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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    Cyber-Sunday Main Events

    Well, I guess this means that I can't wait for Monday then. My friends are going to be watching Heroes, so I won't be able to watch it on the big screen. Shucks. Monday might be the first time I've marked out in wrestling since RVD won the title.
  2. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Uh, what. The NWO storyline alone created more memorable moments than ECW did. ECW created the attitude era. ECW created Stone Cold Steve Austion. ECW brought cruiserweights over... I can go on, and on. I'm not disagreeing with you, but I would like for you to list some of your memorable moments that the nWo created. Hogan heel turn, fantastic. Hogan/Sting feud. Still one of my favorites of all time. What else?
  3. mfn


    Oh all the non Jerico 222 possibilities, him coming back would make me laugh the hardest. Hell now I hope it actually is him. I'm going to be disappointed now if it isn't him. I'll only except him, Jericho and Duane Gill as options. I would mark out for both Flair and Jericho... Duane Gill? That seems a bit cheap.
  4. mfn

    Cyber-Sunday Main Events

    That's what I'm saying. I think it would be more logical for him to re-debut at RAW and then have him some how be involved in the PPV so people will buy. Apparently, that makes me an idiot though.
  5. mfn

    Cyber-Sunday Main Events

    Stupid? Considering that both Gerwitz and Meltzer said that it's a very strong possibility to debut him on RAW to get more buys for the PPV. Excuse me for asking an honest question. I didn't know that it was frowned upon around these parts.
  6. mfn


    maybe im going crazy, but on one of the videos on youtube that they played backwards sounded JUST LIKE Jericho's WCW theme.
  7. mfn

    Is ECW about to end as we know it? (ECW renewed)

    Just reading that makes me miss the days of ECW. That's when wrestling actually seemed to mean something. Maybe it was all a joke back then as well, and it was just me being a mark. I knew ECW was dead when they brought it back for the second ONS.
  8. mfn

    Campaign 2008

    More than the others? Probably. And how scary is that? He's got my vote. He seems to be like the only one who actually knows what the fuck is going on in this world.
  9. mfn

    The College Football Thread 10/18-10/21

    edited for accuracy.
  10. mfn

    Is ECW about to end as we know it? (ECW renewed)

    Hmm, that would be pretty interesting. Maybe with a little compitition to go against, ECW can get a little more 'extreme'
  11. mfn

    Cyber-Sunday Main Events

    So, Jericho debuts Monday on RAW? or at the PPV?
  12. mfn

    Is ECW about to end as we know it? (ECW renewed)

    They just need to do something to separate ECW from the rest of the shows. Who cares if every match is extreme rules? Doesn't mean that every match has to include weapons and such. They have some amazing talent on ECW... they just need to do something besides be the 'C-Brand' show.
  13. mfn

    South Park: Season 11

    ... you must be a U2 fan.
  14. mfn

    Cyber-Sunday Main Events

    Like I said, maybe my drinking makes UFC and shit like that interesting... I don't think I've once watched a UFC event sober.
  15. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    I just hope this double brand thing ends soon. It really hasn't done much in the terms of creating more business for the E has it?
  16. mfn

    Cyber-Sunday Main Events

    In the last month alone, I've seen at least 5 or 6 pretty amazing fights. The whole last UFC PPV was highly entertaining (Then again, I was drunk as hell) But I do agree with you... Who the hell would want to see a worked MMA match? I thought the Brawl For All was boring enough.
  17. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    i liked the white one.
  18. mfn


    a whole my book is better than your book feud? no.
  19. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    .............................................I'm stunned by this question. It happens. My knowledge of wrestling starts at about '98 and goes to about '01. Then I got into it again around... I dunno... '05? So, please.. excuse my ignorance.
  20. mfn

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    After seeing that episode... my band decided that we should cover that song. and we did. and it's awesome. I LOVE this show. 'Yo what up baby your crew aint clowns"' or whatever that retard said. god. we're going to hell.
  21. mfn

    The OaO ECW thread for October 16 2007.

    So, How long do you think Punk holds on to the title?
  22. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Is Missy Hyatt one of those XPW whores?
  23. mfn


    Just watched them all. The last two were the ones that intrigued me most. both included /bookshelves/. and both had some sort of sped up speech at the end. dunno, take it for what it's worth.
  24. mfn


    Really? Jericho is going to come back and tell us to buy his book? I doubt it. I'm sure he'll mention it or something, but do you really think that in his first promo back in years that he's going to end a line with "... by the way, buy my new book in stores next week."? Also, is there anyone/where that I can get the whole series of the 222 ads? I've looked on youtube and I can only find the debut one.
  25. mfn

    Full Raw spoilers from the UK

    Looks like it's going to be PlaystationXbox360 time for me tonight. Fixed for me.