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Failed Bridge

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Everything posted by Failed Bridge

  1. Failed Bridge

    Zarqawi's dead!

    I know! How dare they kill this peaceful, hard working, and loving family man! Huh? What's that you say? He devised plans that lead to the gruesome and heartless deaths of hundreds (perhaps thousands in the end) of people? Oh...well he's still human and doesn't deserve that regardless! </People like Curry>
  2. Failed Bridge

    Jason Grimsley admits to steroid use

    I'm just hoping that it eventually leads to Bonds and Giambi. Everybody knows they did steroids and I've been saying all along that Giambi has shifted to HGH and that was the reason for his ability to comeback. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
  3. Failed Bridge

    Jason Grimsley admits to steroid use

    Grimsley named Albert Pujols' trainer link
  4. Failed Bridge


    Czech, you're nowhere near the amount of myself, Banky, and a couple others in that department. I've just been good for about 6months now and because of it there are no fresh threads yelling at me.
  5. Failed Bridge

    Zarqawi's dead!

    so all we have to do to lower gas prices is kill terrorists?
  6. Failed Bridge

    Stupid stuff that pisses you off

    R. Kelly?
  7. Failed Bridge


    bigolslapnuts ... ok, I apologise
  8. Failed Bridge

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Jim Tracy's managerial skills helped that out some. I wouldn't mind seeing the Red Sox trade for him so long as he didn't take much to aquire and he could also be sent down to Pawtucket. Edit: I was thinking of Oliver Perez who also had a shitty performance and has been rumored to be available.
  9. Failed Bridge

    TSM 2006 Death Pool

    kinda saddening to hear about Tenta. He seemed to be a genuinely nice guy and somebody I was really pulling for to make a recovery.
  10. Failed Bridge

    TWIB: June 5-11

    I wanna sign Alfdogg up for the NBA draft just to see what happens but it costs $30 to enter last I checked and Alf aint worth $30.
  11. Failed Bridge

    TWIB: June 5-11

    I'm surprised the Yankees didn't draft Maier. I mean, he already helped them get to one WS so surely he could help them now.
  12. Failed Bridge

    Bring Back the ECW Folder.

    If that was an excuse to create a folder then there would be a folder entitled "Mole to the People".
  13. Failed Bridge

    Jason Grimsley admits to steroid use

    he played with Palmeiro for a couple seasons, so I'm guessing he may know more than people will first think.
  14. Failed Bridge

    TWIB: June 5-11

    David Pauley might just be Derek Lowe minus the mental problems and alcoholism.
  15. Failed Bridge

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Tigers got the steal of the draft. Their rotation will be scary good next season if Miller is ready.
  16. Failed Bridge


    what does a photo showing Ripper's reaction to any negative thing said about his race have to do with today's date?
  17. Failed Bridge

    New & Current Members

    *cancels mass PM stating how badly admin smells*
  18. Failed Bridge

    Guess What Adult Swim Is Going To Air

    Phil Hartman was Jambi in that but not in the series, why?
  19. Failed Bridge

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    They didn't get a solid reciever for him, they got Bethel Johnson.
  20. Failed Bridge

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    Its going to improve the 4-3 sets beyond belief, that's for sure.
  21. Failed Bridge

    Brokeback By The Bell...

    here's a Lord of the Ring's parody. The last moment makes it gold link
  22. Failed Bridge

    TWiB: 5/29 - 6/4

    Manny for Brandon Wood, Chone Figgons, and Ervin Santana was the proposal I believe. I think Larussa was actually right when he said "Edgar can't handle large markets. He's the quiet type that won't be able to handle the pressure".
  23. Failed Bridge

    TWiB: 5/29 - 6/4

    Especially since they designated Colter Bean for assignment long ago.
  24. Failed Bridge

    TWiB: 5/29 - 6/4

    I have to ask; Would Cubs fans prefer Don Baylor managing the Cubs again over Dusty Baker?
  25. Failed Bridge

    X-Men 3

    The George Lucas of today. Don't go shitting on the original Star Wars or Indiana Jones.