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Everything posted by billdynamite

  1. billdynamite

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    Nope, that's it. I'm off. Later. Can't take any more.
  2. billdynamite

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    PLEASE stop likin Boogeyman
  3. billdynamite

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    yeah... wow... what a classic!
  4. billdynamite

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Is wrestling on yet?
  5. billdynamite

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    No he got this idea from his arse
  6. billdynamite

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    Chavo can't hit that frog splash very well huh
  7. billdynamite

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    I sense an anti-climax. Call me psychic.
  8. billdynamite

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    I was just VERY sick
  9. billdynamite

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    5 girls... 3 hot looking chicks... but the 2 ugly ones are in the ring. Another great decision.
  10. billdynamite

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    Am i meant to find Mickie James attractive?
  11. billdynamite

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    Why did Steph's entrance music play in court?
  12. billdynamite

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    oh man... this is awful
  13. I would have been really excited by the prospect of Raw versus Nitro, WWF vs WCW, but WCW doesn't exist and never has if WWE have anything to do with it. It's ruined the whole fantasy of the thing. We all know it COULD have been great, but you know Vince, he obviously reads our opinions, takes them on board, and does the EXACT opposite. EDIT: What i think WWE needs, is more cow-bell, baby.
  14. Yeah, kids dig that shit. 6 year olds are the only people who will buy it.
  15. Yes it is. John Cena? Chain Gang? 6 year olds with those little wrist bands and chains? Cena is still champ despite being booed out the building every week? See the connection?
  16. All i do is complain about WWE these days, i really don't know why I watch it. Seriously. I watch it every week and every week I'm left disappointed. Someone help. On topic, i wouldn't care if it was called the My Little Pony Federation, as long as they actually put some wrestling on instead of this for-6-year-old-kids-transformers-powerpuff-shit i'm seeing now.
  17. billdynamite

    That hilarious "Technical Difficulties" Screen

    Ya gotta love anything with Baldrick.
  18. billdynamite

    That hilarious "Technical Difficulties" Screen

    i am literally crying at the 3rd Luger. EDIT: Best. Thread. Ever. I haven't laughed so much since I saw the Luger promo.
  19. billdynamite

    Juicy Tidbits from HBK's Book

    As kid I loved Bret, by i just wish he'd shut the hell up. I'm no HBK lover either, but all i hear Bret do is whine and complain. He seems so faultless in everything. He feels so sorry for himself, and i know he's been through some shit but come on, stop whining. HBK is still wrestling, getting pop, while Bret isn't and looks like hell (did you see him on ByteThis? He looked like Jake Roberts without the tash.)
  20. billdynamite

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I don't know what the general feeling is around these parts about Simon Dean, but I think he should get more TV time. I don't think anyone could play that character better. There, you heard me, I mark for Simon Dean when he comes down on his segway.
  21. billdynamite

    Juicy Tidbits from HBK's Book

    If we go on what wrestlers wear in the ring, Mankind in his early days liked shit and Hurrcane likes snot.
  22. billdynamite

    Juicy Tidbits from HBK's Book

    I haven't seen the Montreal thing for a few years, since my Dad taped porn over it. Mind you, i wasn't too disappointed to see it. But I just saw it again and I wouldn't be surprised if it was a work. Russo firing Hogan with Jarrett laying down for him was a work, so why couldn't this be? It would be a way of Bret leaving with his dignity of not 'actually' losing and Shawn winning the belt. I know the Russo thing was probably in a way a parody, but would it surprise you if Vince died one day and on his death bed he said it was a work? It wouldn't surprise me one little bit.
  23. billdynamite

    WWE to go to Afghanistan

    ® means Registered Trademark, therefore you can't use it. ™ in legal terms means shit.
  24. As much as 'we' are fans of RVD, Vince is never going to push him beyond IC level. Is he that good anyway? What would Lex Luger say about all this?
  25. billdynamite

    Stupidest/Worst/Most Offensive Smackdown (Special)

    I thought we turned a corner a few years ago... Am i wrong? I thought that we as wrestling fans tuned into a wrestling show to see wrestlers wrestle, I think Cornette said that. I thought WWE started to promote WRESTLING not this dumb soap opera. Maybe I'm wrong, but i remember watching RAW once and i wasn't treated like a 6 year old. Maybe I'm mistaken. I don't find the spot offensive (I didn't see it, i don't think we got it in the UK), but I can understand those who do, my problem with it was that it was just so dumb. When I was 8, i would have loved it. "Oh my god! Undertaker is dead! But he will not rest in peace!" Wait a minute, I said that over 10 years ago and it's still happening.