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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    It's still half and half, girls and little kids vs. the 18-34 demographic on Cena fans.
  2. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    I'd love to see a Kennedy-Cena program after Cena goes over on Orton.
  3. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    Kennedy looks the same to me :x
  4. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    hmm, no one seems to care that Kennedy is back...
  5. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    I'm calling an Orton run in.
  6. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    It's a shame when Steve-O gets the second loudest pop of the night behind John Cena.
  7. mfn


    i don't know, i want to see the promo.
  8. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    i was thinking the same thing....
  9. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    Oh, I used to mark out like a little bitch when The Dudleys and Taz were cutting promos. I haven't watched any of their promos since like.. 2002, so maybe if i go back they won't be as fantastic as i thought.
  10. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    I'm not saying he doesn't deserve the title, and I'd rather him keep it until someone is worthy of taking it, I just cannot stand his promo's what-so-ever. i can deal with his sub-par in ring work, but i can't deal with his shitty promo's. i think the likes of raven, chris jericho, taz, the dudley boys, and cactus jack spoiled me.
  11. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    yeah... amazing joke cena. anyone else see why i hate this man???
  12. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    anyone have a clip of the 222 promo tonite?
  13. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    I would mark out if he had a NOT VAL VENIS~! shirt.
  14. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

  15. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    the sledgehammer of DOOM!
  16. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    I have no idea, this shit is confusing the piss out of me.
  17. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    it wasn't.. that was new... so i guess it's not jericho? holy shit im confused.
  18. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    fuck i missed it. i was watching heroes.
  19. mfn

    Raw 10.1.07

    any 222 yet?
  20. mfn


    anyone know what the"wa" on the top left of the source code means??? *EDIT* Also, I'm almost positive that it's the bible verse of jericho that everyone has already mentioned, just written in Icelandic. ** EDIT 2 ** the j0bber (7:35:48 PM): no shit the j0bber (7:35:58 PM): they are holding the ark of the covenant the j0bber (7:36:05 PM): and joshua has the rams horn the j0bber (7:36:09 PM): which blew the sound of god the j0bber (7:36:12 PM): that broke the walls down the j0bber (7:36:16 PM): the walls of jericho. ** EDIT 3 ** the j0bber (7:37:24 PM): # The Battle of Jericho (6) - Placing Jericho under siege, the Israelites circle it once a day for six days, and on the seventh make seven circuits, each time loudly blowing horns and shouting. On the final circuit, the walls cave in, and the inhabitants, except Rahab and her family, are slaughtered. A curse is pronounced against rebuilding the city. the j0bber (7:37:41 PM): the 7th day of october = ppv ** EDIT 4 ** Wasn't there a rumor going around that Mick Foley had a huge angle planned? Could this be it??
  21. mfn


    So, I logged in and got the bible image... now what?
  22. mfn


    I've been getting that after I visit the www.saveus-222.com site. No idea why, unless McMahon is spying on us!!!!
  23. mfn


    From my understanding No Mercy is in Rosemont, i'm not sure if that's a suburb of Chicago or not.
  24. mfn


    i tinkered around with it for about 20 minutes, but i couldn't figure out a username or password so i gave up... i'm no hacker, that's for sure :x