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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    ECW gets a normal time slot

    So, some shows ECW will before Smackdown, and then others ECW will be after? Strange. I don't know how this is going to work while taping it with Smackdown... I think it will be off to a very slow start. Yeah, I'm having second thoughts about this.
  2. mfn

    OAO 5/22/06 Raw Thread in SIN CITY

    I was thinking the same thing about his tights.
  3. mfn

    WON News and Notes 5/22

    Kevin Dunn will in charge of production, so it’ll be close to WWE-level values. Does this mean that the style of the in ring work will be the same, or are we talking cameras, lighting, etc.?
  4. mfn

    So what now for RVD?

    That would be nice for Rhino to come out and do the Gore. I think that's a good prediction of what could happen, but I don't see Cena dropping his title, and I don't see Mysterio dropping his title because I don't think McMahon would want to make the E look weaker than ECW. So here is my theory. RVD gets screwed at the ECW ppv... At the ECW show he declares himself champion since he got screwed.. Rhino comes in the ring.. Gore. Instant fued.
  5. mfn

    WWE Fantasy Season 7 (TSM's 4th season)

    I'm in as 'bmayes'
  6. Holy shit I just realized who that was... Damn he got out of shape. I also pretty much agree with what Dean said about The Spirit Squad. I do see a lot of potential, even though I can't stand when they come out... I still keep the TV on just because I hate them that much, and to me, that's how I know they are doing a good job.
  7. mfn

    Batista and Booker T get into a fight?

    Good one Carlito. Hopefully we can see a good match come out of this.
  8. mfn

    ECW gets a normal time slot

    It's just a standard that people who have an interested in anything will get flamed. If you like movies, you are a movie nerd. Same for video games, music, cars, etc. It can go either way with just about anything.... besides sex. Sex is good.
  9. mfn

    WWE Fantasy Season 7 (TSM's 4th season)

    So, How exactly does this work? I'm new to it and very interested. I probably won't be able to check it out until I get out of work because WWE.com is blocked.
  10. mfn

    ECW gets a normal time slot

    ECW on The SciFi network I think will help boost the ratings of the network. Do you think that it could be the highest rated show on the channel?
  11. It could definitely work and would definitely make for some entertaining television. And sense Triple H and Vince McMahon will both be involved in the angle, you know it will be the #1 priority for the writing staff. There isn't any reason why it shouldn't be successful. Yes, but the WWE writers have had a history of finding reasons for making sure shot angles (Invasion for one) not successful.
  12. Am I the only one that completely hates Khali? I've only seen one short clip of him, and I REFUSE to watch anymore. Off topic, but what was that one tag team full of like... Military Men, and that one dude just squeezed your head for his finisher... I can't remember their names.
  13. WWE could make this DX angle work if they do it properly. I like the way it's going right now. McMahon and HBK already have a program, so why not throw in Triple H? HBK and Triple H's promos and Vince's over acting would make for some great TV.
  14. mfn

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    The match, the booking, the angle bait-&-switch, or the ending? The whole... idea of the match coming about... and the ring work... Mainly when Cena was running over everyone and fucked up about 3 closelines as well as a boot to the stomach. RVD did hit the best 5 star frogsplash that he has done in years. Probably the highlight of the match...... I guess that was their logical way of getting the IC title off of RVD.
  15. mfn

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    Did anyone else think that the Texas Tornado match was sloppy?
  16. I never watch Smackdown, but for some odd reason I feel that Rey might sneak away with a victory.
  17. mfn

    Is Kawada/Misawa still the standard?

    I've mostly seen only FMW stuff. I don't mind Puro wrestling really. I just havn't gotten a chance to really watch it and get into it. Most of my favorite matches of all time were either from ECW or mid to late 90's WCW. The Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue match was brilliant. I think I like it just as much as the Kawada/Misawa singles.
  18. mfn

    Is Kawada/Misawa still the standard?

    Sounds like their fued was pretty solid. I've seen the one match they have on YouTube. How are the others?
  19. mfn

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    Yeah, I'm glad I have cable so I can watch it! I'm pumped. I've run out of ECW tapes to watch.
  20. With the heat that JBL got last year with ECW, I think an RVD/JBL match would be spot on. The fans would give JBL much more heat than Cena just because of the promos and the shot that JBL took at ECW. The only question I have is... If RVD wins the title, what happens to Smackdowns! championship?
  21. I can only think of one situation where any of this works. In every screwjob option, ECW comes out looking bad. They should have RVD win it and defend it the next night on RAW, Vince tries the screwjob by having a member of the spirit squad as the special guest ref. But just as he's about to make a three count on RVD after tons of Squad interference, the member stops at 2 and Heyman just smiles at Vince. Vince gets to do his wide eyed "what the hell" look. ECW rushes from the crowd, lays out the other members of the squad. RVD battles back, the squad member who turns ECW lays out Cena allowing RVD to hit the five star for the win. Heyman tells Vince he'll NEVER get the belt off RVD, that they will always be a step ahead of him this time around. The belt belongs to Paul Heyman and the members of ECW. So they offer Vince a deal, either they can take the belt and Vince can keep trying and failing to take it from RVD OR they will give him the belt if Vince gives total control of ECW to Paul Heyman. RVD looks great, Cena comes out just fine, ECW looks like the renegade promotion that is damn near unstoppable, and the belt doesn't get chumped out. That is the ONLY way I can think of everyone coming out like roses. I dig that. I dig it a lot actually. ECW has to do something that 'one ups' McMahon, otherwise it will be a stale Invasion angle again. I do think that tomorrow's show is going to be interesting, and seeing as I have cable now... I'll be able to watch it instead of trying to figure out what is going on by reading the RAW threads. I really want this ECW angle to work. I want it to work probably more than anyone else. ECW is what really got me into wrestling again, and I hope that it will get me back into it.
  22. mfn

    Is Kawada/Misawa still the standard?

    Are any of the matches above listed on YouTube? I know of some of these matches, but I've never seen them. I havn't really gotten huge into japan wrestling.
  23. RVD actually came out to Kilgore's version of "Walk". I do agree though, he needs to use it.