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Everything posted by mfn

  1. Sabu wins. RVD gets pissed. Sabu gets the belt from Show, then RVD vs. Sabu for a bit. Easy enough, right?
  2. She's a face now because she's quasi-lesbian. Getting a "standing O" on RAW basically made her a face and well...men just love them some HLA (...one of Bischoff's best angles...) and thus, Candice is a face. ..and c'mon, its fuckin King and JR. Those two are starting to show their age behind the booth and are forcing me to mute RAW. Man City baby!
  3. mfn

    The OAO RAW for 7/31/06

    no one else liked larry sweeney?
  4. mfn

    The OAO RAW for 7/31/06

    you mean... "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney!
  5. mfn

    The OAO RAW for 7/31/06

    Best part of RAW?? "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney.
  6. mfn

    The OAO RAW for 7/31/06

    The re-runs/syndications of L&O are licensed out. TNT got the originals, and SVU is given to USA, since it's owned by NBC anyway. Same with CI and Bravo. As for Psyche, I find it amusing, and at least it's trying to be somewhat original. USA plays all 3 versions of Law & Order.
  7. mfn

    Lashley and Khali removed from GAB PPV

    What a cluster fuck.
  8. So, is it safe to say that a night of poker with my friends was much better than what would have been if I would have stayed at home and watched WWE?
  9. I'll probably watch something else, and flip back and forth to see if anything interesting happens.
  10. C'mon. This is the same company that has Mark Henry and Great Khali on tv every week. Sometimes it just seems that a lot of people hate Orton cause its the cool thing to do. I don't watch Smackdown at all. That's why I liked it when Orton was on Smackdown, because I wouldn't have to see him on RAW. I'm not hating on him because it's the cool thing to do, I've hated him and Cena since they made their debut. I hate Batista just as much as I hate Cena and Orton. Infact, I just realized that the only reason why I watch wrestling now is to see how bad it can possibly get.
  11. The WWE hasn't had a really solid "superstar" in a while, atleast not one that I want to tune every week to see. Randy Orton makes me want to turn off the TV. I think he's awful.
  12. CM Punk is deaf? I don't know much about him.
  13. mfn

    ECW tidbit from the Observer

    He's a maniac. What do you expect? And I'm sure that it was all WWE fans who were just interested in ECW who bought the DVD. I'm sure.
  14. mfn

    RVD and Sabu arrested for drugs

    They probably weren't going that fast. I live in Ohio and the fucking state troopers in this state are always looking for an excuse to pull you over. My friend was driving 67mph and got pulled over for going "73" Anything they can do to fill their quota.
  15. I still don't like him at all.
  16. mfn

    RVD and Sabu arrested for drugs

    I can't wait for Vince to get cought with Coke.
  17. mfn

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    Either that, or Edge wins clean and vince comes and snorts coke off of RVDs body then fires both him and Heyman.
  18. True. If McMahon had a brain, which he does, he just chooses not to use it most of the time, He'd just let Heyman run it. Afterall, It's Heyman's baby, and if it does well, then McMahon loses nothing at all.
  19. Stevie Richards as HBK. Blue Meanie as HHH. Nova as Chyna. Oh man. Imagine the fued they could have with DX?! It'd make for some great fucking television.
  20. Blue-Generation X. It's golden. The thing is, it's such a good idea, that I doubt it will happen. We'll see.