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Everything posted by RonL21

  1. RonL21

    Superbowl XLII

  2. RonL21

    Superbowl XLII

    Eli Mannings wants to fucking win... So Does Tyree
  3. Didnt Bret defend againts Hakushi in a PPV main event though...
  4. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    If you thought the Brett Favre, Tom Brady Fellatio Fest was awful.. This Ronald Reagan Blow Job while getting his balled sucked is on is on a whole new level...
  5. RonL21

    American Gladiators

    Wolf only @ 4...
  6. RonL21

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    If Noble is one for SmackDown! I say make Val Venis one for Raw
  7. RonL21

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

  8. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

  9. RonL21

    Worst Excuse for a Face Turn

    Wow... That Woman's Extreme Wrestling show I catch at like 3am had a better time slot than GLOW
  10. RonL21

    American Gladiators

    Bring Back Ask A Gladiator... "Wolf, Why are you so Awesome?" Because I am *howl*
  11. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    I'm Glad I started the Glenn Beck discussion... Obviously he and Bill O'Reilly went to the same school of wooing the ladies....
  12. RonL21

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Honestly.. I think Armando was getting too Popular and taking away from Umaga.. Last Year this time I thought for sure Armando was gonna be like Bobby Heenan/Jimmy Hart.. Have a stable of wrestlers that were just odd... I thought for sure Armando was gonna have an Umaga/Khali tag team to make Cena's life Hell I remember the old PPVs were Jimmy Hart would come out w/ one team like the Nasty Boys for the first match with Nasty Boys Suit and Megaphone... then later on came out with another wrestler complete w/ outfit change...Gold Stuff..
  13. RonL21

    This week in the NBA

    *ponders pickup C-Webb for fantasy league* He was great in his role w/ Detroit in the playoffs
  14. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    Kansas has a Governor's Mansion?!
  15. RonL21

    Raw Is Cena - January 28, 2008

    LMAO @ the Forum name change
  16. RonL21

    Raw Is Cena - January 28, 2008

    Why? When you're just gonna take it off in a few seconds. If that's the case, then why should any wrestler wear anything other than their tights? Flair has a robe, Morrison has his coat, Miz wears a hat, Cena usually wears a hat, etc. And anyway, it's a BELT. I will say though, if the persona of the character demands them not wear it...or if they are a big fat fuck...then fine. Beth Phoenix and Randy Orton are supposed to be respectful to their titles at they care about. They should wear them. Stone Cold use to fling his belt around like trash.... Rocky carried his like a bag.... Two of the greatest WWE Champs of alltime seemed to give a rat's ass about the belt... They were the best and the belt didnt really matter...
  17. RonL21

    American Gladiators

    That Poor Woman was catching pure hell with the wall...
  18. RonL21

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    I just hope Jeff Hardy 08 isnt RVD 01 or Jericho 02 AKA Hot SuperStars who they missed the boat on as far as giving them the strap and letting them run w/ it....
  19. RonL21

    This week in the NBA

    So when did Hedo Turkgolu become Mr. Clutch.. That's like the 3rd Buzzer beater this month
  20. RonL21

    The Youtube Thread

    Kane chokeslams Trish Stratus
  21. RonL21


  22. RonL21


    -Even though it was the main event.. I feel that Lawrence Taylor/Bam Bam Bigelow is kind of a lost gem.. On the Celebrity match scale it's 6 star match..LT actually took some punishment and slams cause he actually took the time between the Rumble and Mania to learn to bump a little... -Ummm...Diesel bringing out Pam Anderson -Austin/Rock pre-match Video set to "My Way" at X-7 -Chicago Street Fight at 13 -'Taker's Belt pose at 13/23
  23. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    So what's with this Glen Beck tool? He's worse than O'Reilly... "I didnt watch the Democratic Debates last night because I have a life" Fuck outta here w/ that BullShit. I believe him if he wasnt such a pompous ass all the time..
  24. RonL21

    Heath Ledger dead

    Lawd@ Nancy Grace.. Why Do I watch this show?
  25. RonL21

    Bobby Lashley released

    it was two different statements... *sigh @ all the Lashley Hate" Was directed to those that said he didnt have talent when clearly he has the amateur background and accolades to prove otherwise you wouldve thought that he was Khali in the ring the way some people are speaking... And my other statement was just what it seems like in Wrestling to me... Shelton's been with the company for like 6 years, is talented, and is now just getting his second real push.... Kinda like in baseball...There's flashes here and there but you definetly saw more Blacks in the past then you do now... but that's not all wrestlings fault, though