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Everything posted by RonL21

  1. Bret Does look to be in good shape aside from the grey hair he looks like the Hitman
  2. Boy..I'd never think i'd see the day where Bret Hart actually going to bat for the WWE Several times no less
  3. In a word: NO. who was that guy on Hannity and Colmes...I mean...I wouldve defened Benoit on how he got his nickname no matter how much i hate what he did
  4. I hope His wife and Dominik are sleeping with one eye open That goes double for Mrs. Angle Don't you think that's just a bit out of line? yea..it probably is....But ive seen worse in this thread
  5. I hope His wife and Dominik are sleeping with one eye open That goes double for Mrs. Angle
  6. WOW..Benoit broke some guys neck on Purpose Why I hate when these folks who are clueless act like they have all the facts
  7. Geraldo's Insight on Hannity and Colmes next... This is gonna be must see
  8. Please do a story on Hannity and Colmes *edit* I wanna hear what Paris has to say on Larry King though
  9. Alex Hung up.....I don't blame him She was gonna ask him about the time Benoit wrestled Billy Graham for the King of the Ring
  10. Demoted from 4 horseman to Raw Those Bastards at the WWE
  11. LMAO @ Bret Hart better know as the Hitman in his Hey Day
  12. Muchnick brought up a good point.....And O'reilly Hoed him in typical O'reilly fashion.... Ugh..I hate O'reilly...Especially when i know he's jumping to conclusions
  13. Apparently Woman is partially to blame
  14. Did O'reilly bother to do research
  15. Could be Marijuana too
  16. I didnt even know WSX still came on
  17. All jokes aside... A fitting term is it not? Im sure Stone Cold have Debra the Thesz Press a time or two
  18. Try Beating Benoit in that Cage Match in Career mode in WrestleMania 2000 I should have known something then...I sure lost a controller trying to get past that match
  19. The nerve of some people... http://media.uselessjunk.com/images/stories/benoit_8.jpg http://media.uselessjunk.com/images/stories/benoit_5.jpg http://media.uselessjunk.com/images/stories/benoit_7.jpg
  20. I hate personally when all these people who clearly know nothing about wrestling obviously convey sterotypical bullshit....O'reilly and Grace for one...I thought Shepard Smith and Anderson Cooper did a good job But most of these fuckers all 54 types of clueless
  21. Benoit is not the respect police. Taker obviously had the day off
  22. Booker was talking about how he wrestled Chris more than anyone and how he never saw this side of him and knew his wife and all his children Said he was going through all ranges of emotions..even said he was Pissed at Benoit Said he would be at the Funeral Said he hopes to see him again and found out what happened If Chris doest make it to Heaven..im sure Eddie can fill him in though
  23. Book was honest there I undestand his feelings...you can't wrestle someone that amount of times and get some kind of bond..That US title BEst of 7 in WCW was good stuff He was pissed...He was Sad...He'll even be at the funeral