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Everything posted by GODSON

  1. I don't want to pick on you personally but this quote is scary because now fans make their decisions based on the bookers. 10 years ago, nothing like this would even be a consideration.
  2. It was a smark dream show. No bs storylines and when they did do storylines it was great. The wrestling was always top notch,even during the last two years when they move the timeslot. I did not join the IWC until 99 and when I seen people complain about the show I never understood why. It was sometimes the best show on tv.
  3. What about Juvi/Rey matches, Dean vs. Eddie, Eddie vs. Rey,Rey vs.Kidman,etc. there was countless matches.
  4. The rating is not good at all when they negoiating for a new deal BUT it's nothing that will get them cancel.
  5. WCW Saturday night feature some of the best matches you will ever see but is totally forgettable because people was so interested in the Monday NIght Wars. Worldwide was not bad as well. I wish I had every Saturday night from 96-98, I would never watch any "new" wrestling again.
  6. RVD was suppose to go to WCW in 97 but Heyman block it. I remember reading reports how RVD use to go to NItro's.
  7. I don't know,WCW was at least establish. Plus,Bischoff is a bigger risk taker than JJ and Dixie combine and knows how to get people to talk. Remember the offer WGN had on the table with a 2 hour show Monday night from 8-10 and LIVE every other week,imagine if WCW had that same kind of offer? Eric would of accepted this deal in a heartbeat. (note:TNA actually could of accept the offer but the ppv promotion was the problem)

    Fuck Kanyon

    I'm with Kanyon, he's doing everything to keep his name out in the spotlight instead of fading away without a fight like most former WWE employees. Plus,he's creative with some of his actions. As for the Bret thing, he might said those things in a joking,non serious tone.
  9. Already got my tickets I'm surprise TNA is bringing in real NWA legends instead of the "monday night wars" guys.
  10. GODSON

    The Official PWI 500 List for 2006

    In 1997 Malenko was rank number 1 but Luger actually won their wrestler of the year award.
  11. GODSON

    The Official PWI 500 List for 2006

    TNA only have 2 in the top 10. Instead of getting mad, people should go out and buy the magazine. The PWI 500 is always a great issue and a must for every wrestling fan.
  12. The change wasn't that drastic. He just looks a little skinnier. He also look a little lighter than before and his hair is just terrible.
  13. Have you guys seen the Rock lately, he went through a Michael Jackson change. He looks nothing like a Black-samoan anymore.
  14. GODSON

    Your Wrestlemania Card

    CM Punk on a Mania card, NO WAY I'm not going to do a whole card but the obvious matches to me that can draw is Taker vs. Batista. HHH vs. Edge. Cena vs. Orton. Anything with Hogan. Nothing else really matters on the undercard of these matches.
  15. GODSON

    GPWA Formation -- The NWA of Japan?

    I wonder why HUSTLE,Dragon Gate,All Japan and New Japan is not joining, oh yeah this is NOAH way of saying we want to control everybody. THis GPWA looks like NOAH and friends instead of a real alliance.
  16. Dave Meltzer is reporting there has been no new updates regarding TNA Wrestling/Ron Killings and his current contract. Scott D’Amore proposed an idea that would see Ron Killings join the Latin American Exchange, however Jeff Jarrett nixed that idea, stating that Ron Killings would be pushed as a SINGLES superstar when TNA Impact was given another hour (rumored to happen in October, which will be their ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY with Spike TV!).
  17. GODSON

    Which Wrestlers are Millionares?

    JBL,Sting,Goldberg,Cena,HHH,Taker,HBK,JJ might be Add Nash to the list
  18. They were acually pretty big from 96-98.
  19. GODSON

    Which Wrestlers are Millionares?

    JBL,Sting,Goldberg,Cena,HHH,Taker,HBK,JJ might be
  20. GODSON


    ??? Anyway, Bill Goldberg was the reason why he got over. He came out there,did cool moves and left the ring with no problems or bs. His intensity was off the charts,how can the guy go from being unknown to WCW biggest draw EVER(that's actually a fact) within 10 months,the year after WCW screw up their biggest angle.
  21. http://www.thesuperstation.net/ NWA Action Zone feature a new episode every two weeks on Saturday's. NWA Anarchy feature a new episode every Monday. They looking for more promotions to join the team.
  22. GODSON

    Kennedy Declares...

    Ken Kennedy is so 2005.
  23. In hindsight, it's a GREAT storyline on paper but poorly executed.I think TNA problem is Tenay(and West but he is not the lead) for not putting over storylines strong enough. I bet Tenay will never mention the Canada Controversy.. And yes folks,Tenay writes all his announcing material. Nobody is yelling in his ear like WWF.
  24. Whether they had TV or not, the fact remains that WCW was a dead brand by 2001. Vince had clearly gained a solid grip on the industry and what minor portion of the audience WCW had left was almost a complete non-factor. By 2000, WCW had to essentially give away free tickets just to get a crowd in for their tapings. TNA does this now, but they only run the arena in Orlando which barely fits 1000 people, and they have their production is run in such a way that they can do this and still not run at a loss. WCW was running 12,000 seat arenas, still trying to keep up a pretty hi tech production, and was still not selling any tickets or merchandise, and no one was watching at home. The only thing left by 2001 that had any value was the Tape Library, the brand itself was tarnished beyond repair. But wasn't there a rumor that if Fusient brought WCW, they would do all the shows from Vegas? As you can see, that tape library with International tours is what making WWE money. DVD's not as big as it was back then,imagine how much money WCW could of made. WCW still in it's dying days bigger than TNA. Plus, the brand might be tarnished but it still had tradition they could always build on,something TNA lack.
  25. I know there was rumors of Fusient Media backing out after they realize WCW lost tv but didn't WCW still have Worldwide in syndication? Couldn't they use Worldwide until they found a cable slot? I think Worldwide broadcast the last WCW show ever. Is it true that WCW was going to become a Las Vegas base(ala to TNA/Orlando) if Fusient brought it? I still to this day think WCW should of did another "old guys" feud between Hogan and Flair, despite what people might say but that feud they had in 99 was a money maker and produce one of the most entertaining cage matches. People would of paid to see them over Steiner,Booker and JJ.