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Everything posted by mfn

  1. Cena is horrible on the mic, and in the ring... Fire him.
  2. I hate Cena so fucking much. I hope Edge or someone gets the title back soon.
  3. I ordered WWE 24/7. I've been watching Barley Legal since then, and wow. The 6man tag from MPW is fucking brilliant. It's well worth the $10 a month. I suggest that everyone here who can get it, gets it.
  4. So... I'm ordering WWE 24/7 right now. It better be worth it
  5. glad i'm not the only one. striker should be punished or something for a comment like that... that was pretty harsh.
  6. all i have to say... is kurt angle is a fucking beast. the end.
  7. Never thought I'd see Trips on Tuesday.
  8. noted... remind me to never trust my friend Todd.
  9. Ditch the striker gimmick and go back to Simon Diamond please.... Am I the only one who misses the old ECW mid-carders?? Where the FUCK is Whipwreck?
  10. It wasn't anybodies fault. They just mis-timed the jump. RVD left early? Sabu left late? Who cares?! I havn't seen that spot in years! That was one hell of a fucking match. Props to Test and Knox as well as RVD and Sabu.
  11. you expect the WWE writers to be that witty?
  12. I tuned in just for time for that. He also stiffed the shit out of Test with that top rope kick.
  13. I'd like to see Hardy get the title. I'd also like to see Foley added to the HIAC.
  14. Great. Show vs. DX. Just what I wanted to see... and honestly, can we stop posting these fucking things so early?
  15. "Finlay and Regal with the double team on Shane McMahon" Yeah JR. Retire.
  16. does this make sense to anyone? masters vs cena.... why?
  17. Hardy should go over Orton and then work a program with Carlito/Nitro.
  18. I don't know.. depends on how many people are subscribers. Yeah, I'm going to call my company now.
  19. mfn

    Kurt Angle released!

    I'm not saying that I want Angle to go anywhere and keep working... All I said that IF he does go to TNA... IF and only IF... I'd like to see a program with Samoa Joe. I'm not pushing for it, I'm not hoping for it, I just think it would be something nice.
  20. WWE 24/7. Should I get it?? I've been wondering for a while now about whether or not I should subscribe. If any of you are a subscriber, can you tell me if it's worth it or not? The money isn't the issue, it's just whether or not there is good programming on it, and since WWE TV has been close to awful lately, I'm not sure how I should get it. I was going to post a new thread, but I figured it'd just be easier to ask right here.
  21. mfn

    Kurt Angle released!

    If he goes to TNA, I'd love to see him and Samoa Joe do a program.
  22. mfn

    Evaluating - Chris Jericho

    Jericho and Shelley would be fantastic!
  23. what ecw matches were you watching?
  24. Can anyone explain to me why the mid to low card titles aren't even acknowledged as much as they should be? What ever happened to sub-main events for the IC title?