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Everything posted by mfn

  1. Who else was awful on the mic?? The Big Show. Sting. Was The Ultimate Warrior ever champion?? Goldberg. I can only think of people who I liked on the mic.... Taz, Shane Douglas, Austin, The Rock, Hogan, Raven, CM Punk.
  2. Sid was amazing. I'd say Justin Credible was pretty bad.
  3. Anyone have any links to some good shoot interviews? I'm freaking boreD!!
  4. I think JBL is the best heel commentator since Bobby Heenan. I also was very into Cyrus in his ECW days. The WWE just seems soo... half assed. It's really annoying because I know that they can do SO much better than what they are at now. I remember that the story lines for the IC belts and other non-world title belts actually meant something. It's like they throw a bunch of shit at the wall and just go with what sticks.
  5. I find it funny you call Cena a Rock rip-off, yet the biggest balant rip-off of The Rock (Mr. Kennedy) is the IC's new hero. i HATE kennedy just as much as cena, but i don't watch smackdown, so i don't have to deal with it as much.
  6. is that teddy hart? (far right)
  7. I can't stand Cena. I hate his promo's and his matches. Everything he does seems so forced. I've come to realize that he will have the belt for a long, long time, but god damn, atleast come up with something better than lame Rock rip-off lines. Anyway. I hope Edge wins the title and actually gets a good decent run with Cena being the one who does the chasing.
  8. I went to High School with Bret's son, and Dynamite Kid's son. I know more about the Hart family, then I would like to. indulge, I'm curious I don't got enough time to go into details, but I'll post it either later tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Are you going to discuss when Dynamite said he smoked crack with Bret........ Never met Dynamite, he was never there for his son during High School. But there is drugs involved with the story I will tell. you've got me waiting for it. the only interesting story i have about meeting anyone related with wrestling is when I met Ted Debasi at the Columbus International Airport when I was 6. He was eating a hot dog.
  9. Hmm, I'm glad Owen was the only one i liked/like in that family.
  10. so is shane o mac goin to be bald just like his daddy?
  11. I really hope RVD stays in WWE. I don't see the point in going to TNA. It's not like it sky-rocketed Angle's or Christian's careers.
  12. I honestly think that Taker/Batista was the best match of the show, much to my surprise. Either Batista really worked his ass off, or Taker just carried the shit out of him.
  13. I really have no idea how to call it. All I want is for Cena to go freaking heel. He would be SO much better as a heel.
  14. I'm not upset with the finish. I'm actually rather glad that Cena kept the title. I just wish that Cena would go heel so I can like him. I really can't stand him as a baby face.
  15. I've seen a few entertaining matches with Carlito, however I can't be arsed to think of who they were with. The finish for his match against Randy Orton a while back was fantastic. The RKO out of no where. I loved it.
  16. i have no idea what this storyline could be. probably foley vs. mcmahon in some way, shape, or form.
  17. mfn

    91/3 rof setoN revresbO gniltserW

    That's the best reason for him not to sign with the WWE. totally agreed. i think it's stupid for mexican wrestlers to get unmasked.
  18. thanks for the post. that was probably one of the best wrestling videos ive seen in a while. i'm a fan now.
  19. nothing to do with your post, but i'm glad i'm not the only Larry Sweeney fan on the board.
  20. mfn

    Grapplin' Watcher Abstracts!

    I would LOVE if Jericho came back. He's really one of the main reasons why I started watching wrestling to begin with.
  21. mfn

    OAO Raw Thread

    Don't forget Kane's return at the Dallas Raw in 2000 after the classic 10 man tag. One of the greatest nights in wrestling. To get back to this, the pop when Taker came back as BikerTaker was pretty epic as well. I've been trying to find it somewhere (YouTube, etc.) with no luck. The loudest pop I've ever heard, live or on television, is when The Rock returned at a House Show from filming The Mummy, or whatever movie he was doing at the time. It was so loud you couldn't even hear his music.
  22. mfn

    OAO Raw Thread

    i heard he kept in shape because of the movie he was doing.
  23. mfn

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    you know what the awful thing is? apart from the play by play, it's not that bad. That, and they are using Justin Credible's original entrance music. I'm a mark for this already. VAMPIRO???? Fuck.
  24. mfn

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    Worst ending ever.
  25. mfn

    The Youtube Thread

    What would be the best shoot interview to watch? I've been trying to find a really, really good one.