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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    John From Cinncinati

    Hmm, guess we'll never know. Oh well. I'm going to miss Ed O'Neil now.
  2. mfn

    OaO Monday Night Raw Thread - 08/13/07

    I'm going to disagree. The spot was a botch. Carlito hits it. Does some sort of cocky heel thing. Cener then procedes to FU him. Anyone else find it annoying that Cener was beatin down the whole match, makes a tag to Umanga who wrestles for about 1 minute or so, and then Cener gets tagged back in and he is completely fine? Way to no-sell JOHN!
  3. mfn

    OaO Monday Night Raw Thread - 08/13/07

    Oh, the back cracker spot was definitely a botch. For sure. My guess, Carlito was supposed to hit it, then Cena FU's him.
  4. mfn

    OaO Monday Night Raw Thread - 08/13/07

    The Randy Orton chants and the Cena Sucks chants were amazing. You could totally hear the difference in the age groups. The 13 year old kids and the girls all LOVE Cena. Everyone else seemed like they shat on him. First time I actually sorta marked out in a main event, just because of the crowd and the chants. I knew how the ending would work... Cena pins Carlito, yeah yeah. Crowd was hot.
  5. mfn

    John From Cinncinati

    9/11/14 = Maybe when Shaun turns 18? I have no idea. So, John does or doesn't have super natural powers?
  6. mfn

    John From Cinncinati

    So, pretty much one and done as far as JFC goes?
  7. I posed the question a bit ago; if Orton does win, who runs in to save Cena from the PUNT? It's probably best if Cena takes time off anyway. IIRC the only show he's missed in quite a while was the one where he was on Larry King. Triple H will come make the save setting up Orton vs. Triple H.
  8. mfn

    The Miz

    I find my self changing the channel from WWE programming unless CM Punk, Stevie Richards, or Londrick are on my television.
  9. I hope Orton ends Cena's career. Well, at least this current character he has. Cena needs something new. This wannabe Rock with terrible, terrible gay jokes... Just isn't flying for me.
  10. He called Cena Cener.
  11. ... I turn it on to hear Cena say Carlito likes to swallow bannanas. ... Awesome. Fuck RAW. Anyone know what Vince's big announcement was?
  12. mfn

    Jeff Hardy suspended for 30 days

    What actual proof do you have that Jeff is currently a junkie? Seriously. We all know the rumors, we've all heard the old stories, but where have you seen any concrete, verifiable evidence that drugs are the cause? That's a bullshit argument. Show me one main eventer (besides Mick Foley) who hasn't at some point regularly consumed at least alcohol, steroids, pain medication, if not something harder. Bryan Danielson?????? I mean, it would have been dishonorable for him to do so, right?
  13. mfn

    The Youtube Thread

    god austin was amazing.
  14. quick note on the wrestlers hitting fans -- WWE 24/7's monday night wars this month is pretty entertaining. after a DDP match nWo comes out, a fan rushes the ring and Nash, Hall, and Savage all take swings at him. Rather entertaining......... back to topic. i am really wondering what vince is going to do. i swear to christ if they re-hash this exploding limo bullshit i'm going to be furious and NEVER watch WWE programming again.
  15. mfn

    Going to a house show next week

    I went to a house show here in Columbus Ohio when The Rock first came back from making his first movie. I swear, It was the LOUDEST pop I have ever heard anyone get in my life. It was literally deafining. House shows are really fun. I've had better times at house shows than television events. I went to a WCW one and Jericho did a 10 minute promo, and it was better than the one he delivered the next night on nitro.
  16. mfn

    OAO Raw Thread - July 30, 2007

    http://www.f4wonline.com/content/view/3962/105/ I didn't even watch RAW. Nothing about the show intrigued me one bit. I'm more into ECW than RAW.
  17. mfn

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Agreed. I'd much rather see Orton there than Umaga. Right now, there are only two people that I would like Cena to job to. Jericho (probably not going to happen, ever.) and Triple H. Yeah, yeah. Start with the HHHate. I just can't stand Cena anymore. I know that Jeff Hardy is gone and all that now, but did it not seem like he was getting louder pops than the face of the promotion?
  18. mfn

    Lashley out with shoulder injury

    I hope he doesn't show up at all unless he's with a manager.
  19. Because the WWE would fire them if they said anything other than the company line? "Tests are great, nobody on drugs, everything peachy keen!" Besides, remember how the WWE ordered its workers not to talk to the media unless it was set up by the office first? touche` my friend.
  20. mfn

    OAO Raw Thread - July 30, 2007

    So, Triple H comes back and saves who? Lawler? or Booker?
  21. No, Dave isn't the real problem here. The drug abuse in wrestling is the problem. I should have been more specific about what I meant when I said that I agreed with Eric. I just have a problem with Mero and every other wrestler who has been long removed from the 'E' acting like they know what the fuck is going on backstage. Surely, they have more of an idea than any of us would have since they were in the business, but why not let people who are actually in the locker room tell their accounts? I do realize that I'm sure there has to be some sort of privacy policy in effect keeping some of the workers coming on and saying what's really going down. It could ruin lives etc. Just like the whole baseball scandal. Long post short, Mero needs to stfu.
  22. I agree with The Bisch for the most part.
  23. mfn

    Bonnie Hammer submitting ideas to Vince

    That would be a great way to get a dominant heel stable going. Have Orton recruit some thugs after he jobs @ SummerSlam. Have him steal Cena's title or whatever, and they have a car chase to some remote area where Orton and company (dunno who) will come out and beat the shit out of Cena, and leave him for 'dead'. Orton declares himself champion etc etc etc. everyone wants Cena to come back. Cena comes back, but angry, very very angry. None of this lame joke Cena. Just a really pissed im going to beat the shit out of you, Cena. I'd LOVE that.
  24. Orton. Orton. Orton. I can't stand Cena anymore.