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Everything posted by mfn

  1. I feel so weird knowing that I teared up when Punk was giving his wishes to Benoit. I wonder how some of the other wrestlers feel?
  2. I don't even want to think about that. At all.
  3. mfn

    The OAO Tribute to Chris Benoit Raw Thread.

    Chavo is tearing me up too. This is the first time I cried in about 2 years.
  4. mfn

    The OAO Tribute to Chris Benoit Raw Thread.

    Yeah, Punk brought me to tears. Just because he was showing more emotion than anyone else so far.
  5. mfn

    The OAO Tribute to Chris Benoit Raw Thread.

    He basically came out and explained that his death was an angle, and that Benoit really died. And tonite's 3 hour show will be a tribute to Benoit.
  6. mfn

    The OAO Tribute to Chris Benoit Raw Thread.

    All I have to say is that Vince did the right thing. Absolutely. This shit is too sad to watch man.
  7. mfn

    The OAO Tribute to Chris Benoit Raw Thread.

    Wow! they didn't even chage the commercial leading into RAW during the LAW AND ORDER credits. Fucking terrible.
  8. mfn

    The OAO Tribute to Chris Benoit Raw Thread.

    Man. They have to blow the lid off the Vince angle. Vince needs to make an appearence. If it does happen, hopefully it will be taped that way the Vince won't take that much attention away. I honestly have no idea what to think right now. This is the most tragic thing to me since Owen Hart.
  9. mfn

    John From Cinncinati

    No. I do too.
  10. mfn


    Yeah. That was possibly my favorite episode of the season. The whole, drama being all nervous about the pilot and everything. The ending was perfect. I love when Vincent asked Drama 'Where you goin bro?' Drama's response: 'Wherever the road takes me' so, drama. so good. so far this season has delivered nothing short of great episodes. the whole documentary angle they did with the filming of medellin was absolutely fantastic.
  11. mfn

    Sid Vicious update

    That is pretty strange. I feel that it's just a coincidence.
  12. mfn

    The origins of the Vince angle

    Go up to Finlay or Regal or JBL in an airport, ask them if it's 'fake'. See what happens. Better yet, search out someone like Vader. It's only fake when WWE tell us it's fake. It's real when WWE tells us it's real. That makes it different from CSI and 24, where there is no grey line. When a character dies on a drama show, a- it's understood that it's fake, there's no grey line that makes people believe it is real (case in point, the amount of people who DID think it was real, when did that ever happen with CSI or 24 or House or something like that?) and b- it's not treated in the same vein as a real death would be, which is basically what WWE have been doing. Besides that, Wrestling isn't like acting, otherwise wrestlers wouldn't take bumps, stunt-people would. Piss off some bully-thug like Vader. No thank you. If he can't admit that everything outside the wrestling itself is scripted than fuck him. I'm sure your Vader's or Regal's or Finlay's will openly admit that pro wrestling is scripted. Now fake? That's a different story. The bumps, the pain, the injuries etc. that all professional wrestlers go through are all real. Nothing fake about HHH's quad injry. Nothing fake about Droz's neck. Nothing fake about HBK's back. etc. etc. etc. I understand that all of these injuries came from 'fake' fighting, but the pain is there.
  13. mfn

    ECW 6.19

    Yeah, but for some reason the E seems to stay way from the storylines that write themselves. I guess it's not good enough for them.
  14. mfn

    John From Cinncinati

    I was so-so after the first episode. The second one has hooked me somewhat, and I hope that the 3rd will keep it going. I'm really interested in seeing exactly what the fuck is going on.
  15. mfn


    That is the only problem I have with the show. The whole, shortness factor. However, It always keeps me wanting more and I always tune in the next week to watch again. I have high hopes for this season, and I hope it delivers.
  16. mfn

    Interpol - "The Heinrich Maneuver"

    I really don't want to be quick to pass judgment considering I've only heard the single. I have faith that the new album will be a solid one. Now, whether or not it's better than Antics and Turn On The Bright Lights.... I won't know until I purchase it.
  17. mfn

    The Horrors (UK)

    I dig em. Crazy live gigs.
  18. The return of Eric Bischoff.
  19. My money is still on 'McMahon killing McMahon'. Probably because he figured he wasn't appreciated enough while he was there and alive, so, he faked his death to see if he would get even more appreciate etc. etc.
  20. mfn

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Praise the Lord! 23 years old, black, and delicious. That's a day 1 buy for me. I'm about to delete you from my myspace with a comment like that. I don't think that Killings or Konan should even think about coming to the WWE. I don't like either.
  21. mfn

    ECW 6.19

    I think I might actually order the PPV or go to Hooter's or something just for the Benoit vs. Punk title match.
  22. mfn

    Supplemental Draft

    Nope. More people watch Smackdown, by far. Remember, Raw is only available on cable, while Smackdown is broadcasted on free tv. why are they 1 to 2 ratings points less than Raw every week if that is the case? Do the ratings points come from people who tune in via cable?? How could you tell if someone was watching a television show via broadcast only?
  23. mfn

    Sherri Martel Passes Away

    I could sit here and tell you all why I think that it won't impact the current storyline at all, but pretty much everyone else has said what I had to say so... I don't think it will impact at all. As 'Sensational' as Sherri was, she's not going to be that well known with today's wresting crowd, so like everyone said, a quick visual at the beginning of programming and that's about it.
  24. I'm still holding on strong with Sid. Sid is the only one who is 'psycho' enough. ha. ha. ha.