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Everything posted by RonL21

  1. RonL21

    Fast Food Promotions..

    To be fair to McDonald's.. I believe they put the game on hiatus for a couple years because there was a scandal of employees stealing game pieces but im not sure if im remembering that right... I remember how the Sunday paper on the first day of the old game would have a board and two free pieces...Ahhh..the good ol' days.. I don't even bother w/ it now...I guess they had to change the way to make it more fair for all i guess
  2. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    And who is this Bill Cunningham Asshole? Poor Barack...They're gonna dig up all kinds of stuff on him and his wife...Hell it's already started.... He obviously was being a smart ass by saying his whole name like that... insinuating connections to the form Iraqi dictator... But this guy just sounds like an ass on H&C right now... And Hannity is basically applauding him
  3. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    Who's worse.. Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity? LOL @ We destroyed Hillary, now we're gonna destroy Barack... I'm sure Hannity said it cause that's what Reagan would say
  4. RonL21

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    Eh... I wish people would stop saying this.. the wwe is a different company now.. it's so easy to say something like this when the situation is different
  5. RonL21

    American Gangster

    So am I the only one Looking forward to this Movie... Two Best Actor Oscars Winners in a Film based on a True Story... AmericanGanster.Net Ridley Scott isnt too Shabby of a director either.... I always felt he was robbed for Best Director for Gladiator But that's for another thread...
  6. RonL21

    Authority Figures...

    During the end of last year, Regal really came off well to me as being kind of impartial
  7. RonL21

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

  8. RonL21

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    The Lack of Love for Jack Tunney and Howard Finkel make me sad
  9. RonL21

    Box Office Report 2/15-2/17

    Plus Scarlett mainly does low budget indie movies... Russel Crowe does have two Oscars...... Im sure Hilary Swank could be making major bank w/ her two Oscars.. But she seems content w/ doing Low buget indie movies and making chump change compared to what she could if she really wanted the money....
  10. RonL21

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    Most of their ventures outside of wrestling also involved Cena. you missed my point completely And if they used Rock and Stone Cold the same way they would'vd made more.. We all know wrestling isnt as popular as it was back then, so naturally there has to be an explanation as to why it's so profitable now
  11. RonL21

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    To be clear.. That whole that WWE had it's most profitable year w/ Cena on Top is kind of misleading... This isnt just a Wrestling company anymore... It's not drawing profits just from TShirts and House Shows and PPVs... The WWE is involved in many ventures now from which it derives it's income.... If the WWE was as wide spread as it now back in 2000-2001, i would imagine those years would be more profitable if everything was on an even scale....
  12. RonL21

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    Cena can be Heel and still be cool See Rock circa 2003... He knew exactly what to say to get the crowd to hate him but was still pretty much a face
  13. RonL21

    Box Office Report 2/15-2/17

    You Got Served is a guilty pleasure of mine... Not anywhere near my favorites... But is in that Fast and Furious 3 category of movies that come on at 3am that you wake up and always catch somewhere at the beginning and sit there and watch without complaint every single time...
  14. RonL21

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    It isn't. Now, over 3 years later, thanks to Bret's book, we find out this is true. HTQ will not admit Meltzer was incorrect on this one..
  15. The Mario Kart Wii love i see makes me smile
  16. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    You can't forget this Sean Hannity Best Seller.. Could you imagine the Reaction if someone put Conservatism and Terrorism in the same sentence UnAmerican and UnPatriotic come to mind...
  17. I'm watching Fox News.. Apparently Video Games are to blame... Since they were training grounds for Columbine and VA Tech Shootings.... Ban Counter Strike!!!
  18. RonL21

    Let's Talk About...

    I don't know if this had happened in 92.. But I started watching WCW more religiously back when I was 7 or 8 so 92/93 whenever Papa Shango had Ultimate Warrior throwing up the green stuff. It freaked me out so I started paying attention to WCW More..... WCW on Saturday nights and the occastional Clash of the Champions on the weeknights were good stuff as a young mark...Kind of feel bad for the youth today...Only have 3 shows a week... and from one company at that... Someone said in thread in the WWE folder that having wrestling on 4 nights a week would be overkill... I remember when I was kid, WCW and WWF had like three/four shows a piece every week, mixed in with some regional shows on the weekend as well... Back then it was all Saturday Afternoon and Early Evening and Prime Time Wrestling on Mondays for the WWF was merely a recap show of what happend over the weekend....
  19. RonL21

    WWE Hall of Fame Candidates 2008

    I don't think it hurt the company Wasnt much you could do in 95 to help wrestling at all.. I never realized until i got older and able to find out stuff how unpopular wrestling was when i was kid... Im looking at LT's impact on me as a 10 year old mark I was.. Not a 22 year old Person who knows how stuff works now... Im not even gonna jump on that Bret and Kevin Nash couldnt draw boat that some of these posters like to throw out there...
  20. RonL21

    WWE Hall of Fame Candidates 2008

    Lawrence Taylor not only Main Evented wrestlemania.. but he had a 5-Star match on the Celebrity scale
  21. RonL21

    WWE Permanently Cuts Ties with OVW

    I believe they owned/own "Angle Slam" which is why he changed it back to Olympic Slam(Which I still called it anyways) when he went to TNA. I don't know if the copyright ran out and they changed it back though..
  22. RonL21

    Superbowl XLII

    Wanna Get Away?
  23. RonL21

    Superbowl XLII

    Im not gonna make a big deal about Bill leaving.. He did shake Coughlin's hand and spoke to him before they told everyone to get off the field..
  24. RonL21

    Superbowl XLII

    Greatest fucking super bowl ever... ELI has become one of the Elites before our very eyes