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Hawk 34

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Everything posted by Hawk 34

  1. Hawk 34

    WWE Great American Bash 2008

    These streams always have the absolute worse chat rooms.
  2. Hawk 34

    Box Office Report...

    At the midnight screenings that I attended, there were more teenage girls then any other demographic. I don't know if that means they'll be interested enough to see repeat viewings but there was clearly a interest amongst that demographic. It'll do really well in the long run but not Titanic good.
  3. Hawk 34

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Certain pressures have forced me to abdicate my desires to claim the one I alluded to earlier; so, SK lucks out if he truly did have that right person in mind. I wanted a great female worker to add to my promotion since I only have one presently and I didn’t want to reduce her as a manager without a female counterpart and given that I have American Dragon, there was no doubt that I needed to acquire this particular talent. I’ll select Danielson’s “student”. With the next pick of this draft…I will select The American Angel, Sara Del Rey
  4. Hawk 34

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I believe you are. Last pick was from HTQ at noon yesterday.
  5. Hawk 34

    WWE Great American Bash 2008

    WWE Championship Edge Vs Triple H -I will call for the title change right here. I know the general measure of snark is to make the appropriate Triple H Never Jobs retort but that’s not as applicable as usual. I do believe the Familia will hint the typical dissension signs but it’ll come together for a cheap and characteristically opportunistic victory for Edge. World Championship Batista Vs CM Punk -CM Punk retains here. Batista will dominate this match-up as he should. There’s two probable finishes here. Punk doesn’t get the decisive finish because Punk takes a color show for this match and this leads to the standard WWE finish of the reversed referee’s decision after Batista goes overboard and tries to take out Punk for good, this would send this two into a more vicious and embroiled feud leading into Summer Slam where Batista takes the title on that night. The other possible conclusion will see a similar match-up to most big-man/smaller man match-ups with Batista dominating but Punk working to chop Batista down with a knee injury throughout the night. The finish would see Batista’s knee collapsing during the efforts of a Batista Bomb and Punk capitalizes for a victory and Batista goes Diesel on Punk’s Bret. That’s standard formula for big-man/smaller man finishes and not a bullshit ‘banana peel’ finish. ECW Title Mark Henry Vs Tommy Dreamer -Originally the title wasn’t on the line, which made things slightly more in the favor of Dreamer but defense or no defense. Dreamer’s doing what he does best and that’s take a beating, make the other guy look good and take a pin. My only wish is that Henry doesn’t need the assistance of Atlas to secure a win over, of all people, Tommy Dreamer. Finlay and Hornswoggle Vs Miz and Morrison Vs Rated Rmy Vs Jesse and Festus -The In Crowd has been the best tag team combination in the WWE since Edge & Christian. While I would’ve enjoyed seeing them carry those belts well over a year and beyond, the probability of that happening is slim. Hopefully this won’t be the start of the usual tag team split. Miz and Morrison aren’t as complete as characters individual as they are as a team. Which team will benefit? It’ll be The Rmy since being alongside the top guy without championship goal is somewhat abnormal in these power stables. NYC Brawl -Yes, JBL has a devastating back injury and I can buy into the argument that this match would build around alleviating JBL’s issues by writing him off but his strong nature and importance for Raw at least for now, leads to believe he’ll still be around in some capacity on Raw. However, Cena will take the blow off victory here. Jericho Vs Michaels -The only acceptable finish is a non-finish crazy-ass brawl with zero resemblance to a professional wrestling match. Set up the big grudge match at Summer Slam. Use a Non-Sanctioned Street Fight stipulation to play off Shawn’s return to the business at Summer Slam 2002. Bring up how Shawn said “just one more time”…and how its six years later and Shawn’s still around going against his word. US Title Shelton Benjamin Vs Matt Hardy -Shelton’s been on the receiving end of a hearty push on each brand since his much needed departure from Raw. He was never in a position to obtain a title reign on ECW but they can here with the US Title and it makes that title a fixture on Smackdown once again. Matt’s not good with a title like most faces, he’s much more talented in the chase. Regardless of the finish, this should be a fantastic opener. DIVAS Championship Michelle Vs Natalya -The required piss-break match. I’ll say Michelle wins to get the belt off to a proclaimed “big” start but merely continues Natalya’s ongoing feud with her.
  6. Hawk 34

    kkk Bowl VI: Signups

    In again.
  7. Hawk 34

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    The last time someone had to make up four picks, we all lost out on Giant Gonzales. I'm nervous.
  8. Hawk 34

    The Dark Knight

    Let's discuss the film and not the weight of importance in a message boarder's claims of this movie's placement amongst the history of motion pictures. It's a really good movie with tremendous acting across the board and it didn't fail to meet the overall hype assigned to this film be it by the extensive history of this franchise, the success of it's predecessor or the curiosity factor in Ledger's final complete performance.
  9. Hawk 34

    News You Can (barely) Use

    How was his name pronounced?
  10. Hawk 34

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I considered taking Steele as a controlled henchmen for Raven.
  11. Hawk 34

    7/16: Family, Cats Getting Along

    I'm curious. Who picks out the decor for the bedroom?
  12. Hawk 34

    The Dark Knight

    I ended up getting into a midnight showing. It was simply amazing. To show just how big this was, that theatre that I mentioned earlier expanded from 5 screens to 8 screens about a couple hours prior to the 11:59 openings and every theatre sold out or reached near capacity. People chose to stand in the aisle or sit on the floor if they couldn't get a seat. I've never such a diverse crowd of people to one particular movie or event.
  13. Hawk 34

    The Dark Knight

    One of the local theatres has 5 screens for midnight showings and each are sold out. I'll be attending this movie on two seperate occasions tomorrow.
  14. Hawk 34

    The Emmy Nominations

    This is Griffin's 3rd Emmy nomination and she won last year.
  15. Hawk 34

    The Emmy Nominations

    What's the time-frame for nominations? The last season of The Shield aired in the Spring of '07. Was it eligible?
  16. Hawk 34


    As I rewatch great War Games like 1992, I find myself wondering how many great War Games match-ups we've missed out on because of McMahon's stubborn unwillingness to revive this gimmick on a true national level. There's no reason that this gimmick couldn't be used for Survivor Series on a annual basis.
  17. Hawk 34

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    The rules here have been sound but there are some things that need tweaks that I know mellow has expressed.
  18. Hawk 34

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    There's a pick that I absolutely expect Mellow or SK to take next that I want. As confusing as it has become (to an extent), it has really gone fast. There were times we'd go 2 days with seemingly 2 picks total but now we're moving fast as I think most can see the finish line emerging and want to wrap it up so we can create our super-cards and perhaps do another version of this draft but with different rules and such.
  19. Hawk 34

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I flip-flopped between Nowinski and Sanders awhile back. I ended up with Sanders because I thought he was just a little better in the ring as a performer but as mid-card annoying intelligent quasi-manager heels, both were great at it and it's a shame their careers were short. GO was a tremendous pick-up as well. That was one impressive run by Drury. It takes no more then 20 seconds to scan the front page to see if a name was taken.
  20. Hawk 34

    Vince McMahon = Howard Hughes?

    I thought he moved into another (higher) role in the company and wasn't doing much of the writing these days.
  21. Hawk 34

    Smackdown Spoilers for 7/18

    Edge is the perfect replacement for Savage in the Slim Jim commercials.
  22. Hawk 34

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I really should picked Dragon Kid to go along with Saito/Yokosuka. If I didn't get robbed of Jack Evans, I would've been more urgent in getting DK in addition. Balls probably would have lasted another round.
  23. Hawk 34

    This Week in Baseball 7/14 - 7/20

    Just put McCann at 3rd.
  24. Hawk 34

    WWE Raw (7/14/2008)

    Who would these people be? Coach, Dusty Rhodes, Eric Bischoff, Eugene?