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Everything posted by mfn

  1. Do you want them to rush the match? I'm happy they aren't just shoving the match out there. Knox is a good seller and Punk needs something different then the squash matches against scrubs like Doring, Credible and Moore. It's wiser to keep building that program, especially when it stands to have Punk in his best environment as the confident smart ass. No, I don't want them to rush. I guess you can't really hear the tone of the question via the internet... It was more of a "they better leave this match for the PPV" tone than a "fuck the ppv lets see the match now" tone. Either way, I'm glad that they are, infact, building something up.
  2. mfn

    OAO RAW is War 10/2/06

    If it actually happens, Bischoff needs to bring in the nWo and Vince needs to stay the hell away from them. If Vince interacts with them, then the nWo should either kick the crap out of him or run him off since he's the one who made them go away in the WWE in the first place. Oh who am I kidding the Writers and Vince can't remember that far back. But I'm all for Bischoff leading the nWo with a take over of Raw or just the beating of DX......Actually that could be the angle, Bischoff plans on getting on revenage on Vince by trying to take over Raw by using the nWo. Bischoff and the nWo will get over on Vince all the time, eventually making Vince beg DX for their help. I could see this working if they brought in newer faces with it, along with Nash and Hall and all of that, but with just the same old guys... It will be just another hot shot angle that would be dead in a few months. Bret Hart should lead the nWo, well in a perfect world atleast. If freasher faces are put in the nWo, gimmick wise, shelton would be perfect. Okay... Shelton is good.... What about... Orton? or... Edge. I think Edge would be good. I mean... He already is a heel right? Edge's gimmick wouldn't match and if Orton joins...then I'm not a nWo fan anymore. Well I'm just throwing around ideas. I doubt that people like Masters, Benjiman, Nitro etc. would get much heat because they aren't really "big stars". Maybe that's why Steve Austin and Hogan are coming back??? Who knows?
  3. mfn

    OAO RAW is War 10/2/06

    If it actually happens, Bischoff needs to bring in the nWo and Vince needs to stay the hell away from them. If Vince interacts with them, then the nWo should either kick the crap out of him or run him off since he's the one who made them go away in the WWE in the first place. Oh who am I kidding the Writers and Vince can't remember that far back. But I'm all for Bischoff leading the nWo with a take over of Raw or just the beating of DX......Actually that could be the angle, Bischoff plans on getting on revenage on Vince by trying to take over Raw by using the nWo. Bischoff and the nWo will get over on Vince all the time, eventually making Vince beg DX for their help. I could see this working if they brought in newer faces with it, along with Nash and Hall and all of that, but with just the same old guys... It will be just another hot shot angle that would be dead in a few months. Bret Hart should lead the nWo, well in a perfect world atleast. If freasher faces are put in the nWo, gimmick wise, shelton would be perfect. Okay... Shelton is good.... What about... Orton? or... Edge. I think Edge would be good. I mean... He already is a heel right?
  4. mfn

    OAO RAW is War 10/2/06

    If it actually happens, Bischoff needs to bring in the nWo and Vince needs to stay the hell away from them. If Vince interacts with them, then the nWo should either kick the crap out of him or run him off since he's the one who made them go away in the WWE in the first place. Oh who am I kidding the Writers and Vince can't remember that far back. But I'm all for Bischoff leading the nWo with a take over of Raw or just the beating of DX......Actually that could be the angle, Bischoff plans on getting on revenage on Vince by trying to take over Raw by using the nWo. Bischoff and the nWo will get over on Vince all the time, eventually making Vince beg DX for their help. I could see this working if they brought in newer faces with it, along with Nash and Hall and all of that, but with just the same old guys... It will be just another hot shot angle that would be dead in a few months. Bret Hart should lead the nWo, well in a perfect world atleast.
  5. mfn

    CM Punk Shirt Poll

    I'd wear that.
  6. Are they going to leave Punk vs. Knox for the PPV?
  7. mfn

    OAO RAW is War 10/2/06

    so.. are they still really going to do nWo vs. DX?
  8. mfn

    New Jeff Hardy T-Shirt Poll

    I'd wear them if they were pink.
  9. mfn

    WWE Observer News - 9/25

    so.. dave says kurt has no interest... yet the tna website says he is in???? confusion anyone?
  10. I don't want Umaga in the main event scene, atleast not yet.
  11. wait... so the first 10 minutes they are going to appoint a new RAW gm or something?
  12. mfn

    Kurt Angle agent releases statement

    ????? i think he meant mere.
  13. mfn

    Boogeyman released

    Nope, he is in OVW, recovering from surgey. I don't get why Johnny Nitro would fear for his job security aswell, considering the WWE is building him up to be a future main eventer. The only really negative thing that I can say about Johnny Nitro is that he is god awful on the mic. Give him some time to develop in that area and I bet he could be a great star.
  14. I didn't get to see the show, and from what you guys are saying, I didn't miss anything. I just wish they would go back to the old school ECW rules, and have everything be extreme rules. I'm sick of these DQ finishes and all of that crap. And if they don't want to do the whole fed like that, which I can understand, why not make the ECW title defended under extreme rules? I mean, it is the ECW title for fuck sake.
  15. so there are goin to be two ppv's in november?
  16. nothing to do with anything, but house is the best show ever... oh and i highly suggest watching barely legal.
  17. Sabu. Early Sting. Val Venis. I think Jericho had white kick guards IIRC. All decent workers.
  18. that'd be funny if HBK used it to win the match... OHHHH how funn it would beeeeeeeeeee
  19. LOL @ JR calling Cade and Muroch "studs"
  20. I dig that they are trying to establish a division worth while. I'm actually pumped for this match coming up.
  21. hmm... this could have potential actually.
  22. so since... no mcmahon and shane... DX will come out to make the save??? wow.
  23. what head writer told edge to say that?
  24. they should do it to cena. that'd be awesome.