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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    Pepper Pike, OH Do you think that he will get picked up by ECW? I miss the days of him and Roadkill as a tag team. They rocked.
  2. mfn

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    Where is Danny Doring??
  3. mfn

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    How would you turn Foley heel? Second week in a row that I don't have cable. God damnit.
  4. He jumped ship before he died right?
  5. I'll beleive it when I see it.
  6. Umaga is awful. 'The Samoan Smashing Machine'? Gee, I wonder where they got that from. As far as ECW coming back, I'm just marking out for it because I was always an ECW fan over WWE and WCW. With ECW coming back it gives me something to actually look forward too. I was excited about TNA when it first came out, but that has just lead to dissapointment. I'm hoping that ECW won't be the same.
  7. mfn

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    Are they going to charge a price for the weekly broadcast on the internet, or is it going to be free?
  8. mfn

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    I'd fucking love it if Jericho came back for ECW.
  9. mfn

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    I think the unification of Smackdown! and RAW is a great idea. The only problem with it is that it seems too logical, and we all know that McMahon doesn't do logical. Hopefully he will surprise us all. If they want ECW to work, they need to make it seem like it's a completely different company. That's the only way that I can see it being a major success.
  10. mfn

    Smackdown Spoilers for the 5/5 Airing

    I don't even know why Vince signed that guy... I mean.. He just looks so freaking un-natural in the ring. He's going to end up seriously hurting someone.
  11. mfn

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    If they are going to do it, the whole DX reunion that is, when do you suppose it would happen?
  12. mfn

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    Someone get a video online. I want to watch this before I go to sleep.
  13. mfn

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    and from what everyone is saying, this isn't a shoot. it's a work that is coming off as a 'shoot'.
  14. mfn

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    Of course. The best thing to happen on RAW in a long ass time, and I just moved and don't have CABLE!~ WOW!
  15. mfn

    So you're John Cena. Okay?

    Do the whole... You can't see me thing. Throw down a smoke bomb as I yell ninja vanish, and get the hell out of dodge.
  16. mfn

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    ECW taped in a big arena BEFORE a WWE event? bad.
  17. mfn

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    So I'm guessing it's a good thing that I didn't pay money to see this tonight?
  18. mfn

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    So, God is a spotlight?
  19. mfn

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    anyone watchin the internet feed?
  20. mfn

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    Great, He is going to come to RAW in my hometown, and I don't even have tickets. I'd rather watch it on TV anyways. It's free that way.
  21. mfn

    Hardcore Holly Illness Update

    Why was Holly so stiff with the rookies anyways? Was he jealous because he knew that he was a jobber for life?
  22. mfn

    WON Notes

    RVD definitely did not carry ECW on his back. Maybe in the last year of the federations existance, but other than that, no way. If anyone carried it, it was CW Anderson.
  23. Sabu jobbed to Samoa Joe becuase he was going to jump ship to WWE. That was no big secret to anyone. I do like the idea of Free Agents in wrestling, because you could see people jump from fed to fed, but at the same time... It would never work because once you get a story line going with one person, they are gone working for some other promotion. The next big thing in wrestling is not going to be this 'free agent' idea. In my opinion with ECW coming back, and supposedly ROH going to PPV this summer/year (can't remember which one) will shake things up a bit and possibly(hopefully) make wrestling a better business all around.
  24. mfn

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    The talent probably wouldn't leave TNA if they were used properly. It seems like every week I watch that show that it's just getting more and more sloppy. I'm not going to lie, I'm marking out about ECW coming back. However, I'm not going to get my hopes up too high because I'm sure it won't be nearly as good as the original. I just hope Vince doesn't bury it like he did WCW. I don't see that happening since he and Heyman were on good relations for a while, but still... Vince does have a huge ego.
  25. mfn

    ECW One Night Stand II-It's Official

    oh, really? Hi Vince.