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Everything posted by mfn

  1. I thought the show was solid. There is still plenty of room for improvement, but with matches like Sabu vs. Roadkill, and RVD vs. Angle... You can't go wrong. I'm still waiting for Punk to debut.
  2. mfn

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    I was pissed because I wanted RVD to get out of the STFU..... But I'm just an ECW mark.
  3. mfn

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    I'm with everyone else who said it... If RVD gets screwed, I want to see Sabu go ape shit.
  4. mfn

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    wait, nitro is from Tough Enough???? No fuckin way!
  5. mfn

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    I didn't think that last nights show was too bad, but it was no where near good. Sabu's spot was the highlight of the night, as well as RVD finally doing the 5 star frog splash the way he used to do it. To me, it seemed that DX tried too hard to be funny, just didn't seem natural, especially with HBK up there thanking Jesus.
  6. mfn

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    First 10 minutes is must see. Everything else has been blah, although theres a fun surprise about 25 minutes in. What happened in the first 10 minutes? I was playing Counter-Strike.
  7. mfn

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Keep it taped just for the Sabu spot. It's probably the best thing that I've seen on Monday night TV in a long fucking time.
  8. mfn

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    More tough? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it Tougher?
  9. mfn

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Well, the way that WWE is making this spot out to be, it's like Cena got killed. I think it would have been better to have medics come out to make sure he's alright, and then to not totally kill Cena, have him fight them off and walk out on his own.... Atleast, That's what I would have done.
  10. mfn

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    I fucking hate Randy Orton.
  11. mfn

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    That's what I'm saying.... What ever happened to the art of selling?
  12. mfn

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Well the way they are pushing Sabu, you'd think that they would keep ECW around for a bit. I think ECW should be the alternative brand, and have RAW and Smackdown come back together. To me, that would be the most logical thing to do. But yeah, I say push the hell out of Sabu, as long as he stays golden.
  13. mfn

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    A little dissapointed at the lack of selling that Cena did.... Putting his hands up for the chair shot... cmon, The monitor I can understand, but if you're going to work a chair shot spot into a match, take it like a man (goes for everyone, not just Cena) He no sold that leg drop too... Which is a shame, cos that's the best spot I've seen on RAW in a long ass time.
  14. mfn

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    When Sabu is on his A Game... he's fucking amazing to watch. I can't get enough of him just flying across the arenas crashing through tables... And he nailed it perfectly.
  15. It was said before, and I will say it again... This 'ECW' show had nothing but WWE all over it. I refuse to beleive that Heyman had anything to do with it. There is no way, and if he did, then WHAT THE FUCK PAUL?
  16. I'm actually pretty pumped up for the show. After seeing some clips of ONS on RAW, I'm kinda sad I didn't order it. Are any of the matches on YouTube? Or any other matches announced for tonight?
  17. mfn

    Was ECW music as important to you...

    The more I think about it, the more I think it will bother me if ECW doesn't have their original theme music for their wrestlers. I forgot about how great they were/are. Simon Diamond's being my personal favorite.
  18. Last year at ONS they had the 18x18 ring with the tighter ropes, and I'd imagine that they would do the same thing this year....
  19. Joey Styles rules. I totally missed the hat being knocked off.
  20. I have a feeling that Angle will turn on ECW somehow.... I thought that he would have yesterday in the battle royale, but I was wrong....
  21. I watched it, and I thought Taz(z) got the better shot off personally.
  22. mfn

    ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

    The actual PPV itself is beeing advertised as $40 here. I don't know if I'm going to get it or not yet. After the show last night, it sparked a little bit more interest for me, however, I don't know if it will be worth $40.
  23. I didn't get to see the Dreamer/Edge segment. How was it botched?