridge

    I Should Be Dead

    it means more when I say it
  8. Failed Bridge

    The Eliminator

    Know how I asked if this was inspired by the new American Gladiators and it kinda was? Well it sucked just as bad as the new American Gladiators too.
  9. Failed Bridge

    I Should Be Dead

    I've never met a good black driver. White males seems to drive the best.
  10. Failed Bridge

    If you were a cop, would you be corrupt?

    I'd let small shit slide
  11. Failed Bridge


    I brought this up with a couple co-workers last night at dinner and was told "Legally there are zero bodies up there and zero bodies found...legally" and that's all they would say.
  12. Failed Bridge

    One Word Bandit

    The Mama Dames had potential
  13. Failed Bridge


    I started a thread on serial killers a couple years back. I think the junkyard I work at would be a great place to throw a body. There's like 3 security cameras that I know of and if anything I'd just throw the body into "The Pit" (that's the place where the cars are brought to have the gas tanks emptied and there's a giant furnace over there too. Just toss the body in there)
  14. Failed Bridge

    What kinda weapons do you own?

    is it a motorised tie rack?
  15. Failed Bridge

    One Word Bandit

    there was already a one word bandit gimmik since somebody copied the 7 word bandit gimmik.
  16. Failed Bridge

    I'm gonna try something here

    I'm baked right now that's about all I got to add to this thread
  17. Failed Bridge

    The Eliminator

    Gang Warz 2 failed because I wasn't around
  18. Failed Bridge

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    whoa whoa whoa, hold on a minute. When the hell did Agent get married?
  19. Failed Bridge

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    normally I'm not one to bitch about being left out but how the hell are Scroby and Invader getting a nod over me? I'd say it would be you, Brody, myself, and Agent. The four of us are beyond help at this point but whatever, who gives a fuck
  20. Failed Bridge

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    you were Frank_Nabbit and you never continued conversing with me via PM when you came back? My thread on Serial Killers is what made us tight then.
  21. Failed Bridge

    The Eliminator

    was this at all inspired by American Gladiator?
  22. Failed Bridge

    Who's having internet sex with Taiga Star?

    is that another porn actress? I just haven't really bothered with porn since I was a teenager.
  23. Failed Bridge

    How do you prefer to die?

    I've always pictured you finally snapping so badly at work that you kill off a couple of co-workers and then get taken down in a hail of bullets yourself. Not one or two shots mind you but like 15-20 because I think you could live through a couple gun shots and you're enough of a dick where you would laugh at whomever shot ya the first time around. Personally as long as I don't suffer through anymore testicular trauma I don't care how I go out.
  24. Failed Bridge

    Who's having internet sex with Taiga Star?

    I don't think I made it as clear as I should have. They let you live so you can still pay off the debt after they've shot your infant in the head and killed the mother too. That happened about five years ago near downtown Worcester. Right near the remodeled McDonalds and delapitated pip shelter. Also whomever Taiga has as her avatar now isn't too shabby looking for a heavier chick. If that's her now then she's alot better looking than the terrible photos she posted awhile back of herself. I'd be willing to pour my seed on that face but there wouldn't be any cuddling afterwards.