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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    RVD vs. Shelton at Backlash

    RVD over Shelton in a clean win.
  2. mfn

    RVD vs. Shelton at Backlash

    I think RVD could make a great double champion. I know that he is weak on the mic, but if given the chance to actually wrestle his old ECW style, which in my opinion, he hasn't had that chance for a while, I think he can put on one hell of a match. Just look back at RVD vs. Lynn. I say that they give RVD the IC title, and before ONS, he gets screwed by Cena (I'm saying this because I don't see Triple H jobbing to RVD. However, Triple H vs. RVD would be a much better match). Thus setting up the ONS match for the title. They really need to bring some credit back to the IC title, because I miss the days when I was actually excited about seeing an IC title match (The Rock vs. Triple H @ summerslam)
  3. mfn

    Kanyon talks about being "banned" from TNA

    bring back mortis.
  4. I'm glad I don't watch Smackdown
  5. mfn

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    that's baller. i miss the nWo.
  6. mfn

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    so, orton shat in someones bag and now he's being suspended over it?
  7. mfn

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    vince will do anything...... it's official
  8. mfn

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    is anyone else marking out right now?
  9. mfn

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    2 words = SUCK IT!
  10. mfn

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    i thought vince was going to stay off TV?
  11. mfn

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    i like where this is going......... until shanes music just hit.
  12. mfn

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    DX needs to come back...... It really does.
  13. mfn

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    that kick was awesome........... but the spirit squad as champions? fuck that.
  14. mfn

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    He and HBK need to get back together. It's the only thing that would make wrestling interesting again.
  15. mfn

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    I'm glad HBK can take a chair shot like a champ.......
  16. mfn

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    rofl @ the gym owner saying all due respect to triple h........ just wow.
  17. mfn

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    Yes. it's just because it's the only thing on the card that seems semi interesting.
  18. mfn

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    Big Show had surgery to remove some his fat and put on his neck. they would probably use that as the reason too.
  19. mfn

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    am i the only one who is semi-excited for McMahon vs Cena?
  20. mfn

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    masters had that on him last week..... and no whe can't do it? wow.
  21. mfn

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    show is gonna break the chair.
  22. mfn

    Edge Interview

    so fucking true.
  23. Third of all, it won't happen.
  24. mfn

    WON Notes

    no no, that's thinking logical, and we all know McMahon can't do that. Vince, can't tell NBC when to slot the next SNME. If NBC had a say in the matter, they wouldn't even give another slot to the joke that is SNME. They probably just want to get those obligated shows out of the way, as they couldn't care when it suits WWE the best. I agree with you. I just think that if Vince could have booked a better SNME he could have gotten one closer to SummerSlam.
  25. I've been a Finlay fan since WCW. I've always praised him as one of the better workers, and everyone called me an idiot.