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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    I don't think I could have said it better myself.
  2. mfn

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    SD is going to need to draw strong ratings, plus I doubt they could present an *EXTREME* product on network TV at 8 o'clock. Nor is a revived ECW going to get the attendance Smackdown does. This will be a "third brand" with 1) guys WWE isn't doing a thing with, 2) developmental guys WWE isn't doing a thing with that fit within the style (like CM Punk), and 3) various ECW alumni. The only problem that I can think of with them taking over Smackdown would be selling out the arenas. I don't see why putting ECW on network TV would be a problem. Shows like CSI and Law And Order have much more disturbing storylines and images on them than a wrestling show.
  3. mfn

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    Vince would never allow RAW to be changed to ECW. If one of the two big shows were going to convert, it would most certainly be Smackdown!. If they are going to bring the promotion back, they should have RVD proclaim himself as the ECW champion, and have sort of an uprising. Perhaps an angle where Heyman comes back and starts taking workers that aren't getting the TV time they deserve (CM Punk for example) If pulled off, the return of ECW could very well be the boost that wrestling has needed for the past 5 years.
  4. The May 1st RAW's main event is being advertised as Triple H vs. Cena vs. Edge in a steel cage for the title.
  5. mfn

    ECW One Night Stand II-It's Official

    Joey Styles is another reason why I liked ECW over WCW or WWF. He just has true emotion when he calls his matches. Now that he is in the E, he's lacking that spark, but I'm sure at ONS it will be back.
  6. mfn

    ECW One Night Stand II-It's Official

    On paper it looks amazing. Hell, if they would have let ECW stick around with Heyman with creative control, you know, kinda use it as a WWE farm league, but only televised, I bet ECW would still be around. I mean, Vince has mass amounts of money right? It's not like it would be that hard to sell out 3,000 seat arenas across the US. I guess I just miss how in ECW, no matter who you were, you were part of the show in a big way. You actually had a chance to make a name for yourself. That's something that is absent in the E.
  7. mfn

    ECW One Night Stand II-It's Official

    I said it when WWF bought WCW and ECW, and I'll say it now. Vince should have kept them as their own separate 'companies' with him still owning them, that way we would have a choice as to what to watch. Basically, I just miss ECW.
  8. mfn

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    So, has anything been released on what the hell Orton did?
  9. mfn

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

  10. mfn

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    They keep hinting at DX coming back.... Is it going to return or what?
  11. mfn

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    I was thinking the same thing... So, What do you think.... Shelton goes over, and jobs to RVD at the PPV?
  12. mfn

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    Has St. Louis ever been a hot crowd?
  13. mfn

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    Nice back breaker.... I say Haas goes over...
  14. mfn

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    Shit, he chopped the shit out of him.
  15. mfn

    Cena's heel turn

    Shane Douglas was good for ECW. Granted, his in ring work left a lot to be desired, but Douglas on the mic in ECW was classic. But back to the topic at hand.... I honestly think that it will be CENA vs RVD.
  16. mfn

    OVW news/stats/stuff

    I just spent a few hours on YouTube watching some matches.
  17. Strong is my personal favorite.
  18. Umaga squashing Colt Cabana.
  19. Don't ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER compare Jamal/Umaga/whatever to Samoa Joe..... EVER.
  20. mfn

    Sabu to "no show" Lockdown??

    Isn't Sabu known for 'no showing'?
  21. mfn

    RVD vs. Shelton at Backlash

    Some of these wrestlers wouldn't be so sloppy with their spots if they were actually given the chance to perform some of them, you know, instead of working 3 minute matches on RAW.
  22. apparently sarcasm is tough to pick up on over the internet.... Douglas has given some of the best promos in wrestling, not going to lie, but he totally lacks in the ring. Any good match that he has had, someone has carried him.
  23. mfn

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Finlay is the only reason why I even watch.
  24. mfn

    Had Eddie not died...

    No way. I hate Rey, I've hated him since he took his mask off in WCW. I hate him even more now that he's acting like he can never take his mask off. He isn't even half the wrestler he used to be.
  25. I'd rather watch a Shane Douglas match than an HBK match... for sure.