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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    Sid Vicious update

    Yes, I worked a show with him about two years ago. He looked pretty much the same as he always has. And cut a bizarre incoherent promo that the crowd still popped for. And had a really crappy match (but it was against a way-past-his-prime Bobby Eaton who couldn't even take the powerbomb, so no surprise there). And then dislocated a jobber's jaw with a single thunderous slap in the postmatch pull-apart. And he easily got the biggest audience reaction of anyone on the show, way outdoing Terry Funk's response in the main event. Yep, same old Sid. I think I'm going to have to dig into my tape library and start watching some of Sid's old matches. Are they really that god awful? Maybe the fact that it was Sid himself took away from the terrible wrestling. Because the man's entrance, promos, and just flat out beastlyness (sp?) was enough for me to dig him.
  2. mfn

    Sid Vicious update

    It was surprising how loud of a pop he got from the ecw crowd. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_v9VkaMdOI One of my favorite ECW PPV's of all time. Man, The memories of ECW and how I always used to mark the fuck out. It was amazing. RIP ECW. RIP.
  3. mfn

    Sid Vicious update

    Sid in ECW was my favorite. When he destroyed Little Spike Dudley I marked the fuck out.
  4. mfn

    If Wrestling Had a Draft...

    The Rock Chris Jericho John Cena (even though I hate him, the man can draw) CM Punk Edge
  5. mfn

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    I see where you're coming from here. When Big Show came out, I thought he was beatable on any night. When Khali comes out though, the WWE had used him well enough to make me think the moment his music starts up, whoever in the ring is royally fucked. He just has a wicked heel monster aura about him. He doesn't look like most big men either. He's really well built for a guy his size. They did the same thing when Kane first came, and 1000 times better. The whole unbeatable big guy is rather overplayed, and I really don't dig it. If Khali were somewhat mobile and not just some huge clutz, I don't think I'd mind him as much. Kane was a much better bad ass freak of nature back in the day than Khali ever will be.
  6. mfn

    One and Only Raw Thread for 6/4/07

    that's what i was thinking....
  7. mfn

    RVD released early?

    Hmm.... Never thought of if that way. I hope you're right, because I would like to see him get one last decent title push before he jobs out the rest of his career.
  8. mfn

    One and Only Raw Thread for 6/4/07

    hey now, carlito stole my hair style.
  9. mfn

    One and Only Raw Thread for 6/4/07

    I wouldn't say that the forum is that dead, I would just say that the 'RAW brand' is just bland. I also agree, the sig is pretty nasty. Did you make it yourself? So, where does Cena go from here? And do you guys think Lashley and McMahon are done?
  10. mfn

    RVD released early?

    As much as I loved RVD, I'm glad he was gone. He was never his ECW self in the E, but I can understand why. CM Punk is all I've got left on WWE television.
  11. mfn

    OAO One Night Stand

    I was a fan of his match with JBL at Judgement Day 2005 the i quit match was awesome and you know who get over huge being Khali's manager? Tiger Ali Singh TAS will get over nicely, but it won't hide the fact that Khali is terrible in the ring. It will, however, hide the fact that he is terrible on the mic.
  12. mfn

    OAO One Night Stand

    The only match I have any interest in seeing is the ladder match.
  13. mfn

    John Cena FU's Vince McMahon at Indy Show

    I just like when McMahon walks down to the ring. He's swagger is amazing.
  14. A forum, similar to this, but much, much worse.
  15. mfn

    RVD released early?

    RVD to ROH. Nuff said.
  16. mfn

    Sabu fired from WWE

    Couldn't have said it better myself. RVD and Sabu's tag team work in ECW was amazing. Especially their Heatwave '98 match.
  17. Though I think he would suck as long term champ, I must say I've heard this before from most (including me) when JBL became champ. He became gold. Now, I'm not saying Khali is JBL, esp. since he can't speak at all, but I seriously doubt people will stop watching WWE or have it "ruined" for them. ANd heck, Khali's reign can't be worse than Rey's. Rey as champion made me stop watching Smackdown.
  18. no. absolutely not. i refuse to buy into khali. him as champion will ruin the E for me.
  19. mfn

    The OAO Raw 5/7/07 Thread

    I shudder to even imagine Khali as the champion. I can deal with Cena, as long as he isn't on the mic. I can't deal with someone who is both awful on the mic, and awful in the ring. If Khali gets the title, I won't watch wrestling until ROH hits PPV.
  20. mfn

    The OAO Raw 5/7/07 Thread

    I really can't stand the RAW main event scene. Everyone seems so stale.
  21. shows how much us smarks know.
  22. mfn

    ROH to hit PPV

    This is the best piece of wrestling news I have gotten in a long, long time.
  23. mfn

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    so Cena is STILL champion?
  24. i was watching tv last night, and the ad for backlash was played, and not one mention of randy orton was on the ad. he wasn't even in the video package..... i mean, take it for what it's worth, but that's what i saw.