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Hawk 34

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Everything posted by Hawk 34

  1. Hawk 34

    WWE Raw is HD - January 21, 2008

    What about Lashley? I know everyone is dead set that he'll return at the Rumble, which will probably occur as it should but if Vince still hates Lashley (I'm betting they drop that all whole deal, anyways), wouldn't Vince like to see each men tear each other apart? (assuming Vince would be up to date on the happenings of his own employees, which never seems to be the case). I think they'll wimp out and put HHH through a gauntlet instead.
  2. Hawk 34

    The Oscars

    This isn't so much of what I want to see but what I actually think the nominations and eventual winner will be. *Bold=expected winner Best Picture Atonement Juno Michael Clayton No Country for Old Men There Will Be Blood Best Actor George Clooney-Michael Clayton Johnny Depp-Sweeney Todd Emile Hirsch-Into the Wild Daniel Day-Lewis-There Will Be Blood James McAvoy-Atonement Best Supporting Actor Casey Affleck-Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Javier Bardem-No Country for Old Men Philip Seymour Hoffman-Charlie Wilson’s War Hal Holbrook-Into the Wild Tom Wilkinson-Michael Clayton Best Actress Julie Christie-Away from Her Marion Cotillard-La Vie en Rose Angelina Jolie-A Mighty Heart Keira Knightley-Atonement Ellen Page-Juno Best Supporting Actress Cate Blanchett-I’m Not There Jennifer Garner-Juno Catharine Keener-Into the Wild Amy Ryan-Gone Baby Gone Tilda Swinton-Michael Clayton Best Director Paul Thomas Anderson-There Will Be Blood Joel and Ethan Coen-No Country For Old Men Sidney Lumet-Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead Sean Penn-Into the Wild Julian Schnabel-Diving Bell and the Butterfly
  3. Hawk 34

    Spoiler Tags In

    Is it that much of an effort to scroll over the black? No. Keep it as it is.
  4. Not at all. Q: Does Peyton Manning have a shot at an non-NFL related career in the entertainment business?
  5. Hawk 34

    kkk Bowl V: The Postseason

    For the first time this season, I'll be forced to root for NE to dominate. Edit: Of course, the one time they don't run up the score, is when I needed them to.
  6. Hawk 34

    ECW 1.15.08

    Edge-Punk confrontation should be very solid. I expect Punk to piss Edge off, Edge interfers in the Chavo match and gives Chavo that win, setting up Chavo-Punk IV at Rumble and likely a Punk/Mysterio Vs Edge/Chavo match on Smackdown or next week's ECW.
  7. Hawk 34

    1/18: 12 p.m.

    The unlucky bastard who takes over his job will discover this place and it'll change the course of TSM.
  8. Hawk 34

    Your Band

    The Stars That Blink Disastrous and the Palatable
  9. I'll help you out. At what point did the Super Bowl shift from a mere sporting event to what it is now?
  10. Hawk 34

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Will WM24 be the first DVD release on Blu-Ray?
  11. Hawk 34

    American Idol (season 7)

    They had the pesudo punk/emo chick last year. Don't forget the hot chick who can't sing and survives on looks alone as well as the comedy/wtf character.
  12. It's no less barbaric then Boxing and Pro Football. It's combat sport. MMA utilizes a great deal of disciplines from all over the world from world class athletes. I know it's not as eloquent as the usual MMA circle would put it. Q: Who is worst coach to ever win a championship?
  13. Hawk 34

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Remember when WWE or ROH did Japan shows? They didn't need to have constant skits of wrestlers being tourists, they showcased wrestling (the comparison isn't equal but I think you get what I'm saying). Skits like tourist travelin' is fine for DVD extras or intro pieces before matches but to devote the actual show itself around it and restrict the fanbase to just one match that will likely to be edited down is another level of bone headed stupidity.
  14. Hawk 34

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    Holy hell, would that suck. Styles, I think could handle it but he'd need someone like King with him. Coach would be a mess.
  15. Hawk 34

    American Idol (season 7)

    Simon is right. Brothers Forever will be a top charting hit within the end of the week.
  16. Hawk 34

    Worst excuse for a heel turn

    That'd hardly be the worst excuse to turn. The note thing would have been delightfully cheesy and that was completely in tune with The Hurricane.
  17. Bobsleding. Not just for the speed elements but mostly residual affection for that dopey John Candy movie. Q: What's the best sports story/event that you'd like to see adapted for film? (that hasn't already).
  18. Hawk 34

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Everyone's worried about Snitsky, but for me, Shawn and Kennedy's dripping tan juice should be the primary concern.
  19. Hawk 34

    ECW 1.15.08

    Chavo didn't want to align with Edge. He was hesitant and looked as if he felt sick for assisting in the Punk beatdown. Chavo isn't winning the title. They'll set up a Rey/Punk Vs Chavo/Edge tag on ECW or Smackdown next week. What worked here is that the energy between Punk and Edge was good and it planted seeds for something down the road between the two. The notion of Punk/Edge at WM is hilarious.
  20. Hawk 34

    American Idol (season 7)

    Kristy Lee Cook Already some debate about her since she already had a record deal (Britney's country label) and will likely get heat for her confederate flag waving videos.
  21. Hawk 34

    ECW 1.15.08

    I liked that finish. Chavo doesn't even get a cheap pinfall and it more or less builds to Edge-Punk, rather then Punk-Chavo IV.
  22. Hawk 34

    ECW 1.15.08

    I bet that Edge doesn't try to steal the spotlight on commentary like Morrison and Miz.
  23. Hawk 34

    ECW 1.15.08

    At least they won't bother with the "WHERE DID HE COME FROM!" reaction.
  24. Hawk 34

    ECW 1.15.08

    ? So far, it's been pretty much what we've been getting the last few weeks... Not just that but Punk looks good against Edge, holding his own and not looking like a lesser guy. Chavo's expressions were good in attacking Punk, aligning with Edge even though he detests him for his relationship with Vicki That was a really good segment. Colin does another good murdered bump session. Aside from a lesser tag match then what we had over the past couple of weeks, it's been the same solid stuff per usual. Another good squash for Benjamin. He still needs a different finisher. The exploder was just fine. He also needs to drop the "AINT NO STOPPIN' ME, NOW!" bit.
  25. Hawk 34

    ECW 1.15.08

    Why does Tazz keep doing this to Colin? At some point, Colin will snap and go after Tazz.