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Hawk 34

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Everything posted by Hawk 34

  1. Hawk 34

    The Oscars

    I always enjoy the random seating. Seth Rogen next to Dennis Hooper?
  2. Hawk 34

    The Oscars

    They changed that last year or quite recently.
  3. Hawk 34

    The Oscars

    That's why I picked Clayton.
  4. Hawk 34

    The Oscars

    Best Picture: Michael Clayton (upset!) Best Director: Joel and Ethan Coen Best Actor: Daniel Day Lewis Best Actress: Julie Christie Best Supporting Actor: Javier Bardem Best Supporting Actress: Amy Ryan Best Original Screenplay: Juno Best Adapted Screenplay: The Diving Bell and The Butterfly Best Animated Feature: Persepolis
  5. Hawk 34

    The Oscars

    This one will suffice.
  6. Main Show Delirious vs.Human Tornado is up now.Huge Tornado chant starts.Dance off between Delirious and Tornado.They wrestle with music.Out comes AOTF without Necro.Lacey slaps Delirious.Out comes Daizee Haze.She beats on Lacey.And now Delirious gets involved.Delirious,Tornado clean house on the AOTF.Match is ruled a no contest. Delirious and Human Tornado vs.Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black is up now.Black and Jacobs win when Jacobs makes Tornado tap to End Time.Delirious chases off the AOTF with a hairpick. Nigel out to cut a promo.Nigel says he's ready.He says Danielson is reckless.Crowd starts chanting "You're gonna get your ****ing head kicked in."Nigel says he's putting his health first...he's worried about who will main event the PPV..Nigel goes full blown heel.Nigel says he won't defend the belt cause the fans won't care when he's a vegetable.Out comes Danielson.Danielson defends the honor of the belt.Danielson says no tv,no 40 years of history because the title is important because everyone works their ass off to win the belt.Everyone from Aries to Punk who worked their ass off for the belt.Its even for Daniels and Strong who tried to win the belt.Danielson agrees to not attack the head.Danielson gives his word amd its not like Morishima's promise but it'll be OK cause I am the best wrestler in the world. El Generico vs. Brent Albright is up now.Albright wins with knees to head.Match ends due to ref stoppage. Larry Sweeney talk show segment is up now.Guest is none other than the returning...Allison Danger.Sweeney asks her if she's a huge slut.Sweeney hits Danger.He lays her out and says Bobby can become a man.He lays out Dempsey on top of her.Sweet and Sour Inc. announce a hostile takover of ROH.Segment over. Kevin Steen vs. Joey Matthews is up now.Matthews is working WWE style and its pissing the crowd off.Steen wins when Matthews taps to the sharpshooter.No handshake between the two post-match.Steen mimmicks a crybaby. Go Shiozaki vs. Austin Aries is up now.Aries defeats Shiozaki with a brainbuster/450 combo for the win.Post-match Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs are up in the balcony trying to persuade Aries to join The Age Of The Fall.Tammy Sytch comes out and interrupts the recruitment.Tammy recruits Aries.She offers him "more".Aries says I will take my time to decide.Leaves. Return Date for next NYC show is Saturday May 10th at The Hammerstein Ballroom Intermission Shimmer Title Match:Sara Del Rey vs. Daizee Haze is up now.Del Rey retains over Daizee Haze with the Royal Butterfly. ROH World Tag Team Title Match with Davey Richards and Rocky Romero vs.Ruckus and Jigsaw is up now.Richards and Romero win when Davey hits a sitout powerbomb for the win on Jigsaw.After the match Jigsaw refused to take off the mask and left.Kevin Steen and El Generico are in the crowd with a mic.Steen and Generico challenge the NRC to a fight and want a title shot.The NRC accept and then run when Steen and Generico hit the ring and Steen and Generico chase them to the back. No DQ FIP World Heavyweight Title Match Roderick Strong defends vs. Erick Stevens vs. The Necro Butcher is up now.Strong retains the title win he pins Necro.Match is said to be a brutal brawl. ROH World Title Match Nigel McGuinness defends vs. Bryan Danielson is up now.Nigel hits the ref and gets DQ'ed.Aries and all the babyfaces come out and demand Nigel wrestle or go through all of them.The match is restarted.Amazing match.Nigel is busted open really bad.Nigel retains over Danielson when Nigel makes Danielson tap to The London Dungeon.
  7. Hawk 34

    College Hoops: February '08

    Penny is a celeb? Really?
  8. Hawk 34

    College Hoops: February '08

    I'm likely the only person here watching it but Miami-Valpo has been some kind of game. Edit: 20T.
  9. Hawk 34

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    It would have been something more if they had Matt and Emme never learn it but the audience is fully aware.
  10. In other big news, ROH will be moving downstairs from the Grand Ballroom to the Hammerstein Ballroom for the May 10th show.
  11. Hawk 34

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Ross would be a more appropriate choice to induct Solie then Dusty Rhodes.
  12. Hawk 34

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Kennedy losing the MitB via injury was probably the best thing to happen for all parties involved. It got Edge away from Raw where he should have never been in the first place and re-established his (pardon the wording) edge that was lost in the process of months spent with Orton. Kennedy was kept away from main event programs after the past year showed that Kennedy wasn't ready. The MitB aspect of RVD's character wasn't a bust. That all went well. It was what occured after that that was the problem.
  13. Hawk 34

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Jeff was suspended just a few months ago for failing a drug test. However, now that Jeff has gotten himself to a new level, they could give him the Orton treatment and ignore it.
  14. Hawk 34

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    That's my whole point with the ECW title comment. People seem to want Jeff cashing in the MitB just for the novelty of an impromptu title change at the biggest event of the year even it means wrecking one of the two title match main events. Is the whole idea that Cena and HHH get so caught up with each other that Orton sneaks in a pinfall leading Hardy to get "revenge" on Orton (for what exactly? Losing when he had the shot at Rumble?) or Edge cheating to get a DQ lost to UT leading to Jeff doing the "right thing" and giving Edge a taste of his own medicine? I'd much rather see Jeff win the MitB and either build to the HHH/Hardy rematch at 'Slam or see Edge spend months paranoid that Jeff will do to him what he has done to others. Both would offer better long term success then a pop at WM that does nothing in the long run. Edit: Does Hardy need to win MitB? Couldn't he realistically put himself back in place to be a #1 contender in the summer? Would having a guy like Benjamin win the MitB do more to elevate someone?
  15. Hawk 34

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Maybe Jeff should just win the MITB and cash in against Chavo? That way, people get their impromptu title change and no one really cares about a main event being ruined.
  16. Hawk 34

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Hasn't it been a reacuring joke that McMahon keeps putting off Fink going into the HOF with "maybe next year"?
  17. Hawk 34

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    You forgot putting Matt Hardy in a WM main event for no good reason.
  18. Hawk 34

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    That's a pretty bad example of fantasy booking. The best idea for Flair was the "Rocky Balboa" angle.
  19. Hawk 34

    Stephanie and HHH

    And miss 9 months of HHH talking about his dick and make constant wink-wink comments?
  20. Hawk 34

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    They sort of said that Connor was at Julia's mothers at the begining of the season but we saw him during the middle of this current run. You can also wonder where is Wilbur during all of this aside from that one episode.
  21. Hawk 34

    Stephanie and HHH

    They have heavily hinted over the past couple of years through kayfabe that HHH and Stephanie hooked up again after the divorce. That's about the extent of their on screen relationship. Even the most jaded fan knows the reality, so they can openly mention it on WWE.COM but not on the show itself.
  22. Another thing was that they announced the returns ahead of time. Totally took away from the even bigger pops they could have had.
  23. Hawk 34

    Mysterio to have surgery, out 4-6 months

    Do you think they'll realize that and go back to a tag match?
  24. Hawk 34

    American Idol (season 7)

    Some people can and do tune out television and movies from their lives by virture of other interests. It's hardly that big of a deal to make.
  25. I didn't like it. Outside of the Maven spot and Perfect's return, this had very little value. The in-ring action was lackluster all throughout the night. Winners are never unpredictable with the now notable exception of Cena, so that wasn't the issue.