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Failed Bridge

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Everything posted by Failed Bridge

  1. Failed Bridge

    On Crying....

    When I went to Catholic school we had a priest that one day just walked into the science classroom with a radio, put the radio down, pulled out a dog puppet and toy gun, turned the radio on which started playing the Old Yeller song and then simulated the dog being shot via the puppet and toy gun. Afterwards he just got up and left without saying a word. It was just a great moment.
  2. Failed Bridge

    On Crying....

    No, that's the average age of somebody that spends most of their time in the WWE folder.
  3. Failed Bridge

    Crying over a wrestler's death is pathetic

    It would be like The Crying Game for me, except you have no desire to have me fiddle with your secret penis.
  4. Failed Bridge

    2005-2006 MLB Offseason thread

    So Matsui now makes $13mill a year and most likely has bonuses he can make too. That's quite the raise from what he made before. Theo Epstein wants his job back. Just once I'd like the Red Sox to have a drama free off-season.
  5. Failed Bridge

    Hello, TSM.

    Kanye West is the first gimmik I've ever put on ignore. That's saying something coming from me.
  6. Failed Bridge

    Eddie Special on MSNBC

    does this Rita Crosby normally have this voice or is she suffering from larangitis?
  7. Failed Bridge

    Crying over a wrestler's death is pathetic

    No, the same thing happened last night. Its just considered fine because I pointed it out, instead of BX this time around.
  8. Failed Bridge

    My diet journal

    Didn't you say something about just eating tuna, asparagus, and pasta too? I couldn't eat the same thing over and over everyday.
  9. Failed Bridge

    Crying over a wrestler's death is pathetic

    i wish you'd stop being such a douche all of the time. i know you are capable of being normal. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't know how to put things in a very sensitive manner. Czech and Slayer did a better job saying exactly what I was thinking.
  10. Failed Bridge

    Crying over a wrestler's death is pathetic

    we're still friends though Banky, and that's all that matters!
  11. Failed Bridge

    Crying over a wrestler's death is pathetic

    eh, we all are from time to time. I wish her well though and have no ill feelings towards her. My only complaint is the over-exagerating she does of stuff that I was involved with. and I'd like you to know at this time Black Lushus, that I once truly thought you were white and for some reason I thought I remembered you posting a photo of yourself holding a kid that shows you are white. I've gotta be thinking of somebody else though.
  12. Failed Bridge

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    that works, thanks Deon
  13. Failed Bridge

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    I don't want anything that has to go through WWE, and I don't think his local newspaper is quite where I'd want to leave the condolences either. I was hoping for something along the lines of maybe his website that might have been converted into something where fans could pay their respects. If its not up now then hopefully they put one up soon.
  14. Failed Bridge

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    is there a site set-up yet where you can actually pass along condolences to family and friends yet? If so then I'd like the link to that.
  15. Failed Bridge

    Crying over a wrestler's death is pathetic

    oh, and I also admit to saying at one point that if Alina lived closer she would be somebody I'd probably be interested in going out on a date with. This was of course before she went batty on me. It didn't mean I wanted to date her as I was trying to hook up with a chick who was the cousin of a friend and going to school a ways away, but I still said it.
  16. Failed Bridge

    Crying over a wrestler's death is pathetic

    I never told Alina I loved her either. I always joked about how she must be in love with me since I saw a thread asking where I was, and got 2 PMs stating that she missed talking to me. I viewed it as kidding around, she viewed it as something different all together. I did show those PMs to somebody though just to show I wasn't making it up. I don't recall if it was Czech, Sandy or somebody else but I did show them. The most I said to Alina was that I cared about her (as a friend mind you) and thought she could understand where I was coming from on alot of subjects since she too suffered from depression and social anxiety disorder. and yes Sideburnicious, we are all nuts...but we aren't invisibile, so embrace it a bit!
  17. Failed Bridge

    Crying over a wrestler's death is pathetic

    BX, it goes like this... Months and months ago I recieved a messageboard from IllustriousOne after asking. Due to Jingus' board getting deleted and me feeling bad for him at the time I made him an admin and then allowed it to be named after the previous board. It was suppose to be an alternative to TSM with a more laidback atmosphere and less straight forward rules. Basically a "you should know how to act without me telling you" type thing. After awhile though it became a Conservitive Clubhouse where Mike said some of the stupidest shit on a constant basis (you know, his regular thing), Marney made fun of blacks on a constant basis (to which I got complaints in PM), and the CE people basically ran everybody else out as it wasn't fun having to put up with them. I deleted my own admin status as the place had become an absolute shit hole and took a break from the net for a few weeks while contemplating whether or not I should just delete the whole thing. During that time I basically only spoke with Slayer and Sandy. I came back, looked over the place and saw it had become worse than ever in regards to racism and stupid shit. I also saw a thread with people talking shit about me when I had done nothing previous to them, I just left and said I was done. In that thread I saw Alina who I believe to be a friend at the point as one of the people talking shit, so I tried to get through to her on AIM and see what the hell had happened to get her to do that but she blocked me and all sorts of shit. Having had a rough couple of weeks and then watching a supposed friend go on like that I decided to delete the place and just say the final straw was it killing a good(as I percieved) friendship. I then deleted the place, as it was given to me so it was mine to delete (not to mention I did all the work on it with Josh taking care of the server errors. Jingus did not once do shit. All he did was get drunk and bother me on AIM) and watched a huge backlash because evidently TTK had purchased some kind of liscense to Invision software for the board. I didn't know that at the time and had I known I would have just gone in and deleted the shit I worked on and replaced it with the original coding. I'm not an asshole to the extent where I'd cost somebody their hard earned money. Finding out that he did indeed pay for it I apologised to him in PM on here before my account was deleted and told him I could give him the files needed to get the board back up and running. He told me to give them to Josh, and I did. That's all that happened. And BX, I will mourn the loss of your dog. If you need a hug then you know where to come buddy
  18. Failed Bridge

    Albert Pujols wins NL MVP

    I know the Brewers sucked, but you'd think Carlos Lee would have gotten a few more votes.
  19. Failed Bridge

    Crying over a wrestler's death is pathetic

    actually I guess that board isn't such a bad thing. It keeps the people like Mike, Marney, Slappy, Vyce, etc over there and away from the rest of everybody. I suppose it does serve a purpose.
  20. Failed Bridge

    Crying over a wrestler's death is pathetic

    Bullshit, I never cried over you. I haven't cried since the shit with my ex-fiance went down, you think I'd cry over you? Deleting that terrible board once again was not a pathetic act, but one that should be commended.
  21. Failed Bridge

    Movies that will make you think of

    Scarface and Next Friday
  22. Failed Bridge

    Howard Stern makes fun of Eddie Guerrero.

    Its disrespectful but he doesn't make funny of Eddie anywhere in it.
  23. Failed Bridge

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    I'd download the tribute video if there was an option to do so. I'm not going to watch his last match and see his brains get scrambled though.
  24. Failed Bridge

    Crying over a wrestler's death is pathetic

    We've never spoken on AIM so I have no idea who that shot goes to