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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    i would greatly appreciate it if someone would hook me up with a stream
  2. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    So, no Jericho then?
  3. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    So, honestly.... Chances of 222 being Jericho and showing up tonight??
  4. go brownies! if they win i get 10 cheesy beefy melts from taco bell. mmmm.
  5. mfn

    The College Football Thread 10/2 - 10/7

    I can't believe my ignorant prediction of Ohio State going to the BCS Championship at the start of this season might actually come true.
  6. mfn

    Approaching the 10th anniversary of the...

    Agreed. A lot of the current WWE fans probably don't even remember Bret Hart in the WWF, anyway. A lot of the current WWE fans probably don't even know who Bret Hart is. So, and this is a genuine question, do you really think that if WWE picked a random event anywhere in the country, and played Bret's WWF music, that a good 95% of fans couldn't name the wrestler? I don't know if the number would be that high, but I'm almost positive that most would know.
  7. mfn

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    I'm going to have to agree with you here, even though I want Jericho to come back on this PPV.
  8. I'm pulling for The Brownies, even though I know they don't have a chance in hell, it would be amazing to see them beat New England.
  9. mfn

    Cena Injured Tonight (Out 6-12 Months)

    The only way that happens if there they only allow females and kids under 12 years old to enter the arena
  10. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    I doubt that a flying cross body off the ring apron would have gotten an equal reaction than the running SSP. Doubt it HIGHLY.
  11. mfn

    Cena Injured Tonight (Out 6-12 Months)

    He is a internet favorite and Stevie Richards wasn't a choice. So, all those votes he is getting is all from the IWC? Damn. I voted for him, but like you said, that's because there was no Stevie Richards.
  12. mfn

    Cena Injured Tonight (Out 6-12 Months)

    rofl @ 216863 votes so far 39+% to Val Venis. Is there something I'm missing? Why is he leading the poll??
  13. mfn

    Cena Injured Tonight (Out 6-12 Months)

    what poll? the only poll i see on wwe.com is something about the womans title.
  14. mfn


    That would be cool, but I don't see that happening.
  15. mfn

    Cena Injured Tonight (Out 6-12 Months)

    Didn't RVD's TV title reign end because he broke his ankle in a match with Rhino?? I don't see how this could damage Cena. Cena will come back even better because no one beat him, he's still an undefeated champion for what... 12+ months?
  16. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    Damnit. I knew I should have watched from the start. This is probably the only thing WWE related that I'm pissed I missed in a long time.
  17. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    Oh, I used to mark out like a little bitch when The Dudleys and Taz were cutting promos. I haven't watched any of their promos since like.. 2002, so maybe if i go back they won't be as fantastic as i thought. Taz cut great promos back in 1997, on the Pitbulls and Chris Candido. Those "torn towel over the head" promos made me an instant Taz mark right on the spot. That, and him punking out Paul Varelans in 1996. The Dudleys backstage promos were great. So were Taz's. In ring, Taz didn't say much and the Dudleys were pretty much just "fuck your mother you piece of shit". I loved both The Dudleys backstage and in ring promos. I'm not saying that they were the best ever or anything, but they always brought extreme heat (no pun intended). Same with Taz. His backstage promos were amazing.
  18. mfn

    Cena Injured Tonight (Out 6-12 Months)

    all i'm saying is it wouldn't surprise me if Cena was on something. it wouldn't surprise me if everyone in the WWE was on something...
  19. mfn

    Cena Injured Tonight (Out 6-12 Months)

    notice in the link about the cena injury, the TWO is highlighted.... they are really pushing this whatever it is.
  20. mfn

    Cena Injured Tonight (Out 6-12 Months)

    and all the cena haters get their wish...... i don't like cena the character, but i do like the story he tells in the ring... just a shame he might be out for a while.
  21. mfn


    I still don't know what the WA means, but I did figure out that all the script written in Icelandic is just the bible verse that everyone else is talking about... the image pretty much explains it.
  22. mfn


    so promo videos for both a returning Jericho and a returning HBK to feud with each other???
  23. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    I think his gimmick is bad, but I don't want the title to go to Orton if that's what you mean . . .
  24. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    is it me or is the crowd dead? i have my tv volume on rather low i can't really tell???
  25. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    clean win? i'm pleasantly surprised.... who didn't see that RKO coming??