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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn


    Wait a minute...a shirt appears on the WWE shopzone website the same day as a Turkey. And November 19th is the RAW before Thanksgiving. The Gobbeldy Gooker is coming to save us! As fucked as it is for me saying this, but the way that the E is going right now... I definitely would not put that past them.
  2. mfn


    At the very end of that show they just point blank asked him again, and after a second of silence he started to laugh in that way that was like "yeah, I just can't really say anything about it" and everyone was like "well, we know what THAT means" and kinda left it at that. He never said a definitive date or anything. Who was the smarky redhead that they had on there? Was that an O&A intern or just some smart ass wrestling fan?
  3. mfn


    He did take a nervous sip.... but that doesn't prove a god damn thing. It could be anybody, but I hope to god it's Jericho.
  4. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    It'd be nice if they could let Kane or Matt be the sole survivor. It would be nice.. Have Umaga and Triple H brawl throughout the back or something like that... I'm just about sick of Triple H already.
  5. mfn


    Golly, that makes a ton of sense, since those who get hurt the most are usually nukeheads. I really don't see Jericho juicing to help him get bigger quicker. I think he is too smart with all the shit that's going on with the drugs right now.
  6. No, no, no...Austin bookings go more like this: Santino offers Austin some Italian beer as a peace offering, Austin accepts since it's beer, spits it out because it's ITALIAN beer (the horror!) and stuns Santino and then Maria for good measure. Then drinks some real beer (AMERICAN, BAH GAWD) and spits it on both of them. He will then disappear until he has some other awful affront to all media to hype. I hope he does stun Maria. Austin needs to beat up more women on TV. I agree. It will add some realism to his character. The sad part is he'll get a standing ovation for it. For cripes' sake, Austin could deliver a stunner to a crippled, cancer-patient Girl Scout and still get a huge face pop. Same could go for The Rock as well. It's just one of those things I suppose.
  7. mfn

    The College Football Thread 11/1 - 11/4

    I just don't see that happening at all. OSU will win out. A lot will depend on the status of Chad Henne and Mike Hart. If they're ready to go, Michigan definitely has a shot, especially with the game being in Ann Arbor. If they're banged up, Ohio State rolls. I know a lot of it will depend on the health of Michigan, but honestly I think the only reason they even have a chance is because it's obviously the biggest rivalry in college football, and the fact that it's in Ann Arbor. 100% health or not, I just don't think that Michigan has the better football team.
  8. No, no, no...Austin bookings go more like this: Santino offers Austin some Italian beer as a peace offering, Austin accepts since it's beer, spits it out because it's ITALIAN beer (the horror!) and stuns Santino and then Maria for good measure. Then drinks some real beer (AMERICAN, BAH GAWD) and spits it on both of them. He will then disappear until he has some other awful affront to all media to hype. I hope he does stun Maria. Austin needs to beat up more women on TV. I agree. It will add some realism to his character.
  9. If they really want to get Santino over, he has to do something very heelish tonight.
  10. mfn

    The College Football Thread 11/1 - 11/4

    I just don't see that happening at all. OSU will win out.
  11. mfn

    The College Football Thread 11/1 - 11/4

    Who do you have Ohio State losing to? Michigan?
  12. mfn

    South Park: Season 11

    We have the first two DVR'd. I wouldn't be surprised if Terrence And Phillip come back to save Imaginationland. Oh well, we'll see
  13. mfn

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    fuck this shit.
  14. mfn

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    If it's not tonight.. I'm pretty much just going to wait until he does and then just catch it on YouTube.
  15. mfn

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    i'm with you on this one.
  16. mfn

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    i was ready to mark the fuck out... until i saw randy ortons face.
  17. mfn

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    so... we get another promo and no jericho? WHAT THE FUCK?
  18. mfn

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    LOL @ the boos.
  19. mfn

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    so i guess jericho isn't the 222 guy?
  20. mfn

    OAO 10/28/2007 Cyber Sunday Thread

    I tried it once... then I got lazy and just copied Meltzer's.
  21. mfn

    Xbox LiveGamertags

    gamertag AmsterDAMNation games mainly halo 3. soon to be gh2 and gh3.
  22. mfn

    South Park: Season 11

    I know that my friends and I have been saying it a little more than we should be. . . .
  23. mfn


    i pointed that out a while ago. i even noticed it in the normal speed ones.
  24. mfn

    OAO 10/28/2007 Cyber Sunday Thread

    i'm glad i didn't watch it. wash, rinse, repeat. the wwe company motto.
  25. my boy super oprah is working this show!! his closelines are stiff