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Everything posted by mfn

  1. I still hate Cena. Orton carried his ass tonight. What is it with Cena inventing his own moves... like shitty ones? like, a shitty death valley driver/firemans carry slam, a shitty stf, and a super shitty supposed to be a spinning neck breaker but i can't work worth a shit thing.
  2. mfn

    Who would you prefer winning at SSlam?

    Sorry... I guess I tend to get a trifle whenever I hear someone refer to 18-23 year-olds as an "older" crowd; I passed 18-23 a ways back... It's okay. It's not like I took anything you said personally. I understand that Cena is over in one way or another, I understand he is the money guy right now.... I just can't get into him. His character is so stale to me, it makes me want to vomit everytime I have to watch him on the mic.
  3. mfn

    Who would you prefer winning at SSlam?

    For the sake of edification, would you please define "older crowd?" Because I like Cena, and I'm pretty old, for a wrestling fan... All my friends that are my age and still into wrestling like Cena, too... Well, just judging on the voices for the people who are booing Cena. They sound like they are older voices, and on top of that, everyone I watch wrestling with (18-23 year olds) all despise Cena, and have despised him since he got his first title push. My hate for Cena is nothing new. I'm not jumping on the Cena hating bandwagon. But like I am saying, judging by the voices in the crowd, the deeper, more mature voices seem to be the ones that are shitting on Cena.
  4. mfn

    Flight of the Conchords

    I didn't like it the first time I saw it, but the second time I saw it I thought it was rather funny. Try to give it a second watch, the humour in the scene might surprise you. Favorite part of the episode is when Bret is in the bathroom tripping, Jermaine walks in and Bret goes "Get out of here, I've got acid reflux" I didn't catch that the first time, and it had me LOLing last night.
  5. mfn

    Wrestlers You'd Like to See Return to WWE?

    Ah, I forgot about Jericho. Definitely him.
  6. mfn

    Who would you prefer winning at SSlam?

    He was actually going to be the example I used.
  7. this old english shit is amazing. baron of straight EDGE!! CLASSIC!
  8. mfn

    Wrestlers You'd Like to See Return to WWE?

    Hmm. I really don't think I'd like to see anyone return to the WWE because if they do, the 'E' will just fail to use them properly. Hell, they don't even know how to use half of the guys they have on their roster currently.
  9. mfn

    Who would you prefer winning at SSlam?

    The last few RAW's that I have watched have been nothing but mixed reactions for Cena. All I can hear are little kids/girls screaming for him, and then a lot of boo's coming from an older crowd (i'm assuming) Unless the audio on my television is completely fucked, there is no way you can sit there and tell me Cena has been getting OMG HUGE pops. Triple H got a bigger pop when his picture was shown promoting his match with King Booker @ SummerSlam.
  10. I really really reallly really realllllly hope that Cena jobs to Orton. This way, since i'll be at Hooters, you know, a family resteraunt, I can scream at all the little kids about how bad John Cena sucks. And if Orton jobs, i'm just going to order another beer and cry myself to sleep.
  11. The Punk/Morrison fight to the death shall be fantastic. I wonder of King Booker can out joust Sir Triple H.
  12. mfn

    The OaO Raw Thread for August 20, 2007

    I caught that...best heel in years! You mean the same thing that Jericho did in WCW years ago? well, I guess that would mean best heel in years.
  13. mfn

    The OaO Raw Thread for August 20, 2007

    So, didn't miss much then.
  14. mfn

    The OaO Raw Thread for August 20, 2007

    I turned off after the first segment. Have I missed anything?
  15. mfn

    The OaO Raw Thread for August 20, 2007

    Unless he gets jumped later, I don't see why Vince would make that statement. What a terrible, terrible opening segment.
  16. mfn

    The OaO Raw Thread for August 20, 2007

    I hate John Cena so much. Just STFU John and do the job already.
  17. mfn

    Just because I spent the last 4 hours at a bar discussing it...

    It's a toss up between Sabbath and Zeppelin. I can't decide.
  18. mfn

    oAo ECW on Sci-Fi -- 8/14/2007

    Buh Buh Ray and CW Andersen are waving as well.
  19. mfn

    OaO Monday Night Raw Thread - 08/13/07

    I'm going to disagree. The spot was a botch. Carlito hits it. Does some sort of cocky heel thing. Cener then procedes to FU him. It was a no-sell. Carlito has an expression of fear on his face after failing to hit the move. It was meant to put over Umaga as too hard to hit moves on, especially by someone like Carlito. It was a terrible spot then.
  20. mfn

    OaO Monday Night Raw Thread - 08/13/07

    I can understand if Cener would have been out of action for a little bit longer, but it was way too fast for him to be back to 100%. Maybe I am just being extremely picky because of my hatred for Cener. I'm almost sure I've seen some tag matches where the workers would sell their 'injuries' throughout the match, even after they get their 'second wind'.
  21. mfn

    Silversun Pickups

    Not a huge fan. Kings of Leon are a much better band IMO, better live too. SSP reminds me way too much of The Pumpkins for me to take them seriously.
  22. mfn

    Flight of the Conchords

    Show is brilliant. Are they only going to do one season like JFC?