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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    Admit It...

    The Mountie. IRS. Virgil. Demolition. The Bushwhackers. LOD. The Undertaker (early days) Big Van Vader. Sid. HBK. Bret Hart. Owen Hart. Chris Jericho.
  2. mfn

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    I'd really like to see HBK or The Taker winning the rumble. I really don't know how I feel about Umga vs. Cena. It will be entertaining, and that's only because it will be awful. Hardys vs. MNM should be good. The rest I don't really care for.
  3. mfn

    The Annual WWE Mass Firings Thread

    I was going ot say, who the fuck cares about Rodney Mack?
  4. mfn

    WON News + Notes, Jan 15 Issue

    I really don't know why McMahon insists on pushing unover stuff down our throats, and then burying people who are over (RVD, CM Punk as some expamples). I'm beginning to wonder if McMahon just got lucky during the attitude era because right now it seems that he doesn't have the slightest clue (or he does and just doesn't care) about what THE PEOPLE want. I'm not asking for a title run for RVD or Punk or anything like that, just PLEASE don't bury them.
  5. mfn

    The Youtube Thread

    I swear. I had the video minimized when he was doing his Bret Hart and it sounded JUST LIKE HIM! Jason Sensation is amazing.
  6. from what i understand management thinks that it will be confused too easily with the STFU, so benoit has to change his move. Pretty fucking shitty if you ask me.
  7. anyone hear about Benoit being pushed to used the Sharpshooter instead of the crossface??
  8. I think Show will win to face Cena to re-create Andre/Hogan.
  9. mfn

    WON News + Notes, December 18th Issue

    That 2.1 overrun rating will probably make Vince think that Show/Lashley is a money fued. Thanks for posting man.
  10. mfn

    Armageddon 2006 Thread

    I'd actually consider ordering this PPV if I ever had the time to watch Smackdown! Seems like a solid show on paper.
  11. mfn

    2006 in review...

    Wrestler of the year: CM Punk/Edge Tag-team/Stable of the year: Spirit Squad Match of the year: Foley/Edge 'I Quit' Best heel: Edge Best face: CM Punk Most improved wrestler: Jeff Hardy Quote of the year: Anything JBL says. Markout moment of the year: RVD over Cena Funniest moment of the year: ECW crowd shitting all over Big Show vs. Batista Worst moment of the year: D2D Worst wrestler of the year: Cena Best brand: Smackdown Worst brand: ECW Best PPV: Survivor Series Worst PPV: D2D Biggest disappointment: D2D
  12. mfn

    WON News + Notes (December 11 Issue)

    Thanks for the post. It really depresses me to see how shitty wrestling has gotten in the last 5 years.
  13. mfn

    Paul Heyman sent home

    nevermind. got it.
  14. mfn

    Paul Heyman sent home

    I don't see Heyman going back. McMahon pretty much stole the attitude era from Heyman, then brought Heyman in after ECW folded probably only because he felt obligated to. He brought back ECW just to shit all over it. How sweet of a 'FUCK YOU' would it be if Heyman did infact go to TNA and turned that son of a bitch around and made it into serious compitition for the WWE. Is there any talk of Impact going to a 2 hour show? If they went 2 hours a week, they could compete, but with the way they have to cram everything in a 60 minute slot now just doesn't work for me. Especially with all of the talent they have. A 2 hour Impact with Heyman booking would however be very sweet indeed. I agree that TNA needs to go to a 2 hour show, that way the entire show won't feel as rushed. I thought that their 2 hour prime time special was a well booked show, and it didn't seem rushed at all. Give TNA 2 hours and Heyman and we might be able to enjoy wrestling again.
  15. mfn

    Paul Heyman sent home

    I don't see Heyman going back. McMahon pretty much stole the attitude era from Heyman, then brought Heyman in after ECW folded probably only because he felt obligated to. He brought back ECW just to shit all over it. How sweet of a 'FUCK YOU' would it be if Heyman did infact go to TNA and turned that son of a bitch around and made it into serious compitition for the WWE.
  16. mfn

    Paul Heyman sent home

    Yep. That's Heyman.
  17. mfn

    Paul Heyman sent home

    I think it's a bad idea to keep the 3rd show anyway. The WWE brand is overkill. I'm sick of seeing it. I wouldn't be so sick of seeing it if most of it was actually worth watching.
  18. mfn

    Paul Heyman sent home

    I don't care how long the wait will be, I just know that it will be a fantastic interview. I just don't understand why McMahon would go and do something like this to Paul. I mean, didn't they get along great when ECW 1.0 was around? Maybe we're casting the blame on the wrong guy. Maybe Vince wasn't behind this, and that he was getting fed all this bullshit from Steph and all the other ass kissers. Then again... maybe I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.
  19. I agree with everything that you have said here, and you raise a very interesting point here... Was the EC match botched on purpose?
  20. mfn

    Paul Heyman sent home

    I just can't wait for a shoot interview. You know it's going to happen, it's Paul fucking Heyman we're talking about here.
  21. mfn

    Paul Heyman sent home

    Yeah, that's an even better idea. Bring back WCW and ruin it's name AGAIN.
  22. mfn

    Paul Heyman sent home

    I just hope that McMahon doesn't ignore how over CM Punk really is. He could be amazing on either RAW or Smackdown if booked right. However, with the way the WWE is right now, I wouldn't even put it past them to fuck that up.
  23. mfn

    Paul Heyman sent home

    Wouldn't one think that the DVD sales of The Rise and Fall of ECW say otherwise? I just don't get McMahon. The whole purpose of ECW was to be out of the norm. Something different. Something alternative. Why turn it into the shit show that it was last night? I didn't even pay for the event and I felt robbed.
  24. mfn

    Paul Heyman sent home

    They will do the same thing they did with WCW. Just pretend the whole ECW 2.0 never happened.
  25. mfn

    Paul Heyman sent home

    I don't even know how to react to this. Him being fired means that he is free to venture elsewhere right? He could possibly end up at TNA or any other promotion right? Or he could just be completely done with wrestling.....