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Failed Bridge

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Everything posted by Failed Bridge

  1. Failed Bridge

    48. Hugs.

    I don't hug
  2. Failed Bridge

    take me seriously as a woman

    I'd say Goonies and Toy Soldiers.
  3. Failed Bridge

    46. Rest of the lists.

    I'm more than just a poster, which is why I was left off the good list (crosses fingers)
  4. Failed Bridge

    TWiB #6: May 8 - May 14

    I heard Jeff Conine is the name being brought up most for the Yankees to aquire. Makes sense too as he wouldn't cost much to aquire, can play LF and then when Sheffield comes back he can play some first base and allow Giambi to DH.
  5. Failed Bridge

    TWiB #6: May 8 - May 14

    Just watched the Sox/Yanks game on TiVo and that Matsui injury was nasty. You could tell it was at the very least fractured right after it happened. Wrists don't bend that way without something breaking. I hate having to watch the YES network's coverage. I didn't need to see Bubba Crosby jump straight up in the air on the warning track (for a ball he could have camped under) about 30 different times from every different angle and hear about how he "Robbed Lowell and the Red Sox of a homer with a tremendous play". If he doesn't catch it then at the very most it bounces off the wall. Damon did take a homer away from Mirabelli though. That was a damn nice catch. when Yankees fans finally realise that Jeter has the range of a pregnant woman in her third trimester it'll be a glorious day. Orlando Cabrera should have won the Gold Glove last season and Tejada should have won in 04. ESPN's over-hyping of Jeter making average plays look tremendous with his showboat antics over shadows the fact that he doesn't have the range to make the really tough plays.
  6. Failed Bridge

    World of Warcraft

    Did you take my suggestion and buy a high level character to kill her's with?
  7. Failed Bridge

    World of Warcraft

    I still play. It is fun and I've had no problems letting it be for a few days when need be. Expansion is coming out for it soon too.
  8. Failed Bridge

    take me seriously as a woman

    Sean Astin was great in Toy Soldiers so I could see people wanting to see it for him.
  9. Failed Bridge

    take me seriously as a woman

    Encino Man is not a Pauly Shore movie. Its a Brendan Frasier movie that happens to have Pauly Shore in it.
  10. Failed Bridge

    I had a dream

    I had a dream once where I hung out with Kevin Nash and then went along with him to visit Scott Hall at some rehab center. I don't remember anymore than that but it was pretty funny.
  11. Failed Bridge

    Fucking dumbass friends.

    this has nothing at all to do with fucking your dumbass friends.
  12. Failed Bridge

    take me seriously as a woman

    Kotz only likes Pauly Shore because his obsession starred along side Pauly in the movie Bio Dome.
  13. Failed Bridge

    take me seriously as a woman

    Oh, and something I forgot to mention to you after moving to Virginia. It seems Chevy Chase owns his own line of banks down here. There's one that plays Caddyshack and Funny Farm on repeat in the little waiting area.
  14. Failed Bridge

    take me seriously as a woman

    I just don't get the wanting to go out of your way to start stuff with her when she's not doing anything to antagonise(probably butchered that word) you. I thought Banky retired from this kind of stuff.
  15. They should have gotten Dave Chappelle to follow up Colbert.
  16. Failed Bridge

    Pilsbury Doughboy Kidnapped

    Tell your sister to have it set up so he's giving out handjobs in a back alley as his new means of employment.
  17. Failed Bridge

    One Sick Bitch

    This is what happens when there's nothing good on TV.
  18. Failed Bridge

    I ended up at home on a Friday night.

    I worked and caught some kind of cold it seems too.
  19. Whooped by Tom Arnold...sounds like he really hurt his shoulder too. Link
  20. Failed Bridge

    Why the Giants drafted Kiwi in the first round

    regardless if it was fake or not he was willing to fall to Tom Arnold. That alone shows he's mentally unstable.
  21. Failed Bridge

    I have an announcement.

    I'd rather not read the Captain's Log about that.
  22. Failed Bridge

    Happy International Workers' Day

    McDonalds and Taco Bell would be the only places open.
  23. Failed Bridge

    I Just Noticed

    I just sent a request to both Laurence Maroney and Chad Jackson to be added to their friend's list. Laurence Maroney's real life friends all type like AOL chatroom idiots.
  24. Failed Bridge

    I Just Noticed

    I just noticed I'm like the only one here who doesn't have a mess of TSM people on their MySpace Friends list. I think its because I'd be embarrassed to have most of you have the chance to interact with my family and people I went to school with.
  25. Failed Bridge

    TWIB #4: now to the end of the month

    MVPs for the month of April (in my opinion) AL - Derek Jeter NL - Abert Pujols CY Young leaders AL - Contreras NL - Pedro