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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    Full Raw spoilers from the UK

    Last PPV I bought prior to WM21 was probably something in '02. I don't even remember, it's been that long.
  2. mfn

    Full Raw spoilers from the UK

    Honestly? There probably isn't one, unless something happens with Jericho to re-spike your interest.
  3. mfn


    I'd honestly wait to even the PPV. Have a teaser promo that gives the exact date of the PPV saying that that's when '222' will return/debut/whatever.
  4. mfn

    Full Raw spoilers from the UK

    Headlocks? In an Orton match? Who woulda figured! Thanks much for these btw.
  5. mfn

    The College Football Thread 10/10 - 10/14

    Ohio State #1? I couldn't be happier.
  6. mfn

    The Youtube Thread

    I was at that pay-per-view!!! It was amazing!
  7. mfn

    WWE/USA network update

    how bad was it? i started watching again when they were already on USA
  8. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    NOT VAL VENIS~! jk. I don't know, I think Jeff Hardy has been booked somewhat decent. . . Also let's not forget Mr. McMahon himself!
  9. mfn

    ECW 10.9.07

    I honestly wouldn't doubt it.
  10. mfn

    WWE/USA network update

    Overkill. They need to fucking not have wrestling on 3 nights a week with a PPV every 3 weeks.
  11. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    Carlito? Really? And yeah.. Throw away a HUGE PPV match on free television. You might as well join the WWE writing team. I was talking about their match before Summerslam when Orton caused Cena to get the back stabber and Carlito pinned him which came out of left field. I was talking about that type of surprise element. You know a lot of Cena haters tune in just to see if he gets his ass handed to him. and about the title match, my idea looks better than having HHH and Orton wrestle twice on the same PPV (of course it could've been a 3 stages of hell match) No, your idea is terrible. If they were going to do the tournament thing, they would have done it at the PPV, and then had the finals at the PPV. Why just have a tournament with no pay off just to blow it off on Raw the next night? It makes absolutely no sense. The logical way to have done it would have been to have the tournament on RAW with the finals on the PPV, but that wouldn't have happened because Cena got injured on the RAW before the PPV. ------ Even as the biggest Cena hater on the board (more for his character and in ring ability than anything else), I came to terms a long time ago that Cena was never going to drop the title unless he got hurt, now look what happened. I will admit, the man can draw some heat, but I still hate him.
  12. mfn

    House: Season 4

    I loved the 'Big Love' joke. Did not see that ending coming at all. I have high hopes for this season, and so far it hasn't disappointed. Sucks that we have to wait 2 weeks though.
  13. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    Carlito? Really? And yeah.. Throw away a HUGE PPV match on free television. You might as well join the WWE writing team.
  14. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    CM Punk is #2 in WWE Power 25.
  15. mfn

    House: Season 4

    anyone pumped about tonites episode? i have it set to DVR right now...
  16. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    It's ignorant to think that because Cena is gone that's why the ratings dropped so much. They have been on a downward slide for months now.
  17. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    wow 2.8? is this the first time they have been in the 2's??
  18. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    But then you remember what he did with Hardy when he did return... All do respect to Matt Hardy... He's no Jericho.
  19. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    maybe I'm being bias, but it does seem like Punk was in the right for defending himself with Atlas didn't even know that Punk was the ECW champion.
  20. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    I didn't even turn RAW at all. I turned my TV on and it was on USA for some reason... as soon as it came on HBK's music was playing and out he walked. BTW, can anyone get a gif or a vid capture of the newest 222 ad?
  21. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    No. It means that Jericho is 222.... it has to be. Who else could it be? but.. HBK was a possibility and hes back..so.. yeah but they wouldn't just stop airing the promos. If HBK was 222 don't you think they would have played it before he came out?
  22. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    question is now... does orton do the job @ Cyber Sunday? and where does this leave Triple H?
  23. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    No. It means that Jericho is 222.... it has to be. Who else could it be?
  24. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    best super kick sell ever.
  25. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    ... I thought HBK wasn't coming back?? Atleast that leaves 222 for Jericho!