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Failed Bridge

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Everything posted by Failed Bridge

  1. Failed Bridge

    The Hills Have Eyes

    I listed a couple, but my favorite horror movie ever is the original Dawn of the Dead.
  2. Failed Bridge

    The Hills Have Eyes

    Knowing both the definitions to "horror" and "film", I consider Seven to be a "horror film". Just because it wasn't your typical run of the mill type doesn't change it.
  3. Failed Bridge

    Let's do some spring cleaning on folder subtitles.

    Love, Sex, and Dating Name three things your average WWE fan knows nothing about
  4. Failed Bridge

    The Hills Have Eyes

    I disagree. Se7en scared me when I saw it in the theater. It was a real nice mindfuck
  5. Failed Bridge

    The Hills Have Eyes

    if blood and gore for blood and gore's sake is what you like then you'll enjoy the movie. If your preference of horror film is stuff like The Ring and Se7en (like me) then you too will think it sucked. It didn't help that a couple of black girls just kept screaming at the screen as if the characters on it could hear them and thus follow their directions. I point out the fact they were black because never before had I actually experienced the stereotype of "black woman in a Harlem Theater" type before tonight.
  6. Failed Bridge

    The Hills Have Eyes

    It was gore for the sake of gore and just not scary.
  7. Failed Bridge

    Black Hoff Down

    his show would just be him stalking both Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels whilst promising BIG DONUTS to people and never giving them said big donut.
  8. Failed Bridge

    Happy Birthday, CronoT.

    oh, he has arms. He just didn't want to put us all to shame with the massive muscles he gained from pushing carts day-in and day-out, thus he placed them behind his back.
  9. Failed Bridge

    The offical Kimbo is god thread...

    KOAB almost saved this thread single-handedly almost
  10. Failed Bridge

    Black Hoff Down

    I still think Kirby Puckett is basically what Hoff is, just black. Hoff being born white is what killed his chances of being a pro-athlete. Blacks have stronger leg and thigh muscles so they can run with more weight alot easier. Hoff however is stuck being just a step below Kent Hrbek(I think that's how you spell it) in the athletesism department.
  11. Failed Bridge

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    Pats cut McGinest due to the $8.3mill cap hit he would be. Hopefully they bring him back at a reduced price. former Jets C Kevin Mawae wants to play for the Patriots. Its in the Boston Herald. Pats don't need him since they have Dan Koppen, unless of course Mawae is willing to move to the gurd position.
  12. Failed Bridge

    NFL Labor deal approved by owners

    Shouldn't have to worry about Willie McGinest being cut, nor should we have to worry about David Givens leaving. Hopefully they can hammer out a long-term deal with Richard Seymour now as well.
  13. Failed Bridge

    Culpepper: Trade me or void my contract

    Evidently new ownership being against their players having sex parties on yachts and trying to cheat their way past a drug test was just the final straw for Dante.
  14. Failed Bridge

    Black Hoff Down

    Stop fuckin' freeloading. I'm riding this gravy-train to the very end
  15. Failed Bridge

    Well, see ya later guys

    When Matt journeys back he'll have a new girlfriend. This one will be addicted to gambling and Virginia Slim brand ciggerettes.
  16. Failed Bridge

    Black Hoff Down

    this is the only hardcore thread in this joint. I once had a Kirby Puckett rookie card, but I sold it in my youth. I probably wasted the money on action figures or something too.
  17. Failed Bridge

    Black Hoff Down

    Ok! Fine! I just didn't feel like downloading AIM because I didn't want to stay on the comp for very long. My web of lies are shattered...although my uncle is giving me free stuff. Expensive leather comp chair from his previous office along with a Lazy-Boy recliner thus far. Can't complain.
  18. Failed Bridge

    Black Hoff Down

    I'm not gonna download stuff to his comp out of respect. Respect and the fact that he keeps giving me expensive pieces of furniture for free that he no longer wants.
  19. Failed Bridge

    Black Hoff Down

    I have AIM. My uncle's comp however does not. I should be back on AIM shortly before April though.
  20. Failed Bridge

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round 1

    You're dead to me Popick
  21. Failed Bridge

    TSM Poster Tournament IV

    Well...go do something else equally stupid and destructive for our amusement.
  22. Failed Bridge

    TSM Poster Tournament IV

    I forgot StylesMark was Paul. Paul was better when he was flipping company trucks over and getting fired for it. The new Paul is like the new Ren and Stimpy. Too much content and not enough quality. Oh, and OJ Simpson morphing into Osama Bin Laden was much better than the gnome. (CWM will now cry)
  23. Failed Bridge

    Fix this folder

    Here's what's wrong: 1.) Too many threads devoted to discussion about a female poster that has everybody on ignore 2.) Too many StylesMark posts 3.) Too much Malibu and Carnival lovefest. Its like Will & Grace minus Grace and with even more homosexuality. 4.) Not enough Sandman9000 5.) Not enough Alfdogg posts that point out the obvious in a sarcastic and rude manner 6.) No fights between CWM, Popick, and Agnes 7.) The word "Mook" still isn't being used often enough 8.) There aren't any godthedog posts at all 9.) Kotz hasn't tantrumed recently. Sometimes those are funny to watch. 10.) No mocking of recent Amazing Rando ideas 11.) Not enough KOAB posts containing only an elipse 12.) Not enough IDRM threads about religion 3.) Not enough RedHotThumbtackInTheEye Here's what's right 1.) The amount of chave posts. 2.) Angry Czech 3.) Not alot of threads turning into mindless discussion of indie music 4.) Mole being scarce despite the lack of Sandman9000 5.) No Damaramu I'm going to go get ready for work shortly. I expect the good stuff to keep up and for the bad stuff to be remedied by the time I get home.
  24. Failed Bridge

    You know what I fucking hate

    your High School English teacher would cry if they read that.