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Failed Bridge

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Everything posted by Failed Bridge

  1. Failed Bridge

    Stephanie McMahon is pregnant

    If karma were to strike then the baby ends up being Bret Hart's.
  2. Failed Bridge

    Sting will turn Heel at Final Resolution

    After being stuck with Jarrett for so long you'd want Sting also.
  3. Failed Bridge

    NFL Playoffs

    On Countdown they just said that Will Allen will be covering Steve Smith.
  4. Failed Bridge

    Phantom posting

    It happens when you go to post a new thread and after awhile you get a pop-up saying "Connection was refused" or some shit. Happened to me, but I was fast enough to respond to it and add the stuff I wanted to in the initial thread before anybody else could make a sly comment.
  5. Failed Bridge

    I'm Back.

    Don't look at me. I wasn't a mod when it was first made.
  6. Failed Bridge

    NFL Playoffs

    that doesn't excuse the horrid run defense they showed in that game. Larry Johnson bitch slapped them around the whole field.
  7. Failed Bridge

    Sting will turn Heel at Final Resolution

    They've been shitting over the parts that involve Jarrett from what I've seen.
  8. Failed Bridge

    Santa's Arrest Caught on Video

    This may be too graphic for some to see. I warn you ahead of time. Link
  9. Failed Bridge

    Rate your drugs!

    It kills more brain cells too.
  10. Failed Bridge

    Rate your drugs!

    8.) Angle-Plex posts
  11. Failed Bridge

    NFL Playoffs

    I'm hoping for a Steelers win. Should the Pats beat the Broncos then they either face a beat up Indy team (since the Steelers are one of the most physical teams in the league) or they face the Steelers at home. That's win/win to me.
  12. Failed Bridge

    Rate your drugs!

    unless you take enough, which is what I did. I'm surprised I'm still alive actually with the stupid amounts I did at one time. My party days are done though.
  13. Failed Bridge

    NFL Playoffs

    watching Willie McGinnest come off the field there got a laugh out of me. Waving his arms arms around as if to say "Ok, I've had my fun and I'm done tonight. Somebody else come in now."
  14. Failed Bridge

    NFL Playoffs

    Is nobody watching this game?
  15. Failed Bridge

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

  16. Failed Bridge

    NFL Playoffs

    Good god did Eugene Wilson ever lay the hammer down on that hit. I wouldn't be surprised to see Del Rio challenge it though. The back looked like he was knocked out for a couple seconds too.
  17. Failed Bridge

    Rate your drugs!

    Shrooms always gave me gas and then diahrea...of course I took them while drinking Vodka whenever I did do them so perhaps the two just don't mix.
  18. Failed Bridge

    NFL Playoffs

    John Henderson looks like a black version of that tall guy with the nail in his head in the movie Happy Gilmore.
  19. Failed Bridge

    NFL Playoffs

    Major Applewhite is actually the QB coach of Syracuse now I believe. Nice pooch punt by Vinatieri.
  20. Failed Bridge

    NFL Playoffs

    The Redskins are turning into a MASH Unit.
  21. Failed Bridge

    Smarkdown Predictions~!

    I'll go with Jay Hawke since I only know him Obviously the real winner will be the company raking in the cash from selling the SWF all these lightbulbs/light-tubes. I'll go with Bruce for the first match because his name is easier to spell How can you ever go against somebody named Manson? Kevin Coyote due to a DQ Dusty Finish TORU with mass CLUBBERIN'! Max King because I don't like the looks of this Ghost Machine thing You, the readers.
  22. Failed Bridge

    NFL Coach of The Year Talk...

    And knowing the Patriots they'll be using that as motivation should they end up facing the Colts in the playoffs.
  23. Failed Bridge

    Feuds That Could Have Happened But Never Did

    Oh! Cactus Jack/Hulk Hogan could have been entertaining as well.
  24. Failed Bridge

    Feuds That Could Have Happened But Never Did

    That one kinda did happen and Benoit broke his neck as a result of it. Jake Roberts/Raven might have been pretty fun if it ever happened.
  25. Failed Bridge

    Rate your drugs!

    or Gary Busey