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Failed Bridge

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Everything posted by Failed Bridge

  1. Failed Bridge

    A sensitive issue

    he already fucked her in the ass. Infact the night he took her virginity he went and slipped it into her ass first thing. He's way beyond fingers at this point.
  2. Failed Bridge

    Albums released in 2006.

    the new Tool album is a little over a month away from being released. That's the one I'm looking forward to.
  3. Failed Bridge

    A sensitive issue

    I wanna tell him tonight to go ahead and try donkey punching her...I just don't know if its appropriate to say with how he's feeling.
  4. Failed Bridge

    TSM mock draft

    works for me
  5. Failed Bridge

    4 years?!?!

    I was a bad influence on Sandman
  6. Failed Bridge

    What poster is on the most ignore lists.

    Agreed. I don't find alot of British women to be attractive. Scandanavian and Puerto Rican chicks are my fav.
  7. Failed Bridge

    What poster is on the most ignore lists.

    Nice Guy Adam looks like a hairy Louie Anderson
  8. Failed Bridge

    The Amazing Rando is a creep.

    or The Amazing Rondo
  9. Failed Bridge

    Malibu Enterprises

    only two of those were mine.
  10. Failed Bridge

    Hogan Knows Best Season 2

    I wonder if there will be an episode that shows Hogan's reaction to finding out about Eddie's death.
  11. Failed Bridge

    Booking for 3/23

    Alfdogg is facing himself?
  12. Failed Bridge

    Malibu Enterprises

    Oh no. I'm not shouldering the blame for this one. If anything the female gimmik that should have been brought back was The Momma Dames.
  13. Failed Bridge

    Malibu Enterprises

    I'm suing
  14. Failed Bridge

    Issac Hayes Quits South Park

    Matt and Trey said long ago they weren't going to do more than 10 seasons of South Park as they feel that's around the time a show covers most everything and gets stale. If they keep to that then not having Chef around anymore is no big deal. Somebody go over this suicide thing though. I didn't know the voice actress offed herself.
  15. Failed Bridge

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round IV

    he's special in a yellow short bus kind of way, not an incredible kind of person way.
  16. somehow I knew even before clicking on the link to this thread that there would be a tantrum or two by Ripper. I'm not excluding Dama because he's white, he's just on ignore.
  17. Failed Bridge

    FUCK Zack Malibu, FUCK Czech Republic...

    I thought it was going to be the photo of you strangling me at the train station.
  18. Failed Bridge

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round III

    Alf screwed Alf
  19. Failed Bridge

    FUCK Zack Malibu, FUCK Czech Republic...

    but...but...where am I going to go to talk about Webster?
  20. Failed Bridge

    TSM mock draft

    I'm around I've popped in
  21. Failed Bridge

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round II

    what do you expect when there's a giant shitty poster clique at the moment?
  22. Failed Bridge

    Tom Fox (hostage) Murdered

    The best way to end this would be for the U.S. to send SKBF over there to publicly speak to all of them. Within 15 minutes of the speach they'll all start cutting their own heads off.
  23. Failed Bridge

    I want to kill that Verizon commercial

    the Verizon tech didn't come out here 3 straight times when an appointment was made, so my uncle got all the jacks and shit installed for free.
  24. Failed Bridge

    Tom Fox (hostage) Murdered

    Couldn't care less. When I have to fix your grammer its time to hang your head and cry. I still don't get how people who practice a religion that means "peace" can truly believe people that tell them god wants anybody dead. Still, its stupid to go over there thinking you can fix the situation with hugs and kisses.