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Everything posted by RonL21

  1. RonL21

    Booker T Quits WWE

  2. RonL21

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    I don't see the one Matt Hardy gave Brock Lesnar Or That One Wicked one Rocky gave Ken Shamrock
  3. RonL21

    Booker T Quits WWE

    This is most disstressing news... Clearly Anarchy will rule the Kingdom now that our King is gone...
  4. RonL21

    Examples of a Wrestler TRULY Being Put Over

    Looking back...Bret always seem to make people look good in matches.. He had great matches with Hakushi and 123 Kid and a lot of other during the early/mid 90s He didnt job but midcarders sure looked like they stepped up there game when they faced him
  5. RonL21

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    Ok.. I like that pic of Matt and MVP
  6. RonL21

    OaO Non spoiler ECW Thread 9/4

    *sigh* Thought I was gonna see a Pepsi Plunge
  7. RonL21

    OaO Non spoiler ECW Thread 9/4

    LOL @ the fan w/ the CM Punk sign while holding a beer... NICE
  8. RonL21

    OaO Non spoiler ECW Thread 9/4

    Plus Also.. Im sure the WWE is cautious about how they handle issues like that given Benoit's situation
  9. RonL21

    OaO Non spoiler ECW Thread 9/4

    I thought he had to take care of the deceased kids as well
  10. RonL21

    OaO Non spoiler ECW Thread 9/4

    If Rey is 5'6 i'm 8'4
  11. RonL21

    OaO Non spoiler ECW Thread 9/4

    i said one of the best i see your point though
  12. RonL21

    OaO Non spoiler ECW Thread 9/4

    How could you not want Layla to bear your children?
  13. RonL21

    OaO Non spoiler ECW Thread 9/4

    Is it just me or is Miz one of the best sellers in the Fed?
  14. RonL21

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    No Kristal No Sharmell No Layla And the Black Women continue to get no love
  15. RonL21

    OaO Non spoiler ECW Thread 9/4

    Ooooooooooo Batista Diss
  16. RonL21


    No Erie Hudson=No Go
  17. RonL21

    NFL Discussion Forumtable: 2007

    Anyone else seen that NFL Sunday Ticket commercial with the Mannings and Matt Leinart? Best one so Far...Archie's " I always wanted a lefty" was just gold
  18. RonL21

    Complete Raw spoilers

    Oh How I want to badly sig this
  19. RonL21

    Complete Raw spoilers

    Honestly... What's the point of this?
  20. RonL21

    Complete Raw spoilers

    ahhh..How i miss the interviews from WWF headquarters
  21. RonL21

    Complete Raw spoilers

    The problem is that it feels like a complete rehash of all the other "dominant" female angles we've seen in the past. While that is true, the last time I recall that happening was when Chyna was with the company. And Chyna was clearly more dominant than the other women on the roster Unless we're counting Nicole Bass
  22. RonL21

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    I mean who was the unsuspecting person.. And I wouldnt have thought Cade and Murdoch had the type of ability to pull a rib like that Maybe HHH or someone of main event calibur but Cade and Murdoch?
  23. What a great pic. Fail to see how somebody who was handed a belt because the (then) champion was suspended=great picture. Should have given the belt to Burke, he's far more interesting than CM Punk is. This is very true. But didnt Nitro win the title under the same cicumstances? Benoit was suspended for being dead? you know what i meant...CM Punk had to lose to someone at Vengeance because Benoit had to take care of Family Matters
  24. What a great pic. Fail to see how somebody who was handed a belt because the (then) champion was suspended=great picture. Should have given the belt to Burke, he's far more interesting than CM Punk is. This is very true. But didnt Nitro win the title under the same cicumstances?
  25. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Booker T WWE Championship Johnathan Cena© vs. Randal Orton World Heavyweight Championship The Great Khali© vs. David Batista Reymondo Mysterio vs. Chavito Guerrero ECW World Championship Johnathan Morrison© vs Charles Michael Punk Intercontinental Championship Kenneth Kennedy vs Umaga© vs Carlos Cool David Finlay vs Kane Divas Battle Royal