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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    So does this mean Edge cut down the punjabi thing and is going to take his title back??
  2. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    So you think they are going to build up this 222 thing until Jericho returns @ Mania? or does he return @ The Royal Rumble??
  3. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    I didn't realize there were two cages involved, that was a little better than i expected, but not much.
  4. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    He was climbing down the cage and he jumped maybe half way down. **Shrugs** Foley it wasn't. Is the cage just the normal cage height? That's not really that amazing... I mean, good for Dave for doing something other than sucking terribly, but... That doesn't sound too impressive.
  5. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    Probably, which will suck.
  6. mfn

    Approaching the 10th anniversary of the...

    I've always been intrigued by Meltzer saying that he has the true inside story of Montreal but can't reveal it until a certain unnamed person passes away. Just throwing something out there... Pat Patterson maybe? I know the story that's been told is that he was intentionally kept in the dark due to his loyalty to Bret, but maybe he played a part we don't know about. I have no idea. I don't even really know much of what happened besides Bret getting screwed by Vince because Vince was paranoid that Bret would show up on Nitro with the WWF Title.
  7. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    So what is this 'leap of faith' that Batista took?
  8. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    Who says Orton drops the belt @ Survivor Series if not earlier?
  9. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    So, I'm sensing a lot of pissed off people...for those who ordered expecting Y2J I was going to go to the bar to watch it just to see Y2J, then I realized it's the WWE and that he wouldn't be there.
  10. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    still.. no jericho. perhaps a cyber sunday appearance? or is it just all rumours?
  11. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    holy shit. orton won.
  12. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    RKO RKO RKO!!!!!
  13. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    maybe i'm just being overly optimistic, but it's not over yet...
  14. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    It's either going to be Umanga or Orton who walks out with the title. I don't see Triple H leaving with it, and if he does...... well, fuck.
  15. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    great, the one stream with audio's account got suspended for violating TOS.
  16. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    they have to go somewhere else with this.
  17. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    http://www.stickam.com/profile/nicept2 another stream, but not as good of quality.
  18. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    anyone have a better stream?
  19. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    the last pay-per-view i can think of period with the opening match being a title match was taz vs. chris candino.
  20. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    i'm watching a shitty stream with no sound, but i guess it's better than nothing. i swear, if i sit here for hours and there is no jericho... i'm going to be furious.
  21. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    yeah, that's about where i'm at right now.
  22. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    i won't accept anything but Jericho.
  23. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    ... great. so who the fuck is it then???
  24. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    Vince already shot down Jericho? As in 222 is not Jericho?
  25. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    stream? anyone?