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Failed Bridge

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Everything posted by Failed Bridge

  1. Failed Bridge

    NFL Week XV

    This Patriots team is looking alot like the Super Bowl Champion team that beat the Panthers. They're stopping the run now to a ridiculous point and thus those 7 yard passes aren't enough. I know people will say I'm crazy, but if they go into the playoffs with the remainder of their roster healthy then they might be a team others don't want to overlook.
  2. Failed Bridge

    I work with a pedophile

    unless you work somewhere that has children often present during the graveyard shift then let it be. The guy's already been tried by the courts and shit. Let him earn a living and move on with his life.
  3. Failed Bridge

    TSM 2006 Death Pool

    Wouldn't count if they did. Its still 2005 and I imagine that if one of the picks for 06 dies before 06 then we're allowed to replace them.
  4. Failed Bridge

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    I was actually going to send a trade proposal to them but never did. My idea was... Houston gets Manny Ramirez Boston gets Brad Lidge, Adam Everett, and Jeff Bagwell. Houston agrees to pay $2mill of Bagwell's buyout in 07 if option is not picked up. I think its a fair deal for both sides.
  5. Failed Bridge

    Ashlee Simpson passes out...

    Who will end up dying of alcohol poisoning first, Ashley Simpson or Tara Reid?
  6. Failed Bridge

    Simpsons Season 7 DVD Box set

    you people are going to have nothing to complain about when season 8 comes out
  7. Failed Bridge

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    Greinke, Redman, Elarton, Runelvys Hernandez, Mike Wood, and Elmer Dessens to all battle for spots in the KC rotation. Royals fans are going to have one hell of a spring training watching how that competition goes!
  8. Failed Bridge

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    Its due to the Red Sox bullpen being comprised of pitchers that didn't succeed at any stadium last season.
  9. Failed Bridge

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    I don't see that trade happening. Crisp would be awesome in CF but with the way the bullpen was last year you can't give up Mota. I also wouldn't be too keen on them getting rid of Marte either. Cleveland has shown interest in Bronson Arroyo apparently. Package him with somebody.
  10. Failed Bridge

    TSM 2006 Death Pool

    Muhammad Ali - Best Bet Betty White Ernest Borgnine Paul Newman Zsa Zsa Gabor Bob Barker Leslie Nielsen Hugh Downs Jack Palance Sidney Poitier Dick Clark Carl Reiner Louie Anderson (The pick for Fat Comic that will be found dead and bloated in a hotel room) Yogi Berra Gerald Ford - Best Bet Phyllis Diller Don Knotts Walter Cronkite Kirk Douglas Lady Bird Johnson
  11. Failed Bridge

    Simpsons Season 7 DVD Box set

    I can't say the quotes you listed in that link are anything that truly stands out. To most its a very average episode.
  12. Failed Bridge

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    Bako is one year 700k, Elarton signed a two year deal, Grudz signed a one year deal with a club option for 07, and I can't find anything on Mienkpdfsigodfgbn other than the fact he did sign with KC. They're a whole lot better defensively now at the very least.
  13. Failed Bridge

    Post your DVD collection here!

    Here's my little collection Link
  14. Failed Bridge

    Simpsons Season 7 DVD Box set

    that episode has some great spots in it. Like the Troy McLure video where he takes the little kid to the slaughter house, or the whole worm disecting part and Homer chasing after the pig as it rolls along; "Its just a little slimey...its still good, its still good!". When I grow up I'm going to Bovine University!
  15. Failed Bridge

    Simpsons Season 7 DVD Box set

    Homer's Enemy was a pretty good episode but nothing special. The only thing that stands out in it is Grimes' final tyraid. The ending sucked. Homer saying "Marge...change the channel" and then Lenny saying "That's our Homer" while the rest of the people laugh hysterically was just plain stupid. I'll refrain from talking about Season 8 anymore though until that set comes out. It does have one of my favorite episodes ever in it though (You Only Move Twice)
  16. Failed Bridge

    Forum Skins

    My father has that Midnight Oil cassette.
  17. Failed Bridge

    Simpsons Season 7 DVD Box set

    I've seen it far too many times now. It does have its good spots like "THRILLHO", The Lee Carvallo bits and the Camp Grenada bit. I do however hate the Don Brodka character in it. If my local Fox affiliate hadn't over-played it to no end then I'd probably still find it an ok episode, but definately not one I'd put at the top of my list.
  18. Failed Bridge

    Man charged for sex with wife

    "It was reported earlier today that 13 year old Billy Sue had sex with her 22 year old Uncle-Dad"
  19. Failed Bridge

    JBL calls Juvi a retard

    I'd like to know Outback Jack's feelings on Juvi.
  20. Failed Bridge

    News on T4 and TV Series

    A suspenseful prequel to Nightmare on Elm St where he's the child molester would be a great idea. Give it more of a Se7en feel than the slasher flick feel though. Seeing the events that lead Freddy to become Freddy would be grand. I've no desire to see a movie where the plot revolves around movie character A vs movie character B. Freddy vs Jason sucked and I refuse to see Alien vs Predator as I heard its absolutely terrible. I won't care about the Terminator series unless the events of the series start a little before Skynet goes up or a little bit after it goes up.
  21. Failed Bridge

    TSM 2 millionth post party...coming soon

    CWM is probably accountable for 1/10 of all those posts too.
  22. Failed Bridge

    Man charged for sex with wife

    If he was on the CornHuskers football team then none of this would be a problem.
  23. Failed Bridge

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    Dominguez is a reliever and Nix doesn't play second base. Kaz would likely do pretty well in Arlington, especially in an order where he'd be hitting after Michael Young and before Mark Texiera. If the Mets and Red Sox kicked in a bit of cash towards the Rangers as well they'd probably think about it. Perhaps a combined $5mill to Texas? That or they could try to work Phil Nevin into the deal somehow to free up a bit of cash.
  24. Failed Bridge

    Stay of execution denied for Stanley "Tookie" Williams

    Why don't you enlighten me instead of being a pompous jackass? Unless he saved a family from a burning building, it's probably not going to change that he ended four people's lives prematurely. Or that he didn't ever atone for his crimes. Didn't mean to come off as a "pompous jackass", but really, he did more than that. As was said earlier in this thread he helped make peace between the Bloods and Crips which probably saved numerous innocent lives. I mean alot of the tactics used by each gang were drive-by shootings or rigging things with explosives, along with the occasional home invasion. For them to no longer be at war like they once were potentially saved countless lives. He also allowed the juvenile courts to bring young children who were headed down the same path as he did to view him on Death Row where he could go about "scaring them straight" so to say. I'm sure he didn't get through to all of them but some had to have been affected and said "This isn't what I want", thus changing their attitude and becoming a productive member of society. The last thing I know he did was speak to kids in the lower class schools about Gang Violence via satellite feed, and how they should avoid joining a gang or looking to drugs and alcohol. He did all that without recieving anything in return when alot of different Anti-Gang and Anti-Drug programs wouldn't touch those schools since they deemed those schools as "not worth the time". Like the kids were predestined to go down that path no matter what. He spent his time on Death Row in a very productive manner. They could have just let all of that continue while keeping him in a shitty jail cell.